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Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

just found out the circle can end on mirage voyage and that's pretty great (may have felt different if I hadn't won)


Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I want to see the players who got really good at nullifying nades by dumping items on them

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

a little known fact is that predator lobbies require both extremely high skills as well as extremely high ping

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I like it way better on the flatline than the 301, but it’s definitely situational either way

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

what a strange thing to freak out about

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

JOHN CENA posted:

need big brain griefing strats

the rest of my team left so I kept poking the team that killed them above and around capacitor, using the labs portal a few times to escape. They eventually tried chasing me out of the labs portal and into the ring, where their gibby chased the hardest but still couldn't catch up or kill me (horizon) until he had to bail because his team was in a fight. Ran all the way around capacitor again, took the labs portal, and caught up to at watch at least 4 other teams descend on their fight at Hydro Dam. Watched from afar and poked a bunch to anyone who was in my view until eventually it looked like the team I was originally griefing won.

Then I killed their last person standing.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Always dropping with a gun means we’ll lose the early game janky fisticuffs or mobbing some schmuck

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I'm fine with the regular mode being back but I definitely had to re-learn how to drop today without white armor at the very least

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

The final few rings are pretty taxing on either the game or the servers when you the main ring, a few hot zones, and players with all their abilities and gunfire. Kept freezing up

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Gold stocks haven't even been on the ground before have they?

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Simone Magus posted:

Nope. I think they're functionally the same as purple stocks though

I actually just got a gold 301 in my game and it is in fact a purple stock, or looks like one at least

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

drop solo and load up i guess

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever


Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

dragon enthusiast posted:

the wraith moved forward a bit and it bounced off of them

That's what I figured except for the arc following what it should until this frame, a long ways from the Wraith

much better than the last time some weirdness happened with my black hole (though this is more obvious)

Tweak fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Mar 15, 2021

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I didnt mind the first flare mode but this one is pretty bad, and the sound effects just make the whole thing extra dreadful. I hope the patch tomorrow fixes the sound and brings a better takeover

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

SKULL.GIF posted:

This takeover is buggy as hell, I keep getting games where I get 0 credit for half a dozen kills.

might be related to them turning off the assasin/wrath/wake (kills/damage) badges for the event

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I wish the green boxes for someone respawning left at least a battery or something with the other items. If youre barely scraping by as is and eke by a team it’d be nice to get somewhat close to full before they drop again.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

The funniest thing to me about the mode is it didnt stop a bunch of people I played with from quitting right when the got downed. Did anyone notice if this mode counted 2 deaths a game?

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

at the risk of it being spammed, it would be nice if there was a voice line or something to your teammates about your q/ult being on CD when you try to use it like there is with health items.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

they should have made objectives like those drill things from the loba quests for apex-strike

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

sweet I won a game and less than 30s later the last person I killed joined my stream chat to call me a pussy. I wish they had been streaming (they advertised it in their name even!) so I could see why they were so riled up and also had white armor in the last round

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I think an objective would make the mode more interesting, like re-using the miner from the season 5 quest for instance

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

My first reaction is it needs one more bow nerf

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

They should add a third confirmation window for leaving Arenas early because I am too stupid to not exit the game on muscle memory when I see, "squad eliminated"

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Something weird happened with my sentinel charge up when I switched to it mid match, but it charged fine whenever I did it during the buy phase

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

unless i’m working on a challenge round 2 and on I almost always buy a 301. Occasionally I’ll pair it with a sent or an eva, but I mostly just try to get it with a 3X and buy out batteries/arcs

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Usually no one even bothers to contest it, but I had a game on wrecked ship the other day where me and the enemy bangalore then eventually whole enemy team made a game over rushing the center material canister. No canisters in sudden death tho so we had to win the regular way

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I think that’s only true on wrecked ship? On phase runner/thermal station you at least then need to also get 1 of the mats from the side the enemy team rushed. Otherwise you both got the same amount of mats & a bin except they have the circle/height

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Has anyone playing on Steam received their background for watching a twitch stream yet? My inventory page on twitch (which I just learned existed) shows I've claimed it & that my accounts are linked, but I don't see it in game.

edit: may have just had the wrong account linked

Tweak fucked around with this message at 07:21 on Jun 4, 2021

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Alternatively, play with pubbies and dont worry about playing badly because theyre just pubbies who you’ll most likely never cross again

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Chard posted:

there was a lot of talk about a pve event for this season, hinted at with the infected ships and all that, but i haven't heard a peep in weeks

In the comics theyre about to go hunt for spiders or something, my first thought was they would make a PVE event for it.

I’m guessing it’ll just end up being a couple dramatic panels with sound effects, though.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Which reminds me, what are the circumstances where a kill is awarded when another person does die to the ring/fall off the map? I gather it's because I for instance was the last person who dealt damage to them, but it doesn't always happen. I think I've heard if the person heals (at all? To full?) after they were shot and then died to the ring/fall, it ends up as a suicide instead. It might be a timer like assists, but I swear I've been awarded kills from someone outside the ring well after what that should be (unless it used to be different).

Tweak fucked around with this message at 21:34 on Jun 11, 2021

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

My first thought is always if there is a space Trinidad or space France or did they all get their accents on Earth before blasting off to the outlands at like, 7

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I am here for canonical space canoes

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

The only time I’ve incurred a leaver penalty is when I was an idiot and forgot what mode I was playing when I saw the, “squad eliminated” message

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I wonder if console players prefer arenas since there is little to no looting or inventory management to slow them down. Also no third parties requiring a slow turning 360 to the person shooting at your back.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

I found something sweeter than winning a BR solo: winning a BR solo by killing the person who knocked you earlier in the game that you escaped and self revived from while your teammates quit out.

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

another arenas flash event? Seeming desperate to get people to play your new mode, Respawn

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

Arenas just isn't as interesting to me as BR, but if the map is good I'm ok with it as an occasional change of pace. Overflow I very much hate, but the originals & Olympus aren't that bad. The biggest problem I have with Olympus is I lost a round one time because off to the side the circle can finish on top of the bridge over the stairs, and the people on top will lose because there is a sculpture in the way of the closing final ring.


Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

isn't it also where all the try hards would gently caress off from their teammate and drop solo (at least before no fill)

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