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Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
All of the best characters don’t have to be unlocked. Gibby, Bloodhound, and Lifeline should be all you ever need unless you want to fart bomb people in hot drops, then Caustic is v good.

Fuse is gonna be a blast though.

Mirage should be the first unlock though because he’s a dumb troll character that’s actually pretty effective.


Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

George H.W. oval office posted:

Level challenges don't give a level they give +10 stars now.

Is this good or bad? I don't pay attention to any of the quests or XP I just get pleasantly surprised when I unlock stuff.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

xtal posted:

As a loba main I'm loving the ability to ninja care packages. I've ended two games with a prowler and peacekeeper

fuuuuuck how did i miss that

My Steam download is 7.0/7.0 but still says 0/1 complete and won't launch. Restarting steam didn't change it either.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Simone Magus posted:

Everyone's gonna use the Fuse pirate skin eh

there are no other skins

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
30-30 is great. I'm going to be running a lot of spitfire/30-30.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
never let go of W

John DiFool posted:

Came across a fuse carcass with 15 arc stars.

the correct way to play*

*all champs

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Pedestrian Xing posted:

Distinct lack of polar bear there :colbert:

its too mascot and not enough rip your face off bear

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

can't let the players have too much fun!

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Spirit nade needs a larger radius or his ult needs to charge faster and then he would be in a really good spot balance wise.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Skyarb posted:

Can't wait for that one goon to come into the thread proudly proclaiming he does this too and its actually fine and good.

it rules you dweeb

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

He's saying that because he won his first 3 games of the season, the game matched him in with other good players regardless of their connection, which led to no-regs and lag.

May or may not be true, but it would also self correct quickly if it was. If the lag was that big an issue no one would queue in predator lobbies.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
now? ya'll been sleeping on it because of the hemlok hype

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

J posted:

Is it just me or is the sound worse than it ever has been in this patch? I'm used to the game just not playing footsteps sometimes but it feels like it is happening a lot more now than ever.

I like when my teammates footsteps sound like a herd of elephants coming through too

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Live At Five! posted:

I've never plummeted to my death on Olympus, do you not look where you're going?

I always wallhack to make sure the other side is solid ground

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
I don't know what you meant to link but I don't think this is it

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
BRs as a whole are huge in Asia. PUBG has TV shows and stuff in Korea with celebs and idols on with the esports stars.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

runchild posted:

Purely anecdotal evidence, but:

-I often see Japanese streamers in the Apex category on Twitch, at least as far back as Season 2.
-I saw videos of big outdoor advertisements from a Japanese Twitter account back when Season 7 launched. Wish I could find it again but searching Twitter is like pulling teeth.
-This is/was in Shibuya Station:
In conclusion, yeah seems decently popular there.

drat that's some real bait and switch art direction :lol:

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Lucavi posted:

Hello guys, gonna need a solid 2nd-3rd for ranked (plat to diamond run), filthy controller/console player (ps5)

Wattson main for the moment, but like to play anyone on defense/support (loba, caustic et al)

Advanced level (lv430), love to follow and propose plans, chill player, ping everything, prefer no voice so i can focus on audio but can do voice if things get sweaty

PSN : lucaviftw

Add me or hit me up on the discord

post your kda

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
I use "going here" for that and hope they get it when they see the big rear end Gibby running away

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Cretin90 posted:

Lol at them only showing the player zoomed in via 4x with the devo for a fraction of a second before cutting to a 3rd person view because it’s loving impossible to control at that magnification.

it is with a controller :v:

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
let her ride the walls like link surfs his shield

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

repiv posted:

iiTzTimmy managed a 9069 damage game :stare:

RiP spitfire it was fun for 2 weeks

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

needs sound :(

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Yeah the game was definitely better with a basic all white loadout. Literally no downsides and stops a lot of stupid bad drop time waste games.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

is this happening to everyone else? keeps crashing my client when I interact with a deathbox. Really sucks rear end.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Left 4 Dead Space

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
on the other hand, EA crowd sourcing lore content for their bank making game is the most EA thing ever. I would bet a lot of money that fan didn't get paid what they should have.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
cheaper carrying a lot of weight there when you're talking Activision and EA

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
I'm not telling you to not play the game, but there's a big gap between that and praising the practice of crowd sourcing content for a company with a market cap of 40 billion.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Jinnigan posted:

How much of that 40 billion makes it to Respawn, do you think?

I think you're making my point more than you realize :hfive:

anyways, do folks on Discord play arenas much or stick to trios?

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Jinnigan posted:

while accepting without question

:hmmyes: definitely not a giant leap there again

the context is that they're doing this in lieu of having an actual team working on this stuff because it's cheaper, not because it's some great gift to the community. sorry I insulted your fav dev or whatever.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Simone Magus posted:

I don't think unplanned "teaming" is "cheating". If it is, then literally every time you third party you're cheating

lol at equating pal'ing around not shooting someone to third partying

but also lol at anyone taking this random happening between newbies as a serious offense

and also lol at anyone that says uppity

lol at everyone in this thread, including me

Bottom Liner fucked around with this message at 21:06 on Jun 26, 2021

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Simone Magus posted:

Using the Hemlock in Arenas a lot more and man I forgot how great this gun is

its fun to blast it in arena with no concern for ammo but in BR I find myself loving the single fire mode on it and the 301 lately.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
I'm just curious how many healing items the enemies bought for you to hit 5k damage in arena. :eyepop:

I topped out around 2k and that's when I did 90% of my teams damage.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
oh right, i was thinking it was a 3-0 of domination.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

iTrust posted:

All on Steam version;

Since the release of Genesis, it's taking me - on average - five minutes to Load into the game.

When the game eventually loads, I'm greeted with a Disconnection error.

I then reconnect - after another few minutes - and change Game mode to Arenas or Ranked.

What follows is a huge stutter and a 50/50 chance that I'm either going to get a disconnection error again or it's going to agree with what I've asked and let me Ready Check for whatever game mode it is I've elected to play.

This isn't stopping me from playing or anything, it's just a pretty annoying thing. I'd say it's taking me 10-15 minutes from Gameload to actually being able to play.

So... is this happening with anyone else, or does anybody know what the drat hell?

sounds like a weird network issue more than game? Game has been running much better for me since event launch with the only bug I was getting previously seemingly gone.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

SteelMentor posted:

This is like that guy who's been flooding the other TF2's public servers with bots to quote unquote save the game.

Is that why it just hit its all time peak concurrent players?? If so, that's loving hilarious.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Arenas loading fine but can't get into BRs.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Horizon is busted on Skulltown arena. You get all 3 teammates to whatever roof you want instantly and just dominate.

It's a fun arena map too. Need more vertical based maps.


Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna

Cowslips Warren posted:

I mean, why not just put them in the game and make these what you win with a treasure packs?

jesus dude don't give them any ideas

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