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polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

I’m tired, op


polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

i don't usually have a problem falling asleep, i typically wake up too early and toss n turn until my alarm goes off. rarely do i ever actually sleep until my alarm wakes me. was up at 5 am today, had nothing to do so i went into work super early so i get to leave extra early as well :cool:

the problem is i dont adjust my bed time for this, so it compounds until i really need to nap to catch up

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

thanx for reminding me to throw my underwear in the dryer before bed

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

woke up at 5 yesterday morning, couldn't fall back asleep. woke up at 4 this morning, managed to doze off again but didn't feel like good sleep. tgif

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

i had a poor sleep. thinking about cross posting in the coffee thread

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

i was up too late playing a new rimworld colony that was going really well so now i am tired

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

goblin week posted:

i took my morning meds yesterday evening by accident and had a ritalin-fueled night and now im double tired

just take more, simple

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

Silver Alicorn posted:

I stayed up too late again last night

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

who the gently caress is screaming "go to bed'" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never go to bed

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

i stayed up too late and i am tired this morning - sometimes, the world just makes sense

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

i can drink a 6 pack in a night but i usually get a 4 pack of tall cans instead. it's a bit less and makes me feel less bad because i can tell myself I "only" had 4 beers. thats what i did last night

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

had a dream I went to a chinese buffet with my dad but when we got there it was just somebody’s house and they were passing the food around the table counter clockwise and it was just lots of small dishes of broccoli and the driest chunks of roast beef you ever saw

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

wasn't trying to flex - usually when i have a lot of weird dreams I wake up a lot in the night and then i am tired in the morning

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

There was a 24 hour football game for charity at a field just next to my apartment. It went from 2:30 pm yesterday to 2:30 pm today. There were people playing and yelling and cheering all night. I had no idea what was going on, and got woken up constantly in the middle of the night. Totally insane and deranged. Do that poo poo at an indoor field


polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

Silver Alicorn posted:

need to learn to go to bed earlier

scientists have been working day and night to crack this code, what makes you think you can do it?

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