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Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
yesterday I was working the front desk at my dispo when a woman hesitated while leaving the building. she said, "I bet this is one of those rare jobs where u leave for the day and don't need 2 think about it or stress about the job like, at all. I work at Costco and I'm miserable."

my honest reply was "I don't make much money but yeah. I'm happy."


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot



No, I like my hat, thanks.
Imagine if Costco sold weed

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Buttchocks posted:

Imagine if Costco sold weed

:shudder: it's only a matter of time in corporate america :shepicide:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Just chillin' : )

Areola Grande posted:

yesterday I was working the front desk at my dispo when a woman hesitated while leaving the building. she said, "I bet this is one of those rare jobs where u leave for the day and don't need 2 think about it or stress about the job like, at all. I work at Costco and I'm miserable."

my honest reply was "I don't make much money but yeah. I'm happy."


Oh no poor Costco lady :sigh:

But I'm happy that my friend Areola is both chillin' and illin'!

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
while I'm bragging the management finally made me a part timer :peanut:

working 24-32 hours per week at the weed store AKA living the dream. now I can stay home and nurse my plantar fasciitis more often, pet my dog and slowly use up all the weed I've been stockpiling


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Chewbecca posted:

Oh no poor Costco lady :sigh:

But I'm happy that my friend Areola is both chillin' and illin'!

thanks chewb I hope u find a good job someday soon :roboluv:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Chewbecca posted:

Oh no poor Costco lady :sigh:

u never know. this might be the start of an IRL rom com where corporate supermarket girl meets corporate weed store guy!!

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Escape From Noise

I finally hit the loving roof today.

I sent a ton of very angry but professionally worded texts to the group chat (because I'm lame). I don't care anymore. I'm beyond the end of my rope with this constant bullshit. I'm sick of their almost complete inability to follow a production schedule and stop delaying kegging. Sick of their inability to sell the beer. I'm sick of their inability to clean up and not screw up the beer by not doing that. I'm sick of being expected to do the restaurant manager's job and clean up after them. I'm sick of people not understanding that molds in a space full of product that people are going to consume is a bad thing. Think of the bizarre sales decisions that get made involving withholding product that's already finished and ready for sale. I'm sick of working in a total dump. I'm just sick of it.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Escape From Noise posted:

I finally hit the loving roof today.

I sent a ton of very angry but professionally worded texts to the group chat (because I'm lame). I don't care anymore. I'm beyond the end of my rope with this constant bullshit. I'm sick of their almost complete inability to follow a production schedule and stop delaying kegging. Sick of their inability to sell the beer. I'm sick of their inability to clean up and not screw up the beer by not doing that. I'm sick of being expected to do the restaurant manager's job and clean up after them. I'm sick of people not understanding that molds in a space full of product that people are going to consume is a bad thing. Think of the bizarre sales decisions that get made involving withholding product that's already finished and ready for sale. I'm sick of working in a total dump. I'm just sick of it.

I'm sorry, EFN. I hope you do get that other job and right quickly. :sympathy:

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Escape From Noise

xcheopis posted:

I'm sorry, EFN. I hope you do get that other job and right quickly. :sympathy:


Also hoping that all of the new visas that are getting rolled out means that I can make an exit from this industry before I get permanent residency.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Chewbecca posted:

Oh no poor Costco lady :sigh:

But I'm happy that my friend Areola is both chillin' and illin'!

she, paused, smiled and said "good for you dude" :hai:

I've been thinking about her since


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Escape From Noise

Fart gently caress hello, welcome, and chat about how lovely having to work is.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


for every post i make i order myself to do three squats and take an effervescent multivitamin on top of my tallest hill in my town. it helps my reception

Areola Grande posted:

while I'm bragging the management finally made me a part timer :peanut:

working 24-32 hours per week at the weed store AKA living the dream. now I can stay home and nurse my plantar fasciitis more often, pet my dog and slowly use up all the weed I've been stockpiling


that’s sooo good. I don’t smoke much but I feel like dispensaries down under are still so narco coded and very uncool to be in or work at unless they are branded in a new wellness tech startup way that is nauseous

I’m so happy for u.. rest ur foot pat dogy :cheersdoge:

Escape From Noise

Unwound with a shower and then a beer in the park. Ran into my next door neighbor I never really talked to before outside of small talk. We had a very chill conversation. I needed this.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


imagine liking you are job. lol, lmao

Escape From Noise

rear end-penny posted:

imagine liking you are job. lol, lmao

Listen here John Lennon...

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


for every post i make i order myself to do three squats and take an effervescent multivitamin on top of my tallest hill in my town. it helps my reception
I'm starting a new role at my current job and it's like... honestly a job I like the idea of it since I am using my head and brains a whole lot more but I can constantly double guessing myself????

Kind of wishing I was back in my more bullshit job where I kind of just said bullshit and did bullshit all day but also I was genuinely a lot more depressed and understimulated, and it's not like I am in trouble or anything, I am just having my limits of my head pushed with computer

number... computer... mason... what do they mean waiter... i have the vapors

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

Areola Grande posted:

yesterday I was working the front desk at my dispo when a woman hesitated while leaving the building. she said, "I bet this is one of those rare jobs where u leave for the day and don't need 2 think about it or stress about the job like, at all. I work at Costco and I'm miserable."

my honest reply was "I don't make much money but yeah. I'm happy."


Retail is the most draining job i've ever had. constant misery machine. when i was at best buy i was told costco was "retail heaven" so it bums me out that even in heaven there is suffering

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
because i'm a contractor i'm not invited to this meeting so i'm just awkwardly hanging out, emailing people, and looking at 40k stuff. some guy is selling a space nuns box for 80 bucks with shipping and normally it's 160 without and now i'm thinking of the adepta sororitas but i'm not wracked with catholic guilt so a lot of it seems gauche

edit: i'm not wracked

Ominous Jazz fucked around with this message at 17:41 on Apr 12, 2024


Ominous Jazz posted:

a lot of it seems gauche

it is 40k...

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

a lot of 40k seems gauche


that was kind of what I was getting at.

also lol @ GW making the imperium as a satire of fascism and 40k fans missing the point entirely and enthusiastically hunting heretics

Escape From Noise

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. gently caress.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

Escape From Noise posted:

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. gently caress.

sundays are always heinous that way

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


I'm not familiar with the type of thing I'm seeing.

Escape From Noise posted:

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. gently caress.





I don't work tomorrow, I'm flying home from Arizona. I don't wanna go to work on Tuesday!

it actually sucks, because I land in Minnesota like 2pm and have to go grocery shopping and do laundry basically right away, work at bloody 6am on Tuesday. And I have a job interview after work Tuesday... it is going to suck.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Just chillin' : )

rear end-penny posted:

I don't work tomorrow, I'm flying home from Arizona. I don't wanna go to work on Tuesday!

it actually sucks, because I land in Minnesota like 2pm and have to go grocery shopping and do laundry basically right away, work at bloody 6am on Tuesday. And I have a job interview after work Tuesday... it is going to suck.

Good luck with the job interview!!

I gotta work today cos it's Monday here and I'm feeling :smith:

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

Had another meeting with the boss to clear up the production schedule issues on Friday. He talked about making beers for fall.

I mentioned using Japanese maple leaves. They sometimes sell them fried, probably more for the night but novelty than anything else. He asked if it would make the beer red. He then asked about adding sweet potato (the only sweet potato beer I've had was pretty awful) and he wanted to know if it would turn it purple. He also said it was too bad the cherry blossom beer wasn't pink.

They're still really locked in on the idea of brightly colored beers. I've made a few that actually worked but for some reason they always forget them.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


damn it I think the mirrors broken >˙.(

Escape From Noise posted:

They're still really locked in on the idea of brightly colored beers.

Source: they all dumb as hell :cripes:

Escape From Noise

NumptyScrub posted:

Source: they all dumb as hell :cripes:

Yeah. They're the kind of really clueless ownership that will constantly refer to beers by their color.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


No, I like my hat, thanks.
It has never occurred to me to eat maple leaves.

Escape From Noise

Buttchocks posted:

It has never occurred to me to eat maple leaves.

Hadn't for me either.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Escape From Noise posted:

Yeah. They're the kind of really clueless ownership that will constantly refer to beers by their color.

knowing nothing other than the hue of the beer is how you know they understand the product


Wasting valuable tax payer pennies by browsing the Loganberry archives on my work computer.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Escape From Noise

So there are a bunch of empty kegs stacked up outside the cold room in the narrow hall outside that are very much in the way. They also just left return led kegs from last night at the door. The new restaurant manager didn't know where to put them, in his defense. But why not...ask? They're seriously in the way. I showed him where the empties went and he asked if he should put all the empties back there. He was worried there was a system I guess but uh... how sustainable was just leaving them around? It's like nobody can think even one step ahead here.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

Escape From Noise posted:

So there are a bunch of empty kegs stacked up outside the cold room in the narrow hall outside that are very much in the way. They also just left return led kegs from last night at the door. The new restaurant manager didn't know where to put them, in his defense. But why not...ask? They're seriously in the way. I showed him where the empties went and he asked if he should put all the empties back there. He was worried there was a system I guess but uh... how sustainable was just leaving them around? It's like nobody can think even one step ahead here.

I was being an rear end in a top hat I think. This guy seems to be putting in effort. Nobody told him anything though.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


for every post i make i order myself to do three squats and take an effervescent multivitamin on top of my tallest hill in my town. it helps my reception

Escape From Noise posted:

I was being an rear end in a top hat I think. This guy seems to be putting in effort. Nobody told him anything though.

praying the king gets the proper tutelage to understand the other senses and how beer can affect them !


for every post i make i order myself to do three squats and take an effervescent multivitamin on top of my tallest hill in my town. it helps my reception
I don’t wanna code tomorrow I feel empty brained and a little fried over it :shobon:

Escape From Noise

ombredog posted:

praying the king gets the proper tutelage to understand the other senses and how beer can affect them !

We'll see. I may be on my way out.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig



Just chillin' : )

ombredog posted:

I don’t wanna code tomorrow I feel empty brained and a little fried over it :shobon:

I have been working my arse off all week thinking today was gonna be better, but now it looks like someone is gonna call out sick and I'm gonna get turbo owned lol

You know that whole thing of like "oh this week is chaos, but it will be better once we get through [x]", but for your entire life

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

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