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Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012


Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Waltzing Along posted:

To me they are kind of gross. They look like something out of japanese porn comics. The fairy girl and underboobs and the one making all those weird sex faces that seem to be all the rage right now. Yuck. Plus the backgrounds look really cheap. The game is way old by now, but 999 looked way better in pretty much every way.
999 had a couple dozen people working on the graphics while Gnosia had a single artist. I think Gnosia has a great aesthetic but it's not going to have the slick animations of something like 999.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

The looping mechanic does add an inherent "and you must survive" to every role. That was mentioned more in the VN that inspired Gnosia (Raging Loop) but I guess it's kindof just implicit here.

I do still like AC Follower because it's cool to work out who the gnosia are and then deliberately be wrong about it.

404notfound posted:

What's the difference between the commands seek agreement and exaggerate? On the surface they seem to do the same thing, but keyed off of different stats.
I think Exaggerate is more powerful at convincing people in and of itself but Seek is more likely to get people to agree (which then helps convince others)? They seem pretty similar in terms of usage, I've found Seek stronger personally.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Disabling AC follower and bug makes things a lot easier because you no longer have to account for the possibility that humans can be lying.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Nick Buntline posted:

Technically Chipie could have been called Definite Enemy before everyone else got confirmed Human, but the AI tends to want to follow the logic directly in my experience.
So far the story is still consistent with Shige being gnosia. Don't think Chipie could be confirmed as guilty unless he claimed a Human result on Shigemichi.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Jonas is just nuts. Finding Kukrushka seemed to break his mind.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

True ending: I assume that is always the origin story of Kukrushka. In Jonas' story he talks about being given two dolls - one of which is mindless (presumably the original doll as made by the craftsman) and one of which miraculously has a soul (presumably SQ's mother after she was put in that body and sent through the portal).

I do wonder if there are any other implications you can read into the true ending. Like could this evil soul-manipulating gnosia-infected doll actually be the "origin" of the gnosia in the first place, if she was sent 1000 years into the past? Could making sure she was sent back to create the gnosia have been Yuriko's aim all along?

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

It can help you work out if someone likes you or not which can be helpful for making kill decisions as gnosia.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Yeah but Gina hates being Gnosia so much that she deliberately loses. Shigemichi is just that bad

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

The event finder would usually give me GA for those fortunately.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Play as a Bug and talk to Yuriko at night.


Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

One comment from a past experience with Gnosia mafia is that it may be good to give the Gnosia some time to discuss their gameplan before opening the thread. They can be thrown into a difficult situation basically immediately and it feels bad if they lose because they weren't on the same page / were too slow off the mark with counterclaims.

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