Chilling in the private handicap bathroom that has been repurposed into a pumping room, messing around on my phone with suction cups attached to my boobs. Honestly not a bad way to break up the work day. |
# ¿ May 19, 2021 17:38 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 16:39 |
Yeah, luckily there are other handicap bathrooms so I get to claim this one specifically for pumping. Converting the space literally consisted of me reminding my boss about it on my first morning back, her saying "oh poo poo, I forgot to respond to your text about that, didn't I?", placing a reasonably comfortable chair in here and taping a piece of paper that says "PLEASE DO NOT USE!!!" to the door. All things considered, it's not a bad setup. Washing the parts afterwards is super easy since the sink is right there. Definitely lost track of time reading in here several times already and nobody's noticed. |
# ¿ May 19, 2021 20:59 |
Using the baby as an excuse to work from home today. Really oversold how much her coughing kept me up last night and how tired I am as a result. Now she's at daycare, I'm still in my pajamas and I don't even have to deal with chills or aches to justify staying home. Now I just have to send a few conspicuous emails and the rest of the day is wide open! My department is so slow right now I'd just be killing time playing minesweeper and listening to podcasts if I went into the office. |
# ¿ Jul 8, 2021 16:19 |
Man, decision paralysis is always annoying, but I wish my brain would just let me decide what to go get for lunch. I'm so hungry, but I can't commit to getting up from my desk because everything sounds good but nothing sounds worth the drive. This is not necessarily a work problem, more a brain problem, but my brain does not like being at work. I hope everyone has or had a delicious and convenient lunch hour today. |
# ¿ Aug 6, 2021 18:28 |
Great news, y'all! I discovered an old (2016) bottle of lorazepam in my desk that I had completely forgotten about and it's safe to take in small doses while breastfeeding! I don't have to sit here all day feeling my jaw muscles getting progressively tighter while I fixate on how much I don't want to be here! It's a Pre-Labor Day miracle! |
# ¿ Aug 20, 2021 18:51 |
In the words of Simon and Garfunkel, take the money and run. My goal for today is to not give in and download a book on my phone. I will accomplish at least one billable thing today, dammit! |
# ¿ Sep 15, 2021 19:00 |
One of my boss's kids got caught vaping at school so now he's here cleaning the whole office and "any other dirty job we can think of." He's lucky it's not American Burying Beetle season or he'd be dealing with buckets of rotting guinea pigs. |
# ¿ Nov 10, 2021 22:31 |
Physically present at work but I can't get my brain to engage so nothing is getting accomplished. Did you know that sitting at a desk compulsively solving sudoku puzzles for the tiny hits of dopamine that don't come from actual work looks exactly like productivity to the outside observer? |
# ¿ Nov 12, 2021 19:47 |
Current mood: emailing a client from my phone in the bathroom and implying that the reason I haven't started on his request is because I've been out of the office and won't be back until Monday. Also, yeah gently caress that bonus delaying bullshit. If the invoices have been paid, they have the cash on hand to pay you your cut. Glad you've got a firm date to walk out of there in slow motion while the building explodes behind you. |
# ¿ Nov 12, 2021 23:41 |
Happy birthday! I say go full on obnoxious with it for the zoom call. Party hat, streamers and balloons in the background a shirt proclaiming you to be the birthday orb. If you can get them to agree to singing, say "Great! Gimme one second." then turn out the lights and light candles on a cake or other desert of your choice to really complete the ambiance. |
# ¿ Nov 16, 2021 23:04 |
Ah the joys of sitting in on a conference call just to listen to my coworker who actually understands this nonsense explain everything to the client. My entire role here is to make encouraging noises and passively assert my authority and support as her nominal supervisor. Accounting is rough, y'all. |
# ¿ Nov 18, 2021 21:20 |
I'm finally clearing out the stack of hard copies of approved documents that have been sitting on my desk waiting to be copied, bound and mailed for over two months! Granted, it's all a stall tactic to avoid having to deal with a few real pain in the rear end emails currently sitting in my inbox. But still! Tangible progress! |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2021 23:54 |
My friend is a librarian at an elementary school and apparently some dude has been strolling up with a machete every other week or so for a few months. Just gets picked up by the cops, then shows back up as soon as his meds wear off again. Sometimes jobs that should not be scary get real scary and I wish I could do more than give her a hug. |
# ¿ Dec 3, 2021 19:14 |
Work is a butt Not one of the good ones A smelly butt |
# ¿ Jan 3, 2022 18:56 |
Sitting in a meeting about the new standardized symbology in the company mapping software and just letting it all wash over me in a wave of white noise because my department does not utilize the mapping software at all, but we're going to incorporate every department eventually and have a centralized hub for all projects and we'll be reaching out for your input on how to incorporate your department's needs soon, for real this time. At least I got here early enough to snag one of the comfy chairs. |
# ¿ Jan 7, 2022 17:36 |
I just realized I'm all alone in my quadrant of the office. One co-worker is out sick, one is on vacation and I don't know where the third one went, I swear she was here earlier. Realizing there's no one around to notice me loving around or dozing off on my desk makes it super hard to stay focused. |
# ¿ Jan 13, 2022 22:13 |
She's back! |
# ¿ Jan 13, 2022 22:16 |
cruft posted:That's funny, all that attention has never stopped me from being unfocused. Oh for sure. Even when I wasn't alone I spent more time researching options to extend my patio than actually working today. Being alone just ramps that up to eleven. |
# ¿ Jan 13, 2022 22:19 |
So tired. So bored. So ready to go home. |
# ¿ Jan 17, 2022 22:08 |
I was so proud of myself for scheduling an appointment for tomorrow to drop off my car to get the alignment fixed (instead of putting it off for months like I'd usually do) but now the client wants a conference call tomorrow to go over this awful project that's been dragging on for over two years so yeah, of course I can reschedule my appointment, but I'll have to call them on the phone, which my brain hates, and now I have to reacquaint myself with this godawful river survey and what has and hasn't already been done to address the acreage problems and why we decided to do things years ago when I was working with a completely different guy who is no longer on this project and I don't wanna and you can't make me! |
# ¿ Feb 8, 2022 19:19 |
Got through the conference call and nobody accused me of incompetence or trying to cheat the federal government out of money, so all in all I guess it was a success. The whole thing is still going to be a bitch to get approved and will probably take another two years, but no one said the words "fines" or "collections" so it could be worse. Jobs are not fun. |
# ¿ Feb 9, 2022 21:43 |
xcheopis posted:My job should be cuddling elderly cats and playing with plump li'l kittens. |
# ¿ Feb 9, 2022 23:40 |
Currently debating the merits of arguing with a government employee about how to fill out a standardized form. On the one hand, yes, Susan, you are the only one processing these at this time so you get to call the shots. But on the other hand, the phrasing of the sentence clearly indicates that you should list the name of the current operator, not the operator that initially set up the agreement however many years ago. Yes, the template from DC says "(original operator)" on that line, but that clearly means the original within the context of this transaction! It doesn't matter who filed the thing in the sixties, what matters is that company B acknowledges that they are taking over operatorship from company A at this specific point in time! She's nice otherwise but I cannot get her to budge on this one point and it's so stupid. I'm leaning towards sending an email and copying her supervisors, but I don't want to piss her off. |
# ¿ Mar 1, 2022 19:56 |
cruft posted:My approach to this sort of situation is usually to get Susan to write down what's supposed to happen, do what she says, and then when the thing jumps the track, resurface her written instructions. The main thing that gets to me is that I've been filing these forms longer than Susan's been processing them. Also, up until last year, she was approving with the current operator! She just changed up the requirements out of the blue and acted like that's how it's always been. Jobs are dumb and my job is even dumber because it's nothing but paperwork and can I please just stop working but still have health insurance? That would be great, thanks. |
# ¿ Mar 1, 2022 20:44 |
cruft posted:One of my employees was recently promoted to be my boss. I am so thankful they passed me over on this one. I do not want to be doing that thankless job. I feel this in my soul. |
# ¿ Mar 9, 2022 19:54 |
Co-worker's house is getting sprayed for bugs so there are dogs in the office! These are two very good boys. Not my dogs, so I don't feel comfortable sharing a picture. Jake is big and tan and excited and shedding. Sammy is small and white with brown spots and shy and just wants to sit on his human's lap. |
# ¿ Mar 17, 2022 17:52 |
Sammy the dog is back in the office! Such a sweet little dude. If he weren't so timid I'd try to steal him to be my lap buddy, but he clearly just wants to wag his tail at people from the safety of his human's lap and you gotta respect that. |
# ¿ Mar 24, 2022 19:15 |
Sammy came over and sniffed my hand!! |
# ¿ Mar 24, 2022 20:18 |
Today's fun activity is explaining to my bosses that I am the one person in the office who needs to use this online database practically every day, usually multiple times a day, and that consolidating down to one login on a shared computer will negatively affect my ability to do my job in a significant way. No, I can't delegate the research to the coworker in charge of most database research to "free up time". She doesn't know what to look for, and she wouldn't be able to learn all of the different red flags I would need to know about without months (if not years) of dedicated training in my specific area of expertise. Even before the layoffs when I had actual underlings who worked in my department and knew what they were doing enough to pull all the documents I needed for new files and recognize problems, I still used the database on a daily basis to double check information while drafting documents. Like, yeah it's nice to have job security because I'm the only person left who can do what I do, but Jesus did it really not occur to you that this may be an integral part of my job and you should at least check in with me before making a sweeping change and disabling my login just to save on subscription costs? And now I'm stuck trying to explain the problem over email because the bosses all went home early today and it just so dang frustrating and I almost never have these problems because my office is small enough that I actually have a good line of communication with my bosses so why did no one ask me about this? |
# ¿ Mar 30, 2022 22:45 |
Dr. Honked posted:ya boi just got bromoted to el honcho grande |
# ¿ Apr 1, 2022 22:25 |
xcheopis posted:It is entirely possible that they like wearing makeup. I haven't worn any in over a decade but did enjoy playing with colours and styles. Yeah, it's a hard thing to comment on because if you assume they're just wearing it out of obligation and they're actually just into looking fabulous the comment can come off as insulting. But if you complement someone's makeup and they're really just wearing it because they think they have to then that reinforces the idea that it's expected for them to wear makeup. I have no actual answers, just commiseration. As a lady-type-person who never got into makeup with lady-type-friends who genuinely enjoy makeup I just appreciate anyone going through the effort no matter the motivation. poo poo takes time and practice and skill and just the innate confidence to pull off a cat eyeliner without feeling performative/self conscious and just color me impressed, dang. |
# ¿ Apr 12, 2022 16:52 |
Dr. Honked posted:my three main takeaways: If I might add: -yeesh -wowzers |
# ¿ Apr 13, 2022 20:50 |
Y'all, I drove all the way to the office, thought "why is the parking lot empty?", realized we're closed for Good Friday, treated myself to a big sugary frozen coffee drink then vacuumed and washed my car at the carwash with the free vacuums since I was already over there anyway. Now I'm back in my pajama pants and if the Benadryl I took can actually keep up with the fact that I spent more than one minute outside today this should be a great, unexpected free day to chill and do hobbies. |
# ¿ Apr 15, 2022 17:41 |
If I learned anything from Dexter's Lab, it's that the essence of French can be boiled down to "omelette du fromage". Clearly, this will be the ideal french beer. |
# ¿ Apr 22, 2022 15:53 |
Leftovers from the networking event last night for lunch. Not bad for free food, but I had to defrost a tomato slice with my hand. Weird vibe for the day. |
# ¿ Apr 22, 2022 18:03 |
I feel this so hard right now. I've been burned out on my work for years, but it pays the bills and my coworkers are mostly pretty nice and having health insurance is great. I've been daydreaming a lot lately of just saying gently caress it and starting an Etsy business but I know I'd start hating crocheting if I had to do it as a job instead of just making whatever I think will look interesting on whatever timeframe will keep me happy and stop me from reaggravating my tendonitis. It's the same reasons I never tried to pursue theater as a career even though I absolutely loved it all through highschool. Actually succeeding as a working actor is all about networking and constant auditioning and wildly unpredictable schedules in either a handful of big cities or constantly on the road touring. All of that just sounds miserable to me. Highschool theater was great because it was a regular schedule of shows that you were guaranteed a part in and you spent the whole year with the same group of people, getting closer as friends. It was perfect for me because it forced me to talk to my classmates often enough to actually get comfortable around them and make friends. I've been telling myself for years that I should get involved with the local community theater scene so I can reconnect with all the fun bits without any of the pressure trying to make it a career. But it's hard to work up the will to out myself out there and commit to less time at home, which has gotten exponentially more pronounced now that I have a kid. I dunno, I wish I could end this on a positive note, but my brain has been messed up around this whole concept for a long time and while antidepressants and therapy have helped some, I still feel like I'll never find the right balance of doing what I enjoy and having a stable income. |
# ¿ Apr 25, 2022 22:42 |
cruft posted:Nothing about this struck me as not positive. Seems to me you're just sort of -ing, musing about the constraints of being a parent, and, like, recognizing that your hobbies are a source of joy, or at least comfort. Thanks for that. My brain has been a real dick today (and yesterday and last week) so everything has been tinted in this aura of suck and I spent the whole day sitting at my desk thinking about how I didn't want to be there and not accomplishing anything. Now that I'm home with a baby and dogs and that guy I married and dinner things don't feel so dire. Gonna see my therapist on Thursday. Hopefully that helps. |
# ¿ Apr 26, 2022 00:48 |
Oh no, coworker's dad is having heart problems after knee surgery and I can hear her talking to family and fighting tears and I want to go give her a hug, but I also want to give her space to talk to her family oh no |
# ¿ Apr 26, 2022 16:23 |
It sounds like he'll probably be ok but they transferred him to a cardiac hospital and this is scary as all hell. If she decides to stay at work today I'm going to by her a cookie or something good lord. |
# ¿ Apr 26, 2022 16:27 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 16:39 |
He's awake! Trying to convince coworker to not even bother trying to work today. |
# ¿ Apr 26, 2022 16:59 |