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Twenty Four

Im going into surgery in a week, expected to have over a month recovery, and we just had a change of management, so even though I've been with the same company for over 15 years It is unknown if I will have a job or pay my bills! :iiam:

Welp thats my work story other then the hundreds of others!


Twenty Four

Escape From Noise posted:

JFC. I'm wishing you the best for whatever that's worth

Thanks, I appreciate you friend!

Teddy Thunders posted:

God dammit, I'm sorry. Is the company big enough to be required to honor FMLA?

I had to look up what FLMA was and well... it's definitely a big enough company, but probably? I have had years of sick pay piled up since they mandated it by the government, because they never would have given it otherwise, but "if you aren't on the schedule you don't get your sick time" is the policy from district so I never get it even though I usually never use it.

I had to talk to corporate just to get my W2 which is apparently "in the mail" via email to a mystery account that is disabled to access it, half a year past due, still waiting to get it done by the deadline.

Just finished working my birthday, then a double the day after, but hey, WORK CREW! :/

Twenty Four

Escape From Noise posted:

I'm not quite there yet myself, but I'm still hoping this job is temporary.

We had a meeting yesterday and I was supposed to bring up issues I noticed. I only brought up about three major issues, these were things I felt required immediate change. They were basically changing our cleaning SOPs, replacing all of our gaskets and smaller hoses, and allowing for a full two weeks of fermentation instead of cutting things off after five days. The boss immediately agreed to it, which is good overall. The thing is that the current head brewer has been trying to get them to make these changes for the last three years, and the head brewer before him was as well and even quit over it after several years with the company.

The head brewer and I are cool, he's not mad at me or anything, but he's pretty irritated, understandably, about the fact that the boss wouldn't listen to him, then I walk in and say what he's been for three years and suddenly it's done. I'd be pretty annoyed too.

On the other hand, I asked what exactly my job was and the owner and manager went into a several minutes long explanation of everyone's responsibilities within the company, complete with chart, and didn't really answer the question.

Teddy Thunders posted:

I mean I can't blame him for being annoyed either. It blows to push hard for change and suddenly someone finally listens to the same thing you've been saying for years, out of someone else's mouth.

Being the "long term lifer person" at my work, to give perspective, I can understand him being annoyed that he was ignored, but I am willing to bet that annoyance is aimed at the management, not you.

And if it was me, after getting over the initial "why wouldn't you listen to me?" couple of days, I would be glad that at least the stuff that needed to be done finally got done.

You did well.

Twenty Four

rear end-penny posted:

Pouring one out for my orbs with absolutely dreadful sounding employers. I quit a "real" job and ended up in the service industry again, but at least I have the first boss I feel like I can have an honest conversation with since 2007 or so.

I truly feel that working a poo poo job with a good boss and cool coworkers is, if not financially, at least mentally better then working a "good job" with a bunch of shitheads.

I think I have a bit of the worst from both worlds though depending on constant management and staff changes, and I stress over it way more then I probably should.

Twenty Four

rear end-penny posted:

You've been at the same place for a long while right? How often does management get changed up? What is preventing you from looking for other employment?

Yeah, like 15 years or so, give or take, I kind of lost exact track. At my old location, that I spent maybe 14ish years at, management would change every couple of years or so until the last change where we got a huge rear end in a top hat manager that was basically running me out until I transferred to a new location. I'm not saying all the previous managers were good, but when you are around for that long and none of the previous ones had any problems with me, you can gather that the problem was him, not myself. Not to toot my own horn, but I am pretty easy going and likeable, but also work really hard. Also considering when I transferred, the entire rest of the staff had either quit or transferred save myself and one other person not counting the new hires.

At my new location, which I have been at for maybe a year and a half (two and a half maybe?), we are looking at a third management change with two interim periods most of which happening rapid fire in the last half year, so like 5 total which is insane. Also the backup semi-competent guy who has filled in in between who has been with the company with me at both locations for maybe 8 years is leaving as soon as the next change comes around, or so I have heard through the grape vine, which frightens me since at least he could keep things running. All that said I still prefer this location then if I was stuck with the last management at the location I was at forever.

I have untreated anxiety issues and tend to fear the unknown so I worry about this stuff a lot, way more then I should. And that is one of the reasons I don't seek out other employment, as you asked. Even if it can be tumultuous at times, and I am often left mostly in the dark, I know I am good at my job and things usually work themselves out eventually. I'm not even sure what else I would do after doing the same thing for so long, and I doubt changing companies in the same field would change much other then probably being more corporate and less laid back, and not being able to have a few of the perks I get with my seniority and performance. The changes where I am scares me less then the change of going elsewhere. Even typing this all out makes me nervous.

All this for a job that has no benefits, no raises or bonuses (after 15 plus years!) and no advancement unless I wanted to make the mistake of going into management myself which I know would be a horrible idea. The management turnover is high for more then a couple of reasons. If I could go back in time, I would change everything, and I know the obvious easier said then done advice is "it's not too late!" but it really feels like it, especially considering what I said above.

Anyhow, sorry for the too long to read for byob serious post, but I guess that's what this thread is for!


Twenty Four

Achtane posted:

It should be mandatory that everyone put in a year of retail work.

This or the service industry, doesn't even have to be a year, but either way everyone would be so much nicer to each other.

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