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Oct 29, 2009

We strike on Monday if an agreement isn’t reached. I wish we would do it today because I really don’t want to decorate this loving room right now.


Oct 29, 2009


Oct 29, 2009

InsensitiveSeaBass posted:

I wonder if the vote will go like the UAW for John Deere

From what I’ve seen not a single person on my social media or current crew is happy with the deal. I guess we’ll see when we vote to ratify it in a couple of weeks.

Oct 29, 2009

Golden Bee posted:

Anything new this week?

I haven’t heard anything from my local since our townhall that went real south real quick. That was like last Tuesday I think.

The whole Halyna Hutchins tragedy is just another reason for us to stick it out against the producers, but we are still waiting to vote to ratify that deal.

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