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Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
A few hours in and is Joker the only character that can Ambush from a distance or by running up to enemies? It seems like everyone else has difficulty doing so outside of from vantage points because pressing X just brings up their unique action. He's also clearly the most powerful, but at the same time feels the most gated by SP. I think another annoying part of it is how much you have to pay attention to at any given time. There's character switching, checking to see if anybody got afflicted with a status, checking to see if there's any environment things to take care of, checking to see if anyone is giving you a prompt to switch to them, Showtime, etc.

Also, are weapon upgrades actually useful in this game because of the fighting style?

I haven't done too much messing around with party members but I imagine someone will make a rough character guide soon enough. But just from that little messing around:

Joker: Dagger sweeps and gun shots, lots of versatility from Persona switching. If you're swapping away from him, make sure to leave him in a competent Persona.
Ryuji: Club swings and fairly slow but powerful chargeable headbutts. Doesn't seem too amazing so far personally, especially since SP is a real concern for him.
Morgana: Sword slashes and spins, nice ground/air transitions. Can turn into a car and mow enemies down. Small size may be a benefit?
Ann: Whips to cover area, can use X to give herself Fire enchant which is nice for saving SP. Might be a bit slow as a trade-off.
Yusuke: Rapid sword thrusts, counter stances. Seems good for racking up damage on single targets but long animations might make it more difficult to dodge if spamming.
Makoto: Punch machinegun, can use X to give herself Nuclear enchant. Combos can help cover her lack of range with things like wheelie spins.
Haru: Extendable axe swings allow her to quickly spin through mobs. Melady's gun fire seems the only other option to easily hit Shot weaknesses. Nice trash mob clearer, but a little slow and open to getting hit while doing so.
Sophia: Not that great for crowds, but decent timing allows her to play a safe ranged playstyle. Haven't used her that much.

Mainwaring posted:

Debating between PS4 and switch versions, how do they compare so far?

Playing on Switch, handheld has some noticeable loading time and some 'characters start speaking a split second before the text box appears', but nothing that's unplayable.


Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Infinity Gaia posted:

You know every character has guns, right? I'd say Ann is actually ridiculously good against gun weak enemies in this game since you can actually aim her drat SMG this time and it just chews through things. And yeah, ambushing in general is kinda wonky, I try to always do it from a vantage point of some sort because doing it neutral is really hard, you need to be kinda way too close.

Yeah, it actually works out alright and Haru's is still ridiculous.

The difficulty felt like it spiked a bit towards the end of the first dungeon. I'm not sure how I feel about 'hey, there's a full cast of eight playable characters right away' since if you're lucky you brought someone to hit the mini-boss' weakness and if not well time to just wail on it the best you can. I think rolling with a physical squad with a healer or two is gonna be my best bet for longevity at least for now. So something like Haru/Yusuke/Morgana, or swap Yusuke for Sophia? Ryuji's ridiculously tanky but I can't really get the feel of his combos yet.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I'm right before the boss, but it's good to know that they're weak to Wind.

(I'm wondering if we should compile a list of weaknesses so new players can at least prep by bringing that character to that fight).

Also I've been playing on Normal and I can't even imagine how bad it gets on Hard. My guess is Yusuke is gonna be S-tier for that since his Counter playstyle is so useful.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

bobjr posted:

I like Haru’s cheerful dislike of the police

Yeah, she's a lot better now that she's given to you from the start and has more room to breathe.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Yes it is very strongly recommended to have played through P5(R). There's almost no attempt to catch a new player up to speed on cast relationships and old concepts are only lightly explained.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

YoshiOfYellow posted:

Out of curiosity who is everyone's favorite character to pilot so far? I'm still bad with him but I still thoroughly enjoy Yusuke finally being able to thrive as a weeb samurai now that he's not in a turn-based RPG. The counters are immensely satisfying on the rare occasions I land them. Having a free Masukukaja attached to one of his combos is rad too. Also enjoy Ann for her ultra wide combos and her Enchant does stupid poo poo to anything fire weak.

Yusuke is very good for boss fighting because Counter is great, but I usually try to main someone else so I can quickly go Baton Pass > X when I see an obvious boss windup since Yusuke himself has some long animations.

Haru is good, Yusuke is good, Makoto is good, Joker is of course good but I try to use the other characters to get their skills. Morgana's too flippy for me and he doesn't cover enough range, and Ann feels too all over the place when fighting bosses, and I haven't gotten the feel of Sophie's range yet.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Ytlaya posted:

One upside to this game not accounting for Royal is that it means we get a remix of Last Surprise instead of the new Royal "ambushed an enemy" theme.

Honestly having played through both tracks enough times as I shuffled randomly through everything, I actually prefer Take Over even to the remix. Last Surprise is really good but Take Over flows better with the frenetic style of this game.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Some quick, spoilery thoughts as I'm starting up the third dungeon:

The first dungeon is pretty good, they do a decent job of ramping up Alice as a threat. Though I was slightly disappointed at her leaning into maniacal villain so quickly in real life, instead of 'her subconscious is rude but her real life likes the treatment but has no idea why people are going crazy for her'. Atmosphere is solid, Ann leans into the head role nicely without overpowering it.

I've seen enough teasers to know Zenkichi is playable, so I'm vaguely curious to see how he gets there. At least his genuine reactions to the Metaverse are funny.

Second dungeon feels... kinda eh? Yusuke takes too much of a central role here I think with some chiming in by Futaba. The villain isn't really that threatening, he only has one town under his 'control' and the height of his own threat just seems to be 'very rude, wants to pick up women'. A book doesn't seem that prolific of a slave-making tool compared to Alice's fashion or an actual mayor, so I dunno. Plus if his writing is actually trash, then... I dunno, the industry isn't really that kind. There's no indication of how his actual writing looks before Prince of Nightmares, so if it's the same kind of hashed together anime tropes then I'm not really buying the 'work hard and you'll be good eventually' story they were trying to sell. Sometimes some people aren't meant to write.

I'm immediately cottoning onto the lady scientist as 'yup, you're evil'. Zenkichi immediately dismissing her as a non-threat, her reaction to Sophie, and her request to see her code. Nothing good is coming from this.

Also, thank you for no perv scene during the bath. Heck, you can even compliment Ryuji on his abs. Keep this up.

With the first two dungeons mirroring the central characters from P5, it's nice to see Haru being the central character going into the third dungeon. I was critical of Haru in P5, but she flows much bettter here in P5S. Her jokes land better ('I'm very handy with an axe' and 'I'm sorry, we just have no trust in the police' and 'My name is Beauty Thief!' are all good). I'll see how this goes.

Also, the music is all very good. The town themes for the second and third towns are both legitimately good, and I like the remix of Last Surprise well enough (though I still prefer Take Over as a general battle theme for this game).

ApplesandOranges fucked around with this message at 07:30 on Feb 23, 2021

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

YoshiOfYellow posted:

Actually minor correction to my previous post.

I recall one of the party making a quick comment before the warden fight saying that maybe the lovely editors were responsible for the rampant plagiarism in the book. It certainly tracks with their desire to ride Natsume's name to riches. Presumably they doctored up his writing massively to give some believable merit to his rigged award.

Eh, I don't buy that because his Jail is his cognition and it reflects the book, so he must have read the final product and believed he wrote it. Even if they doctored the work that got him the award, it just means that either he stopped actually trying after that and rattled off a bunch of cliches, or his writing genuinely is at that level, which explains why he keeps getting immediately rejected. Like, if he really was as hardworking as all that and was getting actual feedback, he'd see some actual improvement and probably at least advance a bit further in his competitions.

Anyway, moving towards the end of the third dungeon and I'm starting to get a hang of combat, but gosh I'm not sure why but the mini-bosses range from 'ridiculously easy, just blast them with weaknesses' to 'wow how are you so bulky'. I'm liking controlling most of the party, though the physical people are still generally easier for me than the mages. Ryuji is also ridiculously tanky, I'm not sure if he's ever been KO'd.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Mechafunkzilla posted:

Do any of the non-element status effects (dizzy, fear, rage, forget, brainwash etc.) work on bosses/minibosses?

I'm going with 'some of them'. I believe the second boss is vulnerable to Freeze, and I know I've landed some statuses like Fear/etc. on some minibosses. It'll probably very much vary and I expect them to be completely useless for bosses soon.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Increased Bond exp is an obvious return, but as far as mechanical benefits go, increased effect of healing items is honestly really nice since it affects both HP and SP gained.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Yeah P5's cast is pretty star-studded (Cherami Leigh, Matt Mercer, Erica Lindbeck and Cassandra Lee Morris are all pretty big VAs) but as someone who hadn't even heard of Mittleman before P5 he's still far and away the star of the cast. I mean everyone is good, but he really stands out.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Sydin posted:

I kinda wish there was just an option to directly restore your HP/SP from checkpoints. That's predominantly what you use them for anyway, would be nice to skip a couple loading screens.

I imagine it's because jumping back into the Jail also resets your Showtime meter, respawns enemies and gives you the chance to turn in requests. I get that it's a 'well it really does nothing, doesn't it', but it's just a part of the system that's gonna have to be handled.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Items in the first dungeon are a precious commodity, especially revival items since Morgana and Sophie don't learn Recarm til towards the end of the second dungeon.

I think at some point I got a Recarm skill card and slapped it onto Arsene.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
SP restoration is definitely your gatekeep for the first dungeon (that and revival items). It gets a little easier after that.

Haru mostly suffered in P5 by being a very late addition to the party (so she doesn't get as much fleshing out or group scenes) and she had some kinda overused lines that could get a bit grating (maybe it's just me but every time she said 'my father' in P5 it just twigged something in me). She's still pretty cool though and since she's available from the start here it lets her character breathe more organically.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Inverted Sphere posted:

So how's the Switch version holding up so far? I'm torn between that and Steam, my computer's on the older side (GTX 1060 and a 4670k) so I'm not sure how well it'll run and I do like portability (you know, once I actually start going outside again.), but on the other hand I'm hearing stuff like running it on Steam off of an SSD is gonna load way, way faster than the Switch version does.

The Switch is fine, I play it almost exclusively on handheld. There's some noticeable loading times at the start but nothing too bad.

Starting the fourth dungeon now, everyone but Makoto has their full skillset unlocked which means I could just go back to maining Joker 90% of the time. Favourite non-Joker characters to control is still probably Haru, everyone but Ann and Makoto feel fine as an occasional.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Tae posted:

Is Yusuke's counter worse than I think, I can't seem to get it activate during the flash even against bosses.

I usually just swap to him right when I see the boss about to hit me, makes the timing way less lax.

Also, bear in mind that the counterattack doesn't have full invul frames, so Yusuke can still get hit during it if the boss won't get stunned from the counter.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
One nice thing is that at least so far, there's no 'this party is OP'. You want at least one of Morgana/Makoto/Sophie most likely, but otherwise everyone's fairly interchangeable and most of them bring some kinda utility or just nice big chunky damage. Recarm is way more valuable here so Makoto not having it means she's not an auto-include. I think Sophie *generally* beats out Morgana just because she gets Divine Grace, but not to the degree that endgame Makoto outclassed Morgana in vanilla P5.

As an aside, I ran into my first Dire Shadow and whew howdy I barely got to about half of its life bar before deciding 'okay, I've exhausted my resources, this is not worth it'. Roughly what levels are you expected to take those on?

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Also one thing that is almost a shame is that the game doesn't always telegraph when an environmental item is of limited use. This is particularly noticeable for the first and third dungeon bosses when you're expected to use an environmental item to disrupt the boss, but you only have so many uses of them and if you're just going 'oh hey, A prompt or follow-up, let's go' then you run out very quickly.

It's a lesson that's easily learnable, but still.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

ImpAtom posted:

It can be useful in some niche situations but honestly nah.

At the same time, they only cost 2 SP more, so it's not a huge difference later on.

ImpAtom posted:

You can also interrupt with elemental spells they are weak to, so if you use them up you can just spam your hardcast version to get by, even on their hard and extra hard modes.

(Third boss spoilers) I think the only way to knock her out of her rage or to free an eaten person was to either drop a chandelier on her or use a Showtime? I might be wrong here.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
It's actually a shame that after a while the game just no longer needs you to interact with the Mussou-style gameplay of using all your basic attack string and combos. They're still useful especially for the free spells or things like 'Haru's guns and spins get better' but I've never needed like Sophie's gravity bullets or 'oh Ann's fire whips are better now' after a while.

Which is good because I'm bad at it and the game is still pretty fun, but eh.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Any advice for Alice? She's whipping my rear end.

Don't burn all the crackers immediately, you'll want to save one or two of them for when she jumps onto the pole. Bring Morgana; he won't have the meter to be Garu'ing all day but it'll help sneak some damage in. She'll stop the pole move in phase 2.

If you bring Yusuke, you can swap to him right before she does her kick (it's got a fairly noticeable windup at least) and get a free Counter.

In phase 2, the key move is her move when she spins towards you a few times. Just continually focus on dodging otherwise you're just eating damage; if you're focused on dodging it and aren't hugging the edges of the arena it's actually fairly easy to dodge. She has a noticeable lag period after each of her attacks, which is your time to attack.

bobjr posted:

The only time I’ve felt the party just could not avoid attacks was the second phase of the first jail boss.

That one is dependent on you, I think. If you're not dodging, your party members are just gonna eat it. If you're dodging their attacks, then they're also dodging them.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Slime is the best option for the first dungeon boss I think to help reduce most of her damage aside from Mapsi.

As a general rule, the party is about as good at dodging as you are. So if you're getting hit a lot, they'll probably get hit trying to keep up with you. The second phase is really about learning her movements, dodging and moving in during her lag times; playing it safe is more conducive since your party members will slowly rack up free damage for you. The big trip up is her saw spin; you need to dodge it about 4-5 times (the party will dodge it as long as you do) and then she'll be vulnerable for several seconds.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

A talking coyote posted:

I think I’m finally starting to get a hang of this game but either I’m doing something wrong or they need to cut every miniboss/boss health by like a quarter. I didn’t have any trouble with the 1st boss but it did take like 10 minutes of just chipping away at it.

I was hitting weaknesses constantly and interrupting when possible but the only thing that seems to do big damage is the showtimes and even that’s a little underwhelming.

Use Rakunda (Sophie comes with it if you don't want to use Joker for it) to drop their defense. Later on you can use Matarukaja to also buff ATK (Ryuji will learn it pretty late, but he does have Tarukaja for single targets and it's not like he's using his SP for anything). All-Out Attacks are the big damage bomb but you need to deplete all their shields to use it.

It's standard Persona where buffs and debuffs do matter. Sophie/Makoto is a pretty good default team later on because that's that's two healers with a DEF down and DEF up, and you can throw in Ann for ATK down, Ryuji for ATK up, Yusuke for SPD up or Morgana for SPD down.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Tae posted:

What does stats like agl do now in an action game

Increases chance to auto-dodge. I think might also affect crit rates too. Stack them on Yusuke and watch him go zoom.

I'm halfway through Jail 6 (it's a pretty long one) and I'm still rotating characters regularly. In a reversal from P5, I feel like Yusuke mostly outclasses Ryuji aside from the latter's access to Matarukaja; Yusuke's increased chance is nice, Freeze seems to be generally more applicable than Shock, and Counter is an okay button to have. Ryuji is extremely sturdy and has increased Showtime gain, but I feel like Haru is a better physical second batter.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Unfortunately a lot of later bosses won't flinch from Yusuke's counters, but it's still pretty good free damage and Freeze > Technicals is a solid strat on anything that isn't immune to it.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Omobono posted:

Jail 2 done and post-Jail scenes done.

Gameplay comments:
Yusuke shreds single targets at the speed of sound. With a +crit (low) accessory he can stunlock large enemies clearing 3 to 5 shields in a row before they recover, I can't imagine what he'll do with bigger crit boosts. My go-to for this is 3xattack, spam special until bufu comes out, repeat. 2xattack, spam special should also work.

Joker is still Joker. Not load-bearing this time around thankfully.

Sophia is beyond my skill level, any tips?[/spoiler]

The good news is that there's a +crit (high) accessory later on, and he'll just keep upgrading his crit moves as he levels. The bad news is that bosses stop flinching about crits unless you break a shield. Yusuke is very good though and he's arguably better than Ryuji on element-neutral targets for a while til mid-late game when Ryuji gets enough passives (and Matarukaja) to really let rip.

Sophia isn't very complex, but she's not really anything special offense wise compared to Morgana. She's really fine spamming her melee combos, Perfect Catch when you can but you're probably not gonna main her much. Her main damage comes from her spells, especially since she gets Amp faster than anyone else. Abuse her Y>X for free Rakunda, though the AI (ha) is perfectly adept at using it themselves.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Item Getter posted:

Played a year ago in the Japanese version and not going to play through again in English just now but curious about a minor translation thing.
In the Japanese version, when you go to different cities and use Sophia's shop she will use stock phrases in the local dialect of whatever region you are currently in. Did they try to do anything with this in the English version?

As far as I can tell, nope, she just has some generic phrases she uses for all of them.

Also in the final dungeon. Pretty good game so far, I'm expecting a nice emotional pay off for the finale like Persona games are wont to do.

Sophia unlocking Pandora was a great scene.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Another thing that could be included is that just like in P5R, status effects are very useful, since Technical damage is a thing and most bosses are vulnerable to at least one til near the end. Freeze/Shock/Burn can all greatly increase damage for your physical characters, Makoto and Morgana.

I may be able to do a very rough character playstyle/move learnlist for each character if people are interested, though I'm not sure whether to include Wolf.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Y'know, now that I'm on the tail end of the game, I might actually bump the difficulty up to Hard. I mean I should have done it a little while ago, but most bosses were becoming much easier outside of just dealing with HP sponges or dodge-happy bosses. You're only really limited by your SP, since it's just a case of Matarukaja + Rakunda > keep breaking shields > AoA > repeat.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Basic baby guide to your Persona pals! May edit this more comprehensively later.

Ryuji: Ryuji is very durable, having extremely high En and the ability to use his default X to make him even tougher and harder to flinch. His attacks don't cover as much area compared to some of the other Phantom Thieves, but they're fairly short combos and can deal very high damage if you charge the last part of some of them. Ryuji's Persona mostly learns physical moves to take advantage of his high St, but also learns Zio spells to try to inflict Shock (which allows Technical damage with physicals), (Ma)tarukaja to buff Atk, and otherwise passives to give him better chances to Shock or increase Showtime generation. As drawbacks, Ryuji's Ma and SP are accordingly low, and his average Ag and his 'just damage' Physical skills means that he has the worst chance to crit of all your physical people. He also learns his Dodge/Evade skills extremely late.

Morgana: Morgana fights using spins to draw enemies in, can turn into a car to ram into enemies, and generally transitions well between the ground and the air. Due to his short size and the nature of his attacks he doesn't actually cover that much horizontal area, but can cover an alright amount of vertical range with his combos. Morgana is one of your three primary healers, and his cast-best Ag makes him the most evasive of them. As a healer, Zorro learns healing spells faster than anyone else, and has a healthy amount of Magic and SP to go with it. Morgana also learns Garu spells (which score Technical damage off Burns, and he further learns Technical Aspect), Masukunda to reduce enemy Crit/Eva, and one physical move so that he's not completely gated by SP. Finishing his Master Arts also lets him create shockwaves as the Mona Car for some free AoE Wind damage, which is nice (though not amazing for shield breaking).

Ann: Ann's whips covers a good amount of range around her, which makes her great to handle crowds if you can deal with them being slightly slower compared to other characters. Ann can also enchant her attacks with Fire using X, allowing her to hit weakness even if her SP runs out. Mastery arts also further improve the effects of Enchant. Ann has easy utility with Y>X giving a free cast of Tarunda, allowing her to efficiently blunt enemy ATK. Carmen, as one might expect, leans heavily into Magic DPS, picking up stronger spells earlier than anyone else and capitalizing on Ann's high Ma. Ann also learns a few status spells and has Soul Thief which recovers her SP on landing one (also applies to the Burn from her Agi spells and Fire attacks). However, Ann is very heavily gated by SP, being one of only two PTs without any physical skills whatsoever. Once she runs out, you'll have to throw her items or just utilize her basic combos.

Yusuke: Yusuke's combos are slightly narrow, but still cover a solid amount of range directly in front of him, especially with Y>Y>X. Yusuke's main 'gimmick' lies in Counter, which he can use with neutral X or at the end of some of his combos. This puts him in a counter stance that can fire off a wide-reaching attack after he's hit or after a decent amount of time. It's also possible to make use of the slight time freeze during Baton Pass to see when you're about to get hit, quickly switch to Yusuke and hit X to get a 'free' Counter, though be warned that Bosses can just ignore being flinched by the Counters and possibly just keep hitting Yusuke depending on what they're doing. Yusuke has excellent St and Ag, allowing him to hit hard and naturally dodge well, and he learns Dodge/Evade Fire earlier than anyone else. Goemon's access to (Ma)sukukaja allows him to buff the party's crit and evade chances, and he can also use it for free with Y>X via Mastery Arts, which also enhance his Counters and give him the chance to Freeze with his X moves. Yusuke's Ice moves can inflict Freeze, which like Ryuji can be used to set up Technicals with his and party members' Physicals. In addition, Yusuke's naturally high Ag pairs well with his skills' high Crit chance and passives to increase shield breaking via crits. A Yusuke with good rolls on his crits can shred shields even without weakness, as long as you keep him healthy enough to do so.

Makoto: Makoto's fists don't cover that much range, but she's fairly mobile, and she can quickly hop on Johanna for more speed and to run through packs. Similar to Ann, Makoto can enchant her physical attacks with her element (Nuclear), and she can quickly expend and rebuild her enchants via her combos. Makoto capitalizes on Technical damage via her Nuclear skills (though she doesn't learn Technical Aspect), which lets her pair well with Ryuji, Ann or Yusuke. As a healer, Makoto learns her spells slower than Morgana or Sophie, and doesn't learn (Sama)recarm to revive. She still functions well enough as a healer, and eventually picks up Marakukaja to buff the party's Def, which reduces healing stress. Early on, Morgana or Sophie may be more preferable due to their ability to revive, but Makoto can hang with them well enough especially once she picks up Marakukaja.

Haru: Haru's combos are easy to use and cover a very solid amount of range. Y>Y>X creates a small Psy tornado in front of her that's great for sucking in enemies, and Y>Y>Y>X allows her to go into an extendible spin that lets her carve a mobile spinning wheel of death through crowds. Haru is also a natural Shot expert, with her bazooka (!) blasts covering great range via her natural X or her gun combos. Mastery Arts allow Haru to extend her axe and gun combos further and be more resistant to flinching, though not to the extent that Ryuji does. As a Persona-user, Haru strikes a balance between physical and magic, learning Psy and Shot skills. Psy skills are great for scoring Technicals on mental ailments such as Fear and Brainwash, and her Shot skills have decent crit chance and benefit off her Gun Boost/Amps. Haru's access to Technical Expert also allows her to capitalize on both of them to a good extent, as Psy skills work off mental ailments and Shot skills can punish Shock/Freeze/Dizzy. Unlike most of the other PTs, Haru doesn't carry much buffing/debuffing utility, and doesn't get Evade Nuke til the every end. However, she has Amrita Drop/Shower to heal status effects, and Heat Riser to fully buff a single party member at a time (great for getting a recently revived party member back in the action).

Sophia: Sophia's yo-yos cover a nice range, and she can use Perfect Catches (via timing or neutral X) to enhance her damage and range. Mastery Arts also let Sophia shoot gravity bullets to help draw enemies in and further improve the effects of Perfect Catches. Sophia also has great utility, as Y>X gives you a free Rakunda? to reduce enemy Def (the AI is also pretty good at using it on their own). Sophia's skill list is also excellent. As a healer she lags slightly behind Morgana, but learns the full gamut of healing spells and also gets Divine Grace on the way to make her healing really shine until she starts picking up the endgame spells. Aside from getting increased Showtime generation, Sophia also learns her Amp skill much earlier than anyone else, and her high Magic makes her a very strong offensive option with her powerful Bless spells, comparable to Ann. As a trade-off, she has almost no defense against her natural Curse weakness, and unlike Morgana/Makoto, she has no physical skills whatsoever, which makes SP a real concern for her.

ApplesandOranges fucked around with this message at 01:54 on Mar 2, 2021

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Ann also has Dekaja, by the way.

I still generally prefer Ryuji/Yusuke as physical people for their utility, Haru still has her merits, but honestly everyone is good in certain situations. Morgana is arguably the most replaceable but eh, he does his job fine.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.


Gear is so expensive! I'm in Jail 2 and I still have some party members in their default stuff but if you wanna swap around party members instead of stick with 4 it feels like you have to be undergeared

Equipment is good but weapons are not a priority. You can upgrade armour periodically, but I've rarely felt the 'if I don't give Ann a piece of armour for the next dungeon she's donezo'.

After you hit Jail 3, you start getting quests that can be repeated for cash. I never go out of my way to repeat them but since it's a 'these things occasionally drop from named enemies' they're a nice 'oh right, lemme check if I can do an instant turn-in'.

Keeping a healthy stock of items is more important. Cooking will help supplement that so you want to make sure you keep on top of revive pills/SP restores/ingredients.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
The 'type' mostly refers to the Showtime element if you use them as an equipped Persona. So if Joker uses Showtime while Setanta is equipped it'll be Nuclear damage. Fortunately I don't think bosses can Null/Absorb Showtimes, so you're not really 'punished' for using the wrong Persona.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.


I think it was more I was surprised at how quick some of the party members die in fights (and yes they had default gear) and I just wasn't sure if it was because I needed more armor for everyone.

I'd recommend making use of Ann and Ryuji if you can then until things start to shape up. Ann's Tarunda is extremely helpful and reasonably cheap, she can also throw out something like Marin Karin at later levels to lock enemies down for a while, and Ryuji is the bulkiest character by far.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Dragonatrix posted:

Showtimes do Almighty damage and I'm pretty sure the type listed is their Skill Inheritance category for fusion stuff.

Hmm that makes more sense, I guess the animation changing depending on the Persona type threw me off.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Well, finished the game (there's still post-game requests to do, but that's about it). I think the people who said it was basically Persona with just a hint of Mussou gameplay were correct; after the first few Jails, your best strategy is basically 'spam skills, use items to recover HP/SP, repeat'. The final boss only got off a few attacks because I kept chunking on their shields.

The story's pretty good. I have a few minor quibbles here and there, but they're ultimately just quibbles and don't detract from a very solid spin-off.

My probably rough tier list of characters battle-wise towards the end:

Top Tier:
Joker: Duh.

High Tier:
Sophia: Sophia is deceptively great. Her combos (if you ever need to actually use them) are the best of the three healers. Rakunda is available all game and extremely applicable, or she can just use it for free. She hits like an absolute truck with Kougaon thanks to her high Ma and learning Boost/Amps way earlier than anyone else; for comparison, nobody else even had their Amp yet by the time I hit the final checkpoint (Morgana was probably the closest to it). She won't actually be hitting weaknesses very often since Bless weakness is fairly rare, but hey, she's still a healer so it's not like that SP is gonna go to waste.
Ryuji: Matarukaja is great alone, though it's not The Reason why Ryuji is strong since Joker can easily carry that. Ryuji is extremely durable, hits hard, and has decent support with Matarukaja and Shock. His excellent set of passives (Rebel Soul, Technical High, Shock Boost) also lift him up, and he'll rarely run into a situation where he just can't do damage since I don't think I've run into anything that resists both Physical and Elec.
Yusuke: Yusuke and Ryuji are very close since they fill similar roles: buff, status that sets up Technicals, crits. Yusuke crits and evades more often, which can be helpful when spamming physicals since he could dodge an attack that would otherwise kill him. Masukukaja is less noticeably impactful compared to Matarukaja, but I tend to find Joker carrying Mataru anyway so Yusuke can fill that in. Yusuke is definitely more useful early game, by the end they kinda even out, I just used Ryuji slightly more often on bosses.

Good Tier:
Ann: Ann is pretty good. She hits very hard with her Agi spells, Diarahan is a nice backup option, and her multiple status ailments are nice for both Soul Thief and to help out Morgana and Haru. Her combos are actually pretty decent even late game for crowd control if you need to conserve SP especially with her access to crowd control status spells, and she has easy access to Tarunda for safety and Dekaja to strip enemy buffs. What keeps her out from the top is that she's pretty bad if the enemy resists Fire or worse, as she's basically downgraded to single target healer with a few debuffs. In addition, she learns Amp way too late so her damage kinda evens out with the others and loses to Sophia.
Wolf: Good, safe character. Combos are pretty good and do a good chunk of damage, and carries a good variety of skills applicable to most situations (Dekaja, Heat Riser, Megidola, One-Shot Kill), and I could bring them to just about any fight without fear of running into a resistance. What holds them back is the backloaded learnset; like Haru, still hadn't learned Gun Amp at the end, misses out on their really good endgame skills, and the lack of weakness hitting options means they're basically just a Ryuji/Yusuke fishing for crits, but with less versatile buffing options. Will probably rise up once they finish learning their skills, however.
Morgana: I like Morgana, he's a nice healer, his combos are ok, and he can do a good chunk of damage on Burning enemies with his Garu spells thanks to Technical Adept and the long duration of Burn. High Ag also gives him just a bit more survivability. But it's rare that he'd be better than Sophia outside of elemental shenanigans, and he's somewhat dependent on Burn to really pull off big damage. Still a good mage and Wind weakness is more common than Bless, but he's not the best and Masukunda is the least important debuff.

Eh Tier:
Haru: Haru's a decent physical chonker, and her combos are probably the easiest to use. Her gun combos are pretty great and cost no ammo, and One-Shot Kill covers a wide area. Haru is also the only character that can heal status effects (though items are plentiful), and Heat Riser is good for picking a rezzed character back up. She was just shy of learning Gun Amp at the end so she really took a backseat to Ryuji/Yusuke, and Psy just ends up as a worse element compared to Elec and Ice. I originally rated her higher but honestly unless I needed Psy weakness, I usually left her at home for bosses. If she got Gun Amp just a bit earlier that might have changed. Her damage ceiling is probably higher due to Technical Adept, but...
Makoto: Makoto is... mostly riding on Marakukaja. On the surface, she's still a healer, she has four ways of hitting Technicals (Nuclear hits Burn/Freeze/Shock and she does have a physical move for Dizzy). But you're probably using physical attacks on Freeze/Shock, and Morgana is probably the better option for nailing Burns thanks to Technical Adept. Bleh combos and no access to Recarm just puts her behind compared to Sophie/Morgana early on, too. Marakukaja is still good and means Joker won't have to carry it, but that's really her best asset, that and Dekunda to nullify debuffs.

ApplesandOranges fucked around with this message at 20:20 on Mar 2, 2021

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Ann and Makoto's enchants do hit weaknesses, but are less potent at exposing enemies because they're inherently lower damage. Pretty nice for racking up just a bit of extra damage though if applicable and I believe Ann's fire whips have a low chance of inducing Burn.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
There are eight, but the last two are essentially back to back and are very small in isolation.


Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I mean it's not even that difficult? Just jump between Ambush points, Ambush an enemy if you need to, and make use of Joker's ability to initiate fights from a distance if there aren't any good points to do it.

The worst bits are the spotlight sections which aren't that bad. Well that and waiting forever for the hooks to travel in the 4th Jail.

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