Also, be sure to check out FFVIII gameplay mods here: https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?board=87.0 I poo poo talk FFVIII a lot for many justified reasons I think but I've still played it many times and I'll play it again in the future. My anger at it is how it easily could have been so much better. It has a lot going for it that it squanders. Still love Seifer. I think his and Squall's dynamic is an example of writing carried through to completion in the game ins a satisfying way. Except for Seifer not rejoining the party for a redemption arc at the end but eh.
# ¿ Dec 10, 2021 03:03 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 23:59 |
Gonna say it here and now, the best final boss in VIII was Griever and the best final boss theme was The Legendary Beast. It always gets shortchanged compared to Maybe I'm A Lion and The Extreme but it's absolutely perfect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmrUDOnbWNA And Griever himself just looks like a really cool summon.
# ¿ Dec 10, 2021 04:35 |
Pictured: A random encounter in FFVIII. Scan Info: A member of Galbadia Garden's demi-human ice-hockey club. Attacks with speed and team work.
# ¿ Dec 10, 2021 07:57 |
The problem with FFVIII leveling is that it introduced level scaling in the one FF where levels don't matter. Junctioning and level scaling are two incompatible systems just shoved together and it's really dumb. It should have just been one or the other.I said come in! posted:One of my friends is going to be playing Final Fantasy VIII for the first time ever, and streaming it on Twitch https://twitch.tv/karkalla if anyone is interested in seeing someone play the original PS1 release completely blind. They stream every weekday at 10am pacific time, so will be live in the next hour. I'm def interested in watching this, thanks for sharing
# ¿ Dec 10, 2021 21:01 |
KOGAHAZAN!! posted:She got through the fire cavern and immediately settled in for five hours of Triple Triad The mention of her blind playing Chrono Cross meant I had to go watch that instead. I'll continue watching FFVIII for story reactions and whatnot but CC with no prior knowledge was far too tempting to pass up in favor of TT grinding. Gonna be very busy catching up with this. EDIT: I'm watching live right now though, here's hoping she runs into a T-Rexaur. NikkolasKing fucked around with this message at 00:40 on Dec 11, 2021 |
# ¿ Dec 11, 2021 00:30 |
KOGAHAZAN!! posted:Longer if she never figures out how to game the junction system/take junctions off of out of party party members Has she figured out you can just exchange magic yet? I just tuned in for the zombie president boss. God, nothing in this game does any damage. I haven't played vanilla VIII in forever and you really can just camp out, take a break, get a snack, all while drawing as much magic as you want from a boss. That really doesn't help teach you about the easier, better methods for getting magic. No wonder none of us realized it as kids, we had no incentive to realize it.
# ¿ Dec 15, 2021 00:23 |
Booourns posted:Simply using the GF abilities that refine items into magic on the poo poo that drops from enemies is enough to make you OP, and if you refine the cards that drop from bosses and then refine those items into magic poo poo gets even more out of hand You actually start with Tents so it's even more easily broken. But yeah, pretty much every FF game can be broken but nowhere is it more obvious and easy than with VIII. Beasteh posted:Irvine sux I would go on record saying he's the worst party member in FF history. He joins for one reason, he immediately fails at what he's there for, and his next action is to leave you to die in prison. And since this is FFVIII, he gets no actual character development so he's just always a shithead failure.
# ¿ Dec 16, 2021 10:16 |
zakharov posted:Unfortunately it turns out Cid is a terrible person who did not deserve your help. I'd have sided with NORG if it was a WRPG. But seriously, Cid is another canonically awful person who just faces no consequences.
# ¿ Dec 16, 2021 19:28 |
Fantastic Foreskin posted:Is it a weapons monthly or just a TimMani? I think she saw it in the sewers so it's a Weapon Monthly I'm pretty sure. I have missed it in my previous playthroughs, too So yeah, totally worthless. Weapons mean nothing in this game apart from Squall's Gunblade
# ¿ Dec 17, 2021 05:15 |
She went back for that magazine but she skipped the Water Dragon Isle and just brute forced Mt. Pyre in Chrono Cross, missing out on story and a star.... I mean, whatever. But yeah, it is insanely frustrating watching people play video games sometimes. And just so this is slightly more on topic, I don't dislike Man with the Machinegun but I have always preferred the orchestrated version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVKBxVC-Bpo A kid I knew in middle school who was my first JRPG buddy had the "S Generation" CD and I made sure to get it too, jamming out to the Best Of various arrangements of PS1 FF songs, including this. NikkolasKing fucked around with this message at 11:28 on Dec 17, 2021 |
# ¿ Dec 17, 2021 11:26 |
It's been so long since I chose the "I have to lie" option when being tortured in VIII that I totally forgot the different stuff you lose out on if go that route. Clearly "just let me die" is what you're supposed to do since you get help from the Moombas like items and shortcuts, hints about Laguna and Squall's relationship, and Squall himself appears to be better shape since you find him standing up.
# ¿ Dec 18, 2021 09:48 |
NORG is my absolute favorite bit of random insanity. Why does this guy with one scene have music like he's the final boss? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXfxeqy4yLQ
# ¿ Dec 21, 2021 20:29 |
Watching her continue this silly game, she just went to Dollet and I've always wondered at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrqWmOKyT-Y Time is hard to measure in FFVIII but at most it's only been a day or two between Dollet being besieged and occupied and when you can return to it to hear this music. I guess being invaded and poo poo is just something you get over remarkably quickly.
# ¿ Dec 28, 2021 20:37 |
So VG has also started an FFVIII blind stream https://www.twitch.tv/videogamessa Only wholesome, happy streams of FFVIII. It's kinda nice.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2022 21:01 |
She figured out Laguna was Squall's dad a lot faster than I did. I remember when I first beat the game in the early 2000s I felt so proud for eventually piecing it together when Kiros and Ward basically spell it out to you at the end of Disk 3. Here she is at the start of Disk 3 and she's on the ball. My only defense is I was a young teenager at the time. I imagine everybody debating the topic back then were also young stupid kids.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2022 19:42 |
Even the bastion of positivity Karkalla thinks Irvine is total garbage. I love it.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2022 23:27 |
i really dislike her refusal to accept even the mist minor gameplay spoilers. She's just gonna miss out on Ultima Weapon and the entire Deep Sea facility content now FFVIII Ultima Weapon rules. The design, atmosphere, music....just a great, great superboss. Omega Weapon is super lame by comparison, even if it's infinitely harder.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2022 00:10 |
aperfectcirclefan posted:Did they ever do anything else with the characters in the game, like did any of.them show up in KH or like the weird mobile spin offs? Squall, called "Leon", is a semi-prominent character in KH, at least KH1 and 2, dunno about any of the others. He's voiced by David Boreanaz in KH1 IIRC. He's in the Dissidia fighting games of course, as is Ultimecia. Dissidia actually gives her something resembling a personality and character. Also how did I forget Seifer, Raijin and Fujin are weird little punks in KH2 and Seifer is voiced by Will Friedle which was perfect. (that's Eric, the older brother from Boy Meets World, and Terry McGinnis, the main character in Batman Beyond) NikkolasKing fucked around with this message at 19:00 on Jan 20, 2022 |
# ¿ Jan 20, 2022 18:57 |
jiggerypokery posted:I got most of the way through disk one. It isn't as weird as I remember but i think it falls apart more later on. That's because the game presents Balamb as nothing but a rad high school. The contrast between Balamb and Galbadia Garden is striking, only the latter feels like a real military school.
# ¿ Feb 6, 2022 19:24 |
OhFunny posted:I've been thwarted in this due to a bug that keeps crashing the game. Which version of the game are you playing? I have never had this happen before si 'm not sure what to do about it
# ¿ Feb 7, 2022 22:41 |
In my experience, a lot of people don't like Rinoa but for me she's the most interesting character next to Squall...until the game gives up on her and reduces her to just Squall's love interest. I've thought about this before but it came back to me while watching an FFVIII LP where they just did the Laguna/Julia scene. Julia is Rinoa's mom,, that is explicitly spelled out by Raine at the start of disk 2. Laguna was madly in love with her and she with him but then he nearly died and she ended up with General Caraway. Much like Julia, Rinoa comes in strong and then is just forgotten about. Laguna's entire intro is about her and then we never see her again. Rinoa on disk 1 has so much baggage because of her mom dying while she was young and her father being a high-ranking official in a cruel dictatorship. None of this is resolved. Rinoa get a boyfriend and never mentions her father again. I've thought in the past that FFVIII is trying for some "love finds a way" message where, even though Laguna and Julia never got together, their respective children did find one another. But even this still short-changed Julia's Rinoa's characters as they both still get far less than the others.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2022 22:23 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 23:59 |
Dark_Swordmaster posted:I agree it's better but the visuals just aren't quite as funny as a large dog mounted on the wrist. An excuse to finally post something that should have been posted on the first page And the others
# ¿ Feb 17, 2022 17:09 |