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Can Bernie count on you to add to our chest's mad sparkle? Can you spare a little change for an old buccaneer?
I had a dream that Elon Musk managed to get an image of his face on the crotch part of women's underwear. It didn't show up until after you washed it, and then his face would appear.



Finger Prince posted:

I dreamed the tomato plants on my balcony were heavily laden with ripe fruit. And it looked like Roma tomatoes, even though they're cherry tomato plants. I also picked one of my shishitos and ate it.

May your next dreams include lactofermentation of the items.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
tomatoes are great for your prostate


had a dream everything was spinning and all woozy, realized it was a dream but wasn't allowed to get up, just cut to black and let me feel like I was getting up over and over but it wouldn't work, then took that away and only let me breathe, then took that away and then I woke up :^(

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
My friend was in my dream and described a Rohl Dahl book as being a "dog food dream". The kind of dream you would have after eating dog food.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
There's a shame and sadness to it like you had to do something out of desperation to survive.
Dog food dream :(

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
I dreamt my mother helped her mother (dead irl) "get online." She was logged in. Posted up in an early aughts Dell Computer in the kitchen of the house I grew up in. They were posting together and doing web searches. As for me I was on videochat with my ex-girlfriend from college as she prepared to go to Japan to become an ambassador to these little aliens who were tiny but got around by sort of sitting on the heads of giant teddybears and manuevering around. They communicated with humans via drums so I was being paid by the US government to give my ex tips on drumming.

After awhile I checked in on my family. My mom and grandma had fallen down a conspiracy rabbit hole and were concerned about airships, the 19th century kind, they were so concerned. I saw they were on shady looking websites to buy "anti-alien fursuits" seemed to be hewn out of brittle, cheap plastic like a kid's Halloween costume. I was like, wow, this is such a scam. How do I get them out of this scrape. I remember that the website was called "antifurrypartyroom.ufo" and was a bright blue background with a lot of pop-ups and spinning yellow gifs. I remember being like ok grandma I get but my mom should know better than this.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


There he go
My mom made a surprise visit to my apartment and started complaining about how dirty everything was. She also told me my older brother would need to move in since he was having trouble with his girlfriend. Luckily at that moment I saw a crack in my walls that led to a hidden apartment. It was super nice, even including an open air garden courtyard! (In a building's walls, yes).

My perspective shifted and I was watching a woman waiting in her car in a strip mall parking lot. She could create two duplicates of herself. Suddenly she was attacked by a mysterious man! She managed to escape but he kidnapped her duplicates. He brought them to his lair, which was an "H" shaped room completely lined with shelves full of wine and liquor, all of it for mind control purposes. It was revealed that the man was Satan, the literal devil, and he did this to a bunch of women and kept them as sex slaves. I (and I'm not sure who I was supposed to be at this point) managed to escape up some stairs and found a room where a smiling woman was waiting. She was holding a pair of scissors and told me that she had been waiting for days for Satan to come up so she could ambush him, although due to time dilation she had been actually waiting for years. She had been the hairdresser for the slaves, but Satan had gotten nervous about her plans and outsourced her job.

Then the "camera" shifted and revealed that the lair was actually on a huge spaceship in the middle of a fleet. Two small ships dropped out of lightspeed and crashed into the hangar of Satan's ship. They unloaded a bunch of rebel special forces, which ran into some automated defenses and took huge casualties but managed to eventually capture Satan. A woman, a former slave who had escaped, walked up and injected a huge needle right into Satan's skull, turning him into a mindless husk as revenge. Everyone gathered around and started celebrating.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
my cousin (who i've met exactly once) brought over "ethically sourced" (roadkill) dolphin meat for a family dinner and somehow I got put in charge of the meat. Unfortunately someone left a bottle of nyquil on the table and I over salted the meat badly.


There he go
A Game Grumps-esque gaming channel on YouTube posted a video where they played a game called "Flat Kitchen", a Steam game with no description, release date, reviews, or any way to buy it. The only screenshot was of a greige kitchen table sitting by itself in a room with white walls, greige wood floors, and two windows. The video itself also got no views and had comments turned off. None of this felt scary, just sort of absurd.


Farecoal posted:

A Game Grumps-esque gaming channel on YouTube posted a video where they played a game called "Flat Kitchen", a Steam game with no description, release date, reviews, or any way to buy it. The only screenshot was of a greige kitchen table sitting by itself in a room with white walls, greige wood floors, and two windows. The video itself also got no views and had comments turned off. None of this felt scary, just sort of absurd.

in the middle of reading this I forgot what thread I was in and was about to ask for a link


There he go
I was a girl in high school, at a summer camp where we learned how to march, sing, and shoot various guns. Part of of the experience was being given our own places to live in. I was assigned a ramshackle hut at the end of a walled dock over some water. One night, the camp director (who was my boss's boss from my real life job) showed up outside my hut with two of his "minions", a nondescript woman and a guy who looked like a garden gnome. They were all trying to convince me to go with the director for some "special training" (it sounded very skeevy). I refused, but they kept persisting and even tried to unlock the door. I finally started firing at the with the guns from the camp training and chased them off.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
The rest of the dream was kinda dark and about Berserk but I woke up giggling because their was a bomb with the words "For your honeymoon: the Giovanni treatment tm" written on it like one of those poems where you black out certain letters

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
Hey, that's not that funny!!


harry potter but most of the movie was wizards chess tournaments in the dining hall and wizards chess now wasn't chess but instead battling monsters you summoned

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

RavenousScoot posted:

harry potter but most of the movie was wizards chess tournaments in the dining hall and wizards chess now wasn't chess but instead battling monsters you summoned

yu gi oh type dream


Ominous Jazz posted:

yu gi oh type dream

I was gonna mention yu gi oh, but it didn't involve cards or cardgame rules or taking turns, but the rest of it, yes

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

clipped through a statue on a street corner and fell through to some sewers that weren't really part of the map, but they had those scary instakill sharks from spyro 2

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

RavenousScoot posted:

clipped through a statue on a street corner and fell through to some sewers that weren't really part of the map, but they had those scary instakill sharks from spyro 2

being eaten and just having the dream rewind a bit to do it again and the sharks having a more realistic shark texture didn't help

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
My mother, afraid of diseases, began to wear a novelty inflateable sumo fat-suit around town to ward off danger. My brother & I, worried for her mental health, agreed that I would walk to Pennsylvania to check in on her. What I discovered was that the sumo suit had set her free. She was using it to roll down hills, chest bump large dogs, run into traffic & just bounce off of cars, jump off of tall cliffs & immediately bounce back up. She was living it up & having the time of her life, laughing & going wa-HOOOOO & stuff. I walked back to New England & called my brother to report that she was fine, & his answering machine message was in a crazy cartoon voice. "Everybody is so footloose these days," I thought. "I'm jealous."

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


had a dream there were AI generated museums (maybe VR?)
the 9/11 exhibit was like some endless runner type phone game looking thing with 4 people surfing on 4 other people to escape a cloud of debris billowing down the streets

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

There he go

some :lol: dreams here

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

How Wonderful! posted:

My mother, afraid of diseases, began to wear a novelty inflateable sumo fat-suit around town to ward off danger. My brother & I, worried for her mental health, agreed that I would walk to Pennsylvania to check in on her. What I discovered was that the sumo suit had set her free. She was using it to roll down hills, chest bump large dogs, run into traffic & just bounce off of cars, jump off of tall cliffs & immediately bounce back up. She was living it up & having the time of her life, laughing & going wa-HOOOOO & stuff. I walked back to New England & called my brother to report that she was fine, & his answering machine message was in a crazy cartoon voice. "Everybody is so footloose these days," I thought. "I'm jealous."

you can live your life more footloose. you can go out today and buy a skateboard


Ominous Jazz posted:

you can live your life more footloose. you can go out today and buy a skateboard

or a sumo suit

or both and get some for friends to play sumo skateboard bumpercars

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas

Ominous Jazz posted:

you can live your life more footloose. you can go out today and buy a skateboard

I have one but I just don't know where it is. Also unfortunately I have covid atm so I can't shred.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


I'm writing in cursive. I get to the word "haven't" and misspell it. I retry repeatedly, continuing to misspell "haven't" until I wake up.


a rapper (forget which one) opened a gas station that only accepted payment in tokens

I needed gas and only had one token given out as a free promotion in an ad or something, but most people just threw theirs out the window, so I started scooping them up off the road while driving (guess my arms were now long enough and eyesight good enough to do this?)

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Finger Prince

I had various and assorted dreams last night, but the one persistent thing was a tuxedo cat frozen in time mid leap. I couldn't see where he was leaping to, but the impression was that wherever it was was too far, and I think he knew it.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
my friends were coming over for dnd and that meant that we had to go sleep in a really big bed together at my parents house and be asleep before 1030 and then we played in an italian restaurant

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
Last night Bingo Bango had a dream and talked in her sleep. She jabbed me in the ribs and said that if I slept on my back I'd become too muscular to survive and that someone small like me shouldn't grow huge and start bodyslamming everyone. I agree.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


There he go
The people hired to be the manager at my job kept going missing. I was going to lunch one day and walked into an open garage near my workplace, where a bunch of my co-workers were gathered around the latest manager and trying to hang him from the ceiling rafters with a rope. Apparently this has happened to all the previous ones. I ran over and took him down, but I was persuaded by my co-workers to let them hang him, and we all agreed to keep covering it up.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
self cross-post from the worm talk thread

Areola Grande posted:

weird day today. I woke up sleepy so I took a shower, checked the worm talk thread and smoked some weed. then I was even sleepier. I drew the curtains for a midday nap.

as I lay there thinking l won't sleep again, I'll just lay here and that'll be rest enough

all of a sudden BOOM I'm in the worm dream!! trouble is I didn't know it was a dream at all. I was human and my friend offered me some weed chocolate. It was a liquid-y syrup in the palm of his hand for some reason but hey it's a dream so I licked it up and that made perfect sense.

IMMEDIATELY I'm tripping. Like, acid tripping. My friend says he just feels stoned. I'm fumbling with all my belongings and trying to find my shoes.

next the darkness descended and all I could hear was the moist earth crunching as I struggled in a world of darkness/sleep paralysis. crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch. on and on the worm dream continued.

real post. worst worm dream ever


Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
I had a dream about repairing the devils car

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