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Gaylor Moon

Gender? I hardly know'er
SO. Lol within the last two weeks an error started coming up. If someone hasn't been a student for like a year or so, their account gets marked as "DISABLED" and they CANNOT access it. People will tell me they had important things sent to their student email (this is why you use personal email for important things guys) I'm still unsure of how this gets reversed; I think they legit need to go through admissions and full-on apply again, but this is such a bearer of bad news thing to break that I need to like 30+ times a day 🤢



Just chillin' : )
I was looking for a job and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

Me at the end of last week: We have basically no cold room space left for the kegs I'm filling next Friday.

Management: Don't worry! You can use the area behind the restaurant that's pretty much an outdoor space. It stays pretty cool this time of year.

The state of the back area when I go to kegs back there:

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Just chillin' : )

Escape From Noise posted:

Me at the end of last week: We have basically no cold room space left for the kegs I'm filling next Friday.

Management: Don't worry! You can use the area behind the restaurant that's pretty much an outdoor space. It stays pretty cool this time of year.

The state of the back area when I go to kegs back there:


Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

Lol. There wasn't enough space even after picking up. Lmfao. Hell yeah! Let's make every critical decision day of despite having over a week of notice! Hel yeah!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


real excited to keep bouncing between lovely dead end jobs for another 30 years or so until I finally loving die lmaooo


Just chillin' : )

rear end-penny posted:

real excited to keep bouncing between lovely dead end jobs for another 30 years or so until I finally loving die lmaooo

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

rear end-penny posted:

real excited to keep bouncing between lovely dead end jobs for another 30 years or so until I finally loving die lmaooo


Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

rear end-penny posted:

real excited to keep bouncing between lovely dead end jobs for another 30 years or so until I finally loving die lmaooo

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

Chewbecca posted:

I was looking for a job and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now


"I just saved your ass... with MONOPOLY!"
nothing feels worse than when you’re already late to work and the public transport is also running late. :(

it is probably the only time i wish i wasn’t visually impaired. any other time i see people driving i’m like ‘lmao losers that looks stressful’

"What I wouldn't give to return to those halcyon days."

Escape From Noise

barclayed posted:

nothing feels worse than when you’re already late to work and the public transport is also running late. :(

it is probably the only time i wish i wasn’t visually impaired. any other time i see people driving i’m like ‘lmao losers that looks stressful’

But if you were running late and driving say traffic was bad it would be way more stressful. So there's that.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


"I just saved your ass... with MONOPOLY!"

Escape From Noise posted:

But if you were running late and driving say traffic was bad it would be way more stressful. So there's that.

oh this is very true. thank you. i no longer wish i could drive, as per usual.

"What I wouldn't give to return to those halcyon days."

Escape From Noise

barclayed posted:

oh this is very true. thank you. i no longer wish i could drive, as per usual.

I hope the rest of the commute goes okay!

Driving sucks! But so does work.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


barclayed posted:

nothing feels worse than when you’re already late to work and the public transport is also running late. :(

it is probably the only time i wish i wasn’t visually impaired. any other time i see people driving i’m like ‘lmao losers that looks stressful’
I feel your pain.
There's been an issue since Covid started with bus drivers just not showing up for work. A work colleague of mine has a couple of relatives who are drivers and they're getting fed up with their coworkers constantly doing this. There's one bus line I normally take where that bus just doesn't show up during evening rush hour. None of them. It's so frustrating!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


The despair of digestive issues when you really wanted to walk to work today.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


I kind of like driving, as long as there isn't traffic and I'm not going to work!

saw an error on a machine reading "long sht" for long sheet, but I like to imagine the machine taking a long poo poo :cheerdoge:

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

rear end-penny posted:

I kind of like driving, as long as there isn't traffic and I'm not going to work!

saw an error on a machine reading "long sht" for long sheet, but I like to imagine the machine taking a long poo poo :cheerdoge:

i was thinking about taking a job delivering handicapped people to places lol

I enjoy driving but gently caress driving an hour to work and FUCCCKKKKK driving 2 hours back home!!!! goddamn!! what a fool I am!

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


Just chillin' : )
I hate driving, public transport ftmfw

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

I thought I was okay with driving, then I was fortunate enough to be able to live somewhere with really good public transit and I realized how stressful it was for me.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Just chillin' : )

Escape From Noise posted:

I thought I was okay with driving, then I was fortunate enough to be able to live somewhere with really good public transit and I realized how stressful it was for me.

I used to commute 4 hours a day and I was never more on edge lol

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Sarah Cenia posted:

i was thinking about taking a job delivering handicapped people to places lol

I enjoy driving but gently caress driving an hour to work and FUCCCKKKKK driving 2 hours back home!!!! goddamn!! what a fool I am!

I kind of feel like if I'm getting paid behind the wheel whatever. an hour commute is bad and two is :chloe: people should really be paid for their commute time. it isn't free time, obviously.

Escape From Noise

Chewbecca posted:

I used to commute 4 hours a day and I was never more on edge lol

I would rather loving die. I wasn't allowed to drive the trucks but working for a mobile canning line company involved a ton of driving and it sucked fuckin assssss

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Just chillin' : )

Escape From Noise posted:

I would rather loving die. I wasn't allowed to drive the trucks but working for a mobile canning line company involved a ton of driving and it sucked fuckin assssss

I mean, the 4 hours was just either side of work - I still worked 9 hours inside of that

There's a reason I quit doing that lmao

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
gently caress I gotta get a new job

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Escape From Noise

Chewbecca posted:

I mean, the 4 hours was just either side of work - I still worked 9 hours inside of that

There's a reason I quit doing that lmao

Oh yeah. That's definitely worse. I meant I was being paid for that part of the job and it sucked big shits.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Just chillin' : )
Have you ever logged into work and known within minutes that you should have chucked a sickie?

I have, just this second, and it sucks poo poo lmao

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
that’s usually the moment I wake up

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


Just chillin' : )
Goons I have been given the most tedious, hosed up, spreadsheet, checking over 3 locations task to do and I am crying at my stupid desk in my idiot house and I hate this awful job and these lovely people

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Chewbecca posted:

Goons I have been given the most tedious, hosed up, spreadsheet, checking over 3 locations task to do and I am crying at my stupid desk in my idiot house and I hate this awful job and these lovely people

:sympathy: hang in there chewb

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
my workplace blacklisted the something awful forums on my work computer. I guess I hosed around at work too much and now I'll be posting a lot less


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Just chillin' : )

Areola Grande posted:

my workplace blacklisted the something awful forums on my work computer. I guess I hosed around at work too much and now I'll be posting a lot less


Someone from YOSPOS with a vendetta against BYOB no doubt

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Just chillin' : )

Areola Grande posted:

:sympathy: hang in there chewb

I'm thinking if they're gonna treat me dumb as poo poo I might just act dumb as poo poo lol

Like you don't wanna explain something to me? Okay I won't do it, have a question mark in your lovely spreadsheet

Act your wage, goons!!!!

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
the alarm went off 10 minutes ago and I already cannot wait for this to be over so I can lay tf down

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
every work day is just a countdown to dinner

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
i spent a good portion of the day using my work PC to update my resume.

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


Just chillin' : )

Sarah Cenia posted:

i spent a good portion of the day using my work PC to update my resume.

This is the way

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


My computer is finally working again, not thanks to our IT department but thanks to me enduring pain to get under my desk and check out what happened after the cleaner came by Friday night.
(IT was informed Friday afternoon that I couldn't use my computer, without which I cannot do my job, but never responded. Now our local IT guy (who isn't allowed to just stop by and fix things, is most displeased with the lot of 'em.)

Despite being a native English speaker with a well-rounded vocabulary, ability to touch-type more than 75wpm, and winning a bunch of spelling bees as a child... I misspelled 'strain' five times in a Teams message to my supervisor. It has been just that sort of day.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


I'm not looking forward to today. on the plus side, the five sevenths of my life I hate are almost over


Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
happy birthday? I think.

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