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Sep 21, 2020
heya, i figured i’d document my music discoveries/random thoughts on albums, artists, genres, etc to hopefully get convos started and just to keep a log of the music i’ve listened to.
since this is the first post i’ll just use it as a starting point, so here it goes:

UPDATE #1 (June 26th, 2021)
UPDATE #2 (August 5th, 2021)

favorite artists (last updated: 4th of June, 2021)

• unwound :: noise-rock/post-hardcore band from Olympia, WA, active from 1991 to 2002. probably my favorite band of all time, they have a consistently great discography and improved on their sound with each release. i don’t think they have a single bad album.
• panchiko :: brit-pop/alt-rock/trip-hop band from Nottingham, UK that was active from 1996 to 2001 and reformed in 2020. known for having been lost media for a long time starting from 2016. they were never signed to a label and faded into obscurity until they gained a lot of traction when they released a remaster of 2 of their EPs on streaming services. singer’s voice is androgynous as hell and very soothing. their sound is like radiohead meets portishead.
• bauer :: post-rock band from Argentina (my home country!), active from 2002 to 2008, reforming for one last show in 2017 (maybe 2016, i’d have to check). they had some press attention back in the mid 2000s which led them to have some popularity and gain a bit of a following, they played at some pretty important festivals and their albums received a lot of acclaim. sadly, time has forgotten them and people moved on. post-rock radiohead, with a focus on moog synths.
• calm :: post-hardcore/slowcore band from California, active from 1994ish to 1997. some of their members went on to form duster. unwound mixed with hum.
• hum :: post-hardcore/shoegaze band from Ohio i think, active from 1991 to 2000. reformed multiple times and released an album not too long ago. they were pretty big in the 90s thanks to their college radio hit “stars”. really good stuff, they’ve got a pretty distinctive sound. very loosely sounds like smashing pumpkins.
• the shins :: indie-pop band from Albaquerque, New Mexico, active from 1998 to nowadays. a very important band for me that i’ve liked since i was like 12. they had a lot of reforms in their lineup. sort of elephant 6-sounding, although at this point you’ve probably listened to them since they’re arguably the most well known indie pop band of all time.
• flake music :: indie-rock/lo-fi band from Albaquerque, New Mexico, active from 1992-ish to 1997. their first and only album “when you land here, it’s time to return” is incredible, although the remaster is pretty bad. all of the members went on to form the shins.
• slint :: post-rock band from Louville, Kentucky, active from 1988 to 1990, reunited for some tours a couple of times. they basically laid the groundwork for post-rock. very well known and respected and they have a pretty interesting backstory (check out the documentary made about them called “breadcrumb trail”). they sound like slint, totally distinct sound.

favorite albums (last updated:4th of june, 2021)

1. repetition by unwound: the most impactful album i’ve ever heard. basically paved the way to my current taste and introduced me to a whole side of music i didn’t know existed.
2. D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L by panchiko: really good EP and even better considering it was made by a bunch of teens in a bedroom in the year 2000. very charming and relaxing, lo-fi ish. lots of samples and drum beats and the singer’s voice fits perfectly.
3. 12” by calm: relatively short album, songs start and end very quickly and tend to end once they reach their climax. it can be a tedious listen considering that songs end when they start getting really good but i think it adds to the experience.
4. oh, inverted world by the shins: its loving oh, inverted world. what else do i have to say?
5. leaves turn inside you by unwound: beautifully haunting, an amazing swan song and possibly the best album of the early 2000s. might be the greatest left turn in music history.
6. astronauta olvidado by bauer: astonishing album. songs are long but don’t get boring since the band knew how to make each track’s climax go on for a while without milking it dry. loads of synths, mainly moogs. great vocals and lyrics feel very sincere and intimate.
7. spiderland by slint: do i really have to explain? great album that went under the radar due to the band breaking up shortly before its release.
8. 13 by blur: the best album by the best britpop band. nuff said.
9. you’d prefer an astronaut by hum: great album with a very abrasive wall of sound approach. the guitar tones are amazing, drumming is immaculate and songwriting is on point. had a pretty big hit, that being the track “stars” which was heavily played by a lot of radio stations in the US.
10. isola by kent: great album by the swedish equivalent to the beatles. i like the english version, fight me.

more updates coming soon, stay tuned for more bloggin’

zenhead fucked around with this message at 06:43 on Aug 5, 2021


Feb 25, 2007

We might be fucked, sir.
Fallen Rib
Good stuff. I'll be following your updates, I've never heard of most of the bands you're talking about so this is a good place for me to go looking for new ideas. Where do you go to find music you've never heard before?

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.

ExecuDork posted:

Good stuff. I'll be following your updates, I've never heard of most of the bands you're talking about so this is a good place for me to go looking for new ideas. Where do you go to find music you've never heard before?

Not OP but one of the things I do is browse stuff like 'Albums of the year' lists and pick out whatever might seem interesting.

YouTube has channels like Theneedledrop that covers albums and weekly music releases. Even Spotify are decent if you want to fire up one of their here's what's out this week playlists.

Other than that check out music websites or blogs, though admittedly I haven't done that myself in a long time.

Sep 21, 2020

ExecuDork posted:

Good stuff. I'll be following your updates, I've never heard of most of the bands you're talking about so this is a good place for me to go looking for new ideas. Where do you go to find music you've never heard before?

thanks, sorry for the lack of activity btw. life keeps me busy lol
honestly i don't really know. a lot of it comes from browsing rym, yt recommended, friends who listen to music also and exploring artists from genres i enjoy. old fanzines and music archives (ie: soundofindie) help out also. i browsed /mu/ for a few months occasionally but didn't find too much of interest. a lot of it is really just at random honestly but my taste's sorta developed from a lot of lurking hah


UPDATE #1 (June 26th, 2021)

been listening to more Argentinian rock, found some albums i really, REALLY, like. here's a list alongside a short review/summary:

el jardín que florece sin cesar by interama (nadar solo discos, 2003):
very nice and easy-going album. definitely wears its influences on its sleeve (radiohead; a lot of argentinian bands liked sounding like radiohead in the early 2000s), but still holds up on its own. production is pretty good although vocals are way too loud compared to the (really good) instrumentation.

overall rating :: 3.75/5 (personal rating: 4.5/5)
favorite track - trasluz :: least favorite track - either formas or hibernación

miami by babasónicos (epic/sony music, 1999)
absolutely magnificent trip-hop album. great atmosphere, amazing song-writing, instrumentations and vocals are on point. aside from some pretty mediocre songs, this is a great album.

overall rating :: 4/5 (personal rating: 4/5 also)
favorite track - either 4AM or gustavo show :: least favorite track - desfachatados

more updates at some point!

zenhead fucked around with this message at 00:35 on Jun 27, 2021

Feb 25, 2007

We might be fucked, sir.
Fallen Rib

zenhead posted:

overall rating :: 3.75/5 (personal rating: 4.5/5)
favorite track - trasluz :: least favorite track - either formas or hibernación

Could you explain your ratings? I don't get the difference between an overall rating and a personal rating. Are you pulling the overall rating from somewhere else?

Sep 21, 2020

ExecuDork posted:

Could you explain your ratings? I don't get the difference between an overall rating and a personal rating. Are you pulling the overall rating from somewhere else?

overall is scoring the enjoyment i had from each song, first rating would be if i were to rate it in an objective manner (no personal opinions about it) and second one is with my personal biases etc. hope that helps clarify what i meant

Sep 21, 2020
new stuff!

UPDATE #2 (August 5th, 2021)

more Argentinian rock which i'll talk about later

autochocador by jaime sin tierra (discos sin tierra, 2000):
one of Argentina's finest's best albums. great album that sounds like a lot of things but still feels singular and like something that could not be replicated by anyone else aside from jaime themselves.

overall rating :: 4.75 (personal rating: 5/5)
favorite tracks - ping!, ciempiés, camión, azafata, 24 centavos, autochocador :: least favorite tracks :: none, i can't bring myself to dislike any of these songs.

yankee hotel foxtrot by wilco (nonesuch records inc, 2001)
i already had listened to this album (i even own it on vinyl) but i hadn't listened to it in a while until recently. album's amazing even though i've got some (few) personal gripes with it. its undeniably a very influential album and was important for the band and the whole indie-folk sound, so extra credit for that

overall rating :: 5/5 (personal rating: 4.5/5)
favorite tracks - heavy metal drummer, radio cure, poor places, pot kettle black, i'm the man who loves you, i am trying to break your heart :: least favorite tracks :: ashes of american flags, reservations

that's it for now, sorry for being really slow with updates

Robin Williams
Aug 11, 2018

by Fluffdaddy
this is going to end well

Feb 25, 2007

We might be fucked, sir.
Fallen Rib
I'm excited to hear more about Argentine music. The full album ofAutochocador is on youtube, any others like that off the top of your head you'd recommend?


Sep 21, 2020

ExecuDork posted:

I'm excited to hear more about Argentine music. The full album ofAutochocador is on youtube, any others like that off the top of your head you'd recommend?

Jaime Sin Tierra went on to make 2 more albums (I guess one could be classified as an EP?), their 2002 release "...lo que va a encandilar es el dia" and 2003's "Tren". Other contemporaries from that time that were also great were the aformentioned Interama, Suarez, Mi Tortuga Montreux, Tus Hermosos, Entre Rios, Menos Que Cero and Bristol. Argentina's (and probably Latin America's as a whole) best known artist is Gustavo Cerati, frontman of Soda Stereo who made a lot of great solo albums.

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