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Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

PeterCat posted:

You know this guy assisted in human trafficking right?

If you're going to make a claim like this, either back it up with a valid source or don't make it.


Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Rust Martialis posted:

Bit shocked to find out that assuming he's the same Justin Eric King from the "Eurohouse" case in 2008 in FL, then yeah, he was front man for a group bringing young eastern european women to the US on false pretences.

"Finally, it was revealed that when the federal government had become suspicious and stopped issuing visas to Eurohouse, King and the other defendants had continued their fraudulent activity under the guise of a new labor contracting company called Woland. King was convicted on seven counts of visa fraud and alien smuggling and sentenced to 41 months in prison."

HE got out in 2011 and apparently switch tracks (wayyy less reliable source here)

"Justin King served 3 years in federal prison in 2011, and upon release he decided to change his tactics and “realized he had better uses for his skills.” This was when Justin first started his career in journalism in 2013. He first wrote for Digital Journal, a small Canadian Outlet. He then moved to the Anti-Media and then founded The Fifth Column in 2015."


Well gently caress.

Yeah maybe don't use that guy to make a point.

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