do the gold barrel stabs retain the old gold barrel property? the weird thing where they don't have muzzle flash?
# ¿ Mar 10, 2021 21:03 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 22:23 |
why doesn't it tell you what the ring is doing today lmao
# ¿ Mar 15, 2021 18:25 |
you kind of need to drop hot a bunch of times to get the hang of the combat - i always assume that's a big factor in why places like skulltown always were insanely hot and always attracted the same kind of player. lots of people just want to maximize their combat/time ratio. i feel like if people get really hooked on this kind of gameplay are the people who become ttv wraiths or horizons.
# ¿ Mar 16, 2021 00:02 |
won a 1v3 clutch today for a game we eventually won, haven't done that in awhile
# ¿ Mar 24, 2021 23:48 |
KingKapalone posted:We couldn't get my friend on steam in our origin party. Not sure if his accounts were linked though before he gave up and just downloaded the game on origin. it's super buggy at times. we've found that's one of the main functional uses of clubs - for whatever reason you can often join that way when the game steadfastly refuses to admit one of you is online.
# ¿ Mar 25, 2021 23:37 |
Daztek posted:I think it was fun for an event, but removing a whole tier of loot seems excessive. Blue gear will just become the new white. Only now you won't have an advantage because you get some lucky purple mods vs a more skilled player with no mods/white mods. remove the white backpack and maybe knockdown shield from the crafting pool and just spawn with them imo. the event was more fun because you don't need to gently caress around with utility.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2021 15:16 |
The Strangest Finch posted:Aight, I'm sure most of you are much better at this game than I am. So. What the hell is the value of the G7 Scout? I'm prepared to admit I'm just awful with it, but drat does it seem like an awful gun. play as revenant and use it while crouch walking, that's a fun combo. it really wants a barrel stab and any scope because it has (imo) some of the worst iron sights in the whole game. with that said, kitted it plays very similar to a 3030 or something. it used to have a mod but they took it away, i liked double tap for hipfiring it.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 02:36 |
man i miss sticking a digithreat on the scout. it was terrible, let me be clear, but it kind of worked incredibly well to spot and harass with. i won one of my first games as a terrible newbie player via good callouts to my much better teammates with a digi scout, memories
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 03:12 |
octanes is the best heirloom and imo it's not close. i wish they offered a finisher with it tho.
# ¿ Mar 29, 2021 23:43 |
i recently upgraded my machine and shadows genuinely give you something of a competitive advantage, i've observed. several times i've cottoned on to a team using a jumppad or tower by seeing their shadow flit past when i'm in a canyon or something.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2021 20:03 |
can't get in on steam at all. got a weird "missing origin token" message and now it won't connect.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2021 21:23 |
i get people offering me to join/friend up all the time because i am polite and a good teammate. it's little stuff - like, take a second to type "good luck!" in the chat when you start, completely and permanently disable ingame voice, ping a lot, share your loot, don't be toxic etc. it's very rare i get a teammate i get annoyed at mostly because i don't hear them, frankly.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2021 22:13 |
won two games today and two games yesterday . good mozambique was the most fun i've had in this game since the sentinel bug and it is loving tragic there isn't like, a red care package only version in endgame that sets it to godmode again.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2021 02:58 |
Cowslips Warren posted:I am the weird goon who has only ever really played Legacy of Kain, Overwatch, and Apex Legends (the last two because my niece and friend got me into them). What exciting poo poo in Titanfall crosses into Apex? the singleplayer campaign of titanfall 2 is absolutely worth the two sticks of gum and some pocket lint price point it's usually at, particularly for an apex fan. the movement in apex is a extremely highly simplified and depowered system from TF2.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2021 03:36 |
Skyarb posted:Y'all brains are really really broken if you played tf2 and didn't like the titans. Like a seriously, painfully dumb opinion to have. i can really only comment on it having gone from apex -> tf2 but playing with the robots was like playing constantly stuck in rampart's gun. powerful sure but the game is about movement and none of the titan abilities are a fraction as broken as or anywhere in the same loving zip code as fun as wall jumps imo.
# ¿ Apr 5, 2021 01:37 |
MarshyMcFly posted:You mean legion? Legion was the only titan that resembled ramparts minigun with Gibraltar’s gun shield. My favorite titan was Ion. Basic mobility but had a laser beam that could zap pilots out of the sky after they ejected. Ion could also rip a legion a new one by absorbing all of its bullets and shooting them back. no idea, i went through the singleplayer once and didn't really touch the multi (and this was a couple of months ago). i really enjoyed the game don't get me wrong but having come from apex i found the big robots kind of a chore - i was always much happier when i could set my robot buddy to backup and i could zoom around on my rocket skates. like rampart's gun in that you trade mobility for damage potential, i guess. the parts where you duelled another pilot were not my favourite parts. i kind of feel like that's going to be a pretty typical reaction to someone going from apex -> tf2 like i did? the movement in that game feels like taking the training wheels off apex's movement and really rewards understanding the momentum in a very fun way. i didn't dislike the big robots but i much preferred that freedom.
# ¿ Apr 5, 2021 16:34 |
Megaman's Jockstrap posted:What is this talk of no mobility in the Titans? They have a great dash and move quickly, and several of them have actual flight or teleport mechanics. They just aren't tiny cracked-out wallrunning freaks who can attack from nearly any angle at any time. also worth highlighting that i am an octane main lol
# ¿ Apr 5, 2021 17:00 |
the thing which used to suck about playing the LTM was it didn't count for dailies or weeklies, the new model is much better in that respect.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2021 19:33 |
the prowler auto reloads but the kreber doesn't have any attachments afaik, it's just a kreber, and shotgun bolts don't autoreload so the PK can't.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2021 19:08 |
no, but implicitly he's dying of whatever killed her father, probably cancer. caustic is breaking bad.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 01:00 |
Wattson, who sees her dead father in caustic, suspects his mass murder plans are because he's dying of cancer. other legends do not seem to have a problem with this. Wattson goes to caustics house to find out his mass murder plans. he threatens to gas her, she calls his bluff, he flips because she's the only person he has literally ever expressed any positive emotions about in any context. Wattson tases him, disables the gas bomb or whatever and threatens him to go to the Mafia with the knowledge that he wanted to do mass chemical terrorism (?) and as such the characters are one again at their old equilibrium. the art is good, the writing is poor imo
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 01:28 |
not a fan of this particular LTM. fights wind up insanely dragged out - routinely playing for 10+ minutes and there are still like 14 squads left, lol at one point we pushed into estates and were like "huh someone else must have had the same idea" because there were still like four squads fighting. nope, that was the hotdrop teams lol
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 21:56 |
Tibalt posted:I mean, that's the perennial complaint - 15 squads are eliminated before the first ring ends, and then you've got 5-10 minutes of squads hunting each other down. is that something that people dislike? this is my first battle royale (and only if you don't count fall guys) but what appeals to me is that the server of 60 people might have a bunch who wanna frag, some who wanna hide and rat, some who REALLY wanna win, some good players, some not so good players, some toxic players etc. for me, that kind of chaotic mix in combination with the inherent randomness of the loot system and complexities of legend abilities makes for dynamic and interesting gameplay. i like that some games it's just the biggest clusterfuck in skulltown and all of a sudden there are three squads left in second ring and you're all like . honestly, personally, the optimal amount of time i want to play a game i'm going to lose is minimum, and this game mode fucks with that. the absolute worst kind of game (imo) is the one where you can't find anyone and wind up in the endgame with blue armour and get annihilated, 15 minute game like 30 damage. this game mode isn't quite that bad but it reminds me of it unfortunately. also from a game design perspective i've always liked armour swapping as a mechanic - i don't love it's an esoteric menu skill (that apparently super sucks on controller) but it's really neat and is a huge defence against third parties. this game mode fucks with that too. there's no way to know if you're going to get armour or not get armour, it sucks.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 22:36 |
Boxman posted:I was gonna pick up Titanfall 2 finally, because everyone raves about it and its $7.50 on Steam at the moment. The first one doesn't have a single player campaign to speak of, right? I'm guessing it isn't really even worth the $5 they're asking? 1 had iirc literally just offline multiplayer with radio plays between the arena fights, and after they were criticized for this they spent a fortune on the singleplayer for 2 and it shows.
# ¿ Apr 19, 2021 16:50 |
it's already confusing enough introducing new players to the trillion gun types with extremely similar names, gonna be fun when there's a gun that's called the longbow that isn't the bow lol
# ¿ Apr 19, 2021 18:37 |
also and it's frustrating to say this particularly as someone who has to play online games a lot, in my observation only incredibly terrible, meta warping balance mistakes really disincentivize players and even then only after a long time. it's an ongoing joke in my discord that i used to play octane back when he was terrible (he's been buffed so so many times) and probably would have continued doing so even with the competitive disadvantage because i so enjoyed the gameplay.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2021 15:31 |
Cowslips Warren posted:So for those of us who never played titanfall, can anyone give me some backstory as to this new Northstar business? I watch the video and the comments on youtube were full of people chiming off different catch phrases they want to be used for her ult but there wasn't really a lot of explanation as to why she would be in the Apex games? blisk, south african dude and founder of the apex games, was i think one of the primary protagonists in titanfall 1 and absolutely the primary antagonist in 2. he ran a titan mercenary company and employed viper (who at some point tried to retire and had a kid as per the events of the video) viper was a boss you brutally murder in tf2 in what was probably the best boss fight of that game. valkyrie obviously blames blisk for getting her father killed to some degree but, as outlined in the video that was kind of irrational - blisk didn't force viper into it or anything he just used to be his boss. instead of seeking her vengeance with what was left of her father's titan she has chosen to honour his memory by participating in the games.
# ¿ Apr 21, 2021 14:10 |
i play with a PC player who uses a controller, something adequately common it has turned up in the highest levels of competitive play
# ¿ Apr 21, 2021 15:23 |
Songbearer posted:Nothing beats its Disruptor Round version though put it in the care package with some toned down variant of DR and give me my sweet prowler back please respawn
# ¿ Apr 21, 2021 21:08 |
Zesty posted:and it's really up in the air who has the advantage when it's console players vs PC players. Apparently consoles do a bit of auto tracking? pretty significant auto-aim and honestly legit pretty close to perfect (at my skill level/observation) in balance with mouse/keyboard, it's very well implemented to be good without being OP. there are some weird quirks - any scope over 3x loses auto tracking when ADS (iirc?) so you can't really snipe as easily for example, but it's totally totally competitive with kb/m.
# ¿ Apr 22, 2021 02:56 |
SKULL.GIF posted:It sounds like Hammerpoint and Skullpiercer are getting the Precision Choke treatment. that and make every pistol able to equip quick draw, print it
# ¿ Apr 26, 2021 21:04 |
if you know the jump is coming it's a relatively easy track, which is why as octane it's very good to use it when being pursued and then turn around and shoot skeet. the new faster jump feels a lot safer but that might just be proximity to the ground.
# ¿ Apr 29, 2021 17:10 |
bushisms.txt posted:I love how this is a nerf in that it tasks the user with having some self control. gonna be sweet as gently caress in a just-outrunning-a-ring situation until it decidedly isn't
# ¿ Apr 29, 2021 18:39 |
i'm of two minds, because one i don't think octane needed a nerf and that he spent one season good at all as a design goal, not something that needs addressed. but i'm ngl i'm going to hammer stim on cold drops now lmao
# ¿ Apr 29, 2021 18:51 |
Ra Ra Rasputin posted:When octane is holding the stimpack and using the bow the arrows just sorta load themselves in. when you start seeing magazines floating around on their own merit that's how you know you got the good stim, and it's definitely time to attack.
# ¿ Apr 30, 2021 00:31 |
Relyssa posted:Let Loba + anyone else in the Support category open the extra compartment in blue bins. also and this is more a product of pubbing too much, give every class who can some stupid minor thing when you hit a survey beacon. they don't all need to be as powerful as path's obviously but pubbie pathfinders actually ping beacons without extensive wrangling. half an ult accel effect. something.
# ¿ Apr 30, 2021 19:37 |
you put blast caps on and the incredibly accurate and deadly short range weapon gets considerably worse, it's actually kind of funny.
# ¿ May 7, 2021 03:21 |
The Grumbles posted:Thermites are so good in Arena! You finish off downed players, rack up tons of damage if the fighting has got stuck at a chokepoint, and the damage numbers give you great info on where people are moving to. It can be a bit hard to anticipate where the line is going to appear, but they're still my faves. Surprising to hear people don't really use them. my friend (who is much better than me) has always said the best part about thermites is the lack of delay - shy of arc sticks or esoteric high parabola shots with frags or whatever only thermites immediately start hurting when you throw them.
# ¿ May 15, 2021 11:40 |
J posted:Is there any sort of leaver penalty for arenas? Seems like people just love to leave after losing the first round. no, it's totally worthless without a premade team imo after not playing arenas for ages i gave it a try and won my first six games in a row with lifeline, a welcome suprise. i just bought lstar, mozambique and gold backpack
# ¿ May 16, 2021 01:36 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 22:23 |
Live At Five! posted:As someone who only started playing Apex after the PK was added to the care package, I can never figure out how to effectively use it. Anytime I pick the PK up I miss more shots than I do using the Mozzie. Am I just poo poo or am I missing something? you are probably missing something. the peacekeeper does not automatically apply a "choke" effect to the pellet spread when ADS and as such is better fired from the hip - it shares this property with the eva 8 only, both the mozambique and the mastiff have a STRONG effect. this is confused somewhat as the "precision choke" effect on the PK does tighten the spread but really only for special shots, you don't want to rely on that something that charges up in a close fight - typically it will serve you MUCH better if you don't ADS at all. also, if your character is doing something with their other hand there's a special spincock animation which is pro. i like going into the firing range as octane and trying to do as much damage as i can to dummies before i stop spincocking.
# ¿ May 16, 2021 15:51 |