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Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

I'll take one when they will give a coupon for a better OS than Win11


Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Prolly somebody went with "X means 10 haha sony will be sooo owned" and later they made Xbox Series S because gently caress reason and logic

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

k-meleon got better at https last year, and there will come a day I will fully switch to it at home because gently caress modern web

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

I love how moving text between Teams and any other MS application (or Teams' own Word/Excel/web view) fucks up the formatting in new and exciting ways. It's great to hunt for one lone line formatted with SegoeUI (?) font amid dozens of Calibri ones, sometimes it's easier because it shows up also as light blue on dark mode in Outlook and nobody has any clue why is that happening

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Hed posted:

If I search a chat in Teams, it will find the result in the list. If I click the result to go to the context, it just dumps me in the middle of the chat. My term/match isn't highlighted, and i'm pretty sure it's not in view. Maybe this is because I have compact mode on?

anyway, what a pos

Teams does something super fucky with older messages, it either outright removes them or makes them "just there", they show up in the search results so you know they haven't been removed, but good luck finding them. Extra annoying with randomly disappearing date/time signatures because who tf would searches through chat, a placr where a ton of current info is exchanged daily, right???

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Word doesn't have kickass ascii logos

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

burning swine posted:

I discovered today that when you copy an image in Teams, instead of an actual image in your clibpboard, you get 3-8MB of base64 text in an <img data="[...]"> tag

so far I haven't discovered anything that can actually parse this on the receiving end

paint and don't recognize it as an image

word and wordpad just get the html text

onenote crashes as soon as you paste

anyone else remember when internal consistency was the one good thing the windows ecosystem had going for it? goddamn

I gave up long time ago and now just save each funnypic.jpg on my drive and upload it to Teams

The funny thing I have discovered on my own is I can save the pictures off Teams on my work PC, but can't do it on my phone off the Teams app as it downloads some bullshit file instead

laserghost fucked around with this message at 16:46 on Jul 6, 2023

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

burning swine posted:

ah yes, uservoice, where ideas go to die

Microsoft Thread: hoping your ideas will be reviewed one day

Powerful "if only there was someone who loved you" energy off this chat message

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Wild EEPROM posted:

microsoft is the new adobe

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

microsoft entra my rear end

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

I'm enjoying how Teams have changed the placement of the "edit" function, it used to be in the roll-down menu when you pointed at the message, and now it's next to the emojis. top you ay designe, A+

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

how the gently caress does the "photos" app keep disappearing? it happened repeatedly in the office, and now today I also found I am unable to open a stupid loving jaypeg, because the app for it just... removed itself from registry? and I couldn't just reinstall it, I had to look up a guide and the repair process involves using powershell *and* command prompt, just so the loving thing can be reinstalled from MS Store

and no, I can't use outside apps on my workputer, this way I would install irfanview and never even thought about having problems with a goddamn *image viewer* in tyool 2023

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

if that was just me, I'd probably consider this some random update fuckup or maybe I did something stupid and shrug it off, but various kids in the lab have complained about this happening at some point, at least 4 people, so I guess Win10 sometimes just starts eating itself and there is nothing you can do about it

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Yeah I can also change the file association to Paint3d or whatever, but I have a specific workflow with resizing the pic/saving it somewhere/deleting the file/moving to the next one in folder that the Photos allows me to do

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Stand up in front of computer and say "Microsoft" to skip the ad for MsOffice

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

It's time for lindows to come back

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Maybe there will be some kind of ubiquitous pihole-like solution, cheap enough and easy to use that will help the non-tech wise from hiding the ads on their telescreens for trump knifes and predatory subscriptions to services they don't need

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Pile Of Garbage posted:

so now there are two versions of Chedgium: Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Edge for Business. no i don't know why. i do know that apparently Microsoft Edge for Business will "crush my workday"

sounds like a threat tbh

Yeah, it will crush all my NDA'd data on screen and feed it into their useless Bing "AI" so curious users can ask Bing about upcoming features for the game we are working on

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

"In 2024, the new Outlook will replace the E-Mail and Calendar app" uhh no I don't want that. The E-Mail app does what it should, while Outlook has this dumbed down, pseudo Word-like interface that somehow is not compatible with formatting of whatever I paste from Word

gently caress microsoft your poo poo is garbage

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

jammyozzy posted:

I take it back, if I have a video playing on top of the teams window it hitches every couple of seconds. Drag it to another screen and it plays perfectly

Oh so that's why every youtube video I've watched recently at work has glitched audio and sometimes just disappears for a second

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Bing up your business

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

qirex posted:

visual design is a dead art

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Honest question: what kind of use case would have the color picker in Word or Excel? You really shouldn't need to do such precise visual work with those poo poo piles of software. Paint3D has this function, and I think you can finally save transparent images if you need to quickly hack up a logo or a colored text for your doc or calc sheet

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

k-meleon supremacy

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

git apologist posted:

the gooniest take


Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

AlbertFlasher posted:

This morning teams decided to add a "suggested" list of contacts to my chat window and that I should "invite them to teams". No piss off. I don't know why they just add poo poo like that. I tried to remove it but I don't know how. There's nothing in settings.

Teams is social media now

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

the thing about early vista adoption that poisoned the public opinion were huge issues with games. I remember alarming articles in press about which new games work on vista and which don't, which need patches etc.

also a lot of people had poo poo PCs and thought Vista will be like XP 2.0, and it was very, very different. and slow

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

4GB ain't enough for anybody

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Branch Nvidian posted:

utterly baffling that windows designers don't use windows to design windows

You don't poo poo where you sleep

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

gabensraum posted:

all the windows complaints i see these days can be fixed with some simple config changes, dunno why people are switching to mac or linux when they could just spend a few days and install windows 10 iot ltsc edition to avoid feature updates and ads and news, and then disconnect the internet during install so that you can use a local account instead of a microsoft one, and then install open-shell because it's actually pretty good, and then install outlook from office 2021 ltsc instead of o365 so that you can connect to work m365 email but not risk that you wake up one day and your email client has been converted to an electron mess, and then install word and excel from office 2010 proplus sp2 because that's the last version that didn't have microsoft logins so it won't log you on automatically to your work account and keep telling you to save it in your work onedrive when you're just trying to update your fantasy footy team stats

pretty easy, folks. where do you want to go today?

noting this down, ty

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

btw, did Teams poo poo the bed today just for me, or

yeah it shat the bed badly

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

echinopsis posted:

commodore should be in charge

Amiga should be the current standard

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Clark Nova posted:

microsoft doesn't know how to entice customers, only discipline them


Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

some time ago I had to use an old unused machine for testing due to specs. of course, the teams needed to be updated. so, updating commences. and then it tells me, "oh wait, you need the teams for work, right? that will be a different installer, dumbass!" so I download separately the different installer. then I run it, install and then the Teams is like "well would you know it, you have Teams Modern Warfare for Workgroups disabled by your admin, so get the gently caress back to Teams Bitch Basic and stop wasting my time", and only then I could finally use the drat program. of course, each install required a separate login to my company account, then the linked MS account and separate authorization because security concerns and the whole thing took like 15 mins, which of course meant somebody had to wait for my dumb rear end to check precisely one single thing on this machine.


Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

today I had to use the stopwatch function in the clock app, and discovered that 1) you can't resize the window while the stopwatch is working, the cursor just blinks between normal and resize mode frantically 2) you can't copy the time to the clipboard. amazing

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