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Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
How is the game on Steam? I've been considering buying this game but I'm not sure if I want to buy it on Steam, PS4, or Switch.

shrike82 posted:

playing the game at 1440P with proper AA, 60FPS, and near-instantaneous loadtimes is amazing - especially compared with the Japanese switch version at launch
i hope they do PC releases day-and-date moving forward

Oh wait maybe this answers my question.


Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Started playing the game yesterday, and by jove I missed the P5 world. Was good seeing the Phantom Thieves in action again. Still in the 1st jail, when it turned out that ||you needed to turn off 2 more power stations to get to the palace|| it made me sorta sad!

Lost like 30 minutes of progress and had to do the fight tutorials all over again because the game decided to crash for no reason, but luckily cutscene skips exist, and it gave me another chance to fight the Bicorn and get a bit more used to the combat (still not fully used to it though). At least it taught me to save religiously and hasn't crashed since.

Audio felt off at a few points, though that might have been my headphones.

SP limitations suck, as usual. It's nice you can insta-refill cause checkpoints are plentiful but that just means more extra loading as you enter in and out.

Still getting hang of the dodging and general combat, I get hit way too often cause I can't dodge cancel well enough.

Really like how each character seems to have their own unique playstyle/moveset. Especially interested in Ryuji's charging up and Yusuke's counters and Ann's enchant mechanic. Do Ann's Fire-enchanted attacks trigger enemy weaknesses like Persona skills do?

Maybe I should go down to Easy instead of Normal.

I love the UI aesthetics so much, Sophie's shop menu is super cute and all the other menus are fuckin' dope too.

Sorta sad that the round table discussions are gone, but happy to have pre-infiltration chitchat around.

Been reading the tips and character thoughts that other people have posted which were very helpful.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Finished the first dungeon, halfway into the second.

The game's combat sorta clicked with me in the decoy sequence where it's just you against a huge mob. Kept dying repeatedly by spamming attacks without dodging so I switch to a more cautious playstyle with more dodging and got more used to summoning Personas. Alice was easy to beat, to the point where I wondered if I was overleveled (15 in Normal Mode).

Haru is very good so far.

Game's humor is still landing very hard.

Persona fusing seems very barebones though that may be because I am only level 21 or something. It's better to have a separate Persona for each element and not a single multi-element Persona, right? So you can have Boosts and Amps and poo poo?

I keep wondering why nobody in this game is wearing a mask, I think COVID has altered the way I view society now.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Dang, this game seems to be crashing a bit more than I would like for it to be crashing.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Ooh, I'll keep that in mind!

I only crashed once today but it was during a long length of a dungeon where there's no save points in between.

Crashing in of itself doesn't bug me too much cause I can have the game running in no time at all, but crashing in-between unsavable spots gets annoying!

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Are there any tips to fusing Personas? I keep getting into my Persona game mindset and trying to toss every element on a single Persona but there's no real reason to do that since changing Personas doesn't take up a turn in this game!

There's also less Personas in general so I have to keep deleting of fusing away other Personas to make new ones to carry on my skills.

I'm on Jail 3 right now.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Oh god.

Oh gently caress.

I just got to Akane being a Phantom Thieves fan streamer.

Jesus I love this game.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Man, after the third dungeon, poo poo just goes off at a breakneck pace, huh? Both Okinawa and Kyoto had really short palaces and tons of plot going on!

Wolf doing the whole 'scream to the heavens' after Shadow Akane vanished, only for everyone to tell him that she's fine was so hilarious.

The Kyoto boss fight was hella fun too, I was expecting the Palace to last longer, and for Zenkichi to be integral (since bosses tend to be weak to the story-connected character), so the 1 vs 1 caught me off guard and it was awesome.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I'm on the, uh... 6th Jail? And the difficulty seems to have shot way up compared to the 5th Jail.

I'm spending a lot more SP in fights than usual.

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
It took me until the 6th dungeon to finally start using Shock/Freeze into Phys/Gun technicals and drat did that make the game so much easier. To the point where the boss was easier to beat than the harder mob fights.

Still don't really use ailments yet though.

Are there any tips to using Makoto and Sophie and Wolf? Most characters seem pretty no-brainer (especially Phys damage dealers like Ryuji and Yusuke), but I feel like I'm not really feeling certain characters that well.


Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Ah, thanks for the tips.

I'm still on the 7th dungeon so I don't have endgame skills, but Wolf only has his Almighty and Gun skills at the moment, and I don't use debuffs that much (also he hasn't learned Debilitate yet for me, I think), so I've been having issues playing with him. I use weakness spam or Technical Phys/Gun to handle most stuff, and he seems to get knocked out of his combos more easily than Haru or Ryuji, so it's hard to get him to stick to an enemy/boss. I guess I can get more mileage out of him later or in a NG+.

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