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How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
I read some new poems from a former student today and I felt really proud because when I taught them it was their very first time writing poems and now they kick a ton of rear end at it and are getting the recognition they deserve.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
I think I'm probably ok at applying to jobs because i usually have a job but I feel like I'm really loving bad at it. I'm applying to some library jobs though which is something I've always been interested in and maybe I might like a break from teaching.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
This semester I'm teaching one course from a standardized syllabus, it's one of those things where every freshman has to take it (more or less) and have a uniform set of like... topical essays to talk about. Anyway I'm dreading opening up the revised version of the readings because the last time I taught this class was like six or so years ago and one of the units was about the ~TRANS BATHROOM *DEBATE*~ and in 2021 I don't want to have to juggle the pros and cons of whether or not I should be allowed to honk out a piss while abroad in the blinking world to a bunch of 18 year olds.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
I sorted out all my lesson plans and modules on Canvas and gosh this syllabus emits a woeful energy. Lots of thinkpieces about cancel culture, all of it precisely calibrated to 2014 for maximum undergraduates-responding-with-total-disdain.

I understand why the classes that got pseudo perma-shifted to online were the intro to writing ones, but I'm frustrated because one of my friends' new books came out and it rules so much and I wish I could teach it in a poetry class.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
Good luck MN! If I were in your shoes I'd already be pumping my fist and like vaulting over park benches, crooking my arm around lamp-posts and doing a spin, pirouetting around an old lady on the cross-walk and then kissing her on the cheek... when I get to a puddle two sailors on shore leave appear on either side of me and hoist me across while I continue my little song... I mean to say I'd be feeling pretty good based on the signals you're describing!!!

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
The first week of classes is over for me, very front-loaded into Monday and Tuesday and I decided that if I'm going to wear nice professor clothes and makeup for two days I might as well record video for my asynchronous classes at the same time. So now I just get to sit here and read comics for the rest of the week, which I'm fine with.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
When I had an office my snack was either:
a) nuts and raisins from home if I remembered
b) sour peach rings if I ran into someone who wanted to get coffee at 7-11
c) a little parfait if I ran into someone who wanted to get coffee at the fancy place
d) fruit or candy if students gave me something
e) chaat if my office-mate brought in extra
d) if there was a lecture or a roundtable going on whatever snacks the department bought for it (usually qdoba chips and queso)

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

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