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Last night I had a stone cold bitchin dream where I was an Indiana Jones type archeologist on the trail of this amazing treasure and there were chase scenes and drama and the whole nine yards. The quest was for these cool geode rocks, the ones where you crack open some dumb/normal rock and the inside is glittering purple jewels.

I was digging in this little crawlspace looking for this chamber full of these rocks and I'm in this little vent like Bishop in Aliens and I dig through into this room hundreds of feet below the surface and there's a row of big blocks against one wall like in a laundromat. On top of one of em is this big rock slab thing and I'm like, is this a huge geode?!?!? No wait, this looks like a kitchen and I realize the big slab is not a geode, it's a big stone panini press, like an ancient primeval panini press. The dream ended with me just standing there with a flashlight like "What the gently caress!!!" :mad:



rivetz posted:

Last night I had a stone cold bitchin dream where I was an Indiana Jones type archeologist on the trail of this amazing treasure and there were chase scenes and drama and the whole nine yards. The quest was for these cool geode rocks, the ones where you crack open some dumb/normal rock and the inside is glittering purple jewels.

I was digging in this little crawlspace looking for this chamber full of these rocks and I'm in this little vent like Bishop in Aliens and I dig through into this room hundreds of feet below the surface and there's a row of big blocks against one wall like in a laundromat. On top of one of em is this big rock slab thing and I'm like, is this a huge geode?!?!? No wait, this looks like a kitchen and I realize the big slab is not a geode, it's a big stone panini press, like an ancient primeval panini press. The dream ended with me just standing there with a flashlight like "What the gently caress!!!" :mad:
cut to breaking news segment on the surface with a bunch of fire trucks and what-not in the background and the guy's like, "Well it's anyone's guess which long-extinct race once lived far beneath the streets of Manhattan, but we can at least confirm that their tribal elders enjoyed a good panini as much as any of us. Back to you in the studio Deborah" "Thanks, Kyle"

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