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Apr 5, 2007
My father was a scab, so was my grandfather and great grandfather, I come from a long proud line of scabs. No picket line is too high for us to cross, no company's actions too abhorrent for us to step-in. We do draw the line at state violence, but if someone gets in the way of your pinwheel arm exercise on the way to your new job... so be it. I fully support this strike, I desperately need new work after being laid off during a outsourcing restructure, and this will be a great way to get my foot in the door of the industry and prove I'm a hard worker.


Apr 5, 2007
Are they likely to ratify? Didn't this whole baldwin shooting thing not get them riled up to get more of what they came for? Seeing management make a joke of their lives, t-shirts making fun of workers' legitimate concerns, someone literally died... that's not got the union re-fired up at all?

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