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Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

NikkolasKing posted:

My anger at it is how it easily could have been so much better. It has a lot going for it that it squanders.

Yeah, it's really ambitious and tries a lot of interesting things. It mostly fails at them, but I have to respect their willingness to change things up. And some of the things, like the junction system, are really unique and fun to mess around with.

Rooney McNibnug posted:

I do believe a lot of the frustration with the game can be traced back to an arguably poor English translation of the dialogue,

My theory is that it's not just the translation, but the requirement for any text to be condensed to the absolute minimum in order to fit into the very limited display space in dialog windows. It's hard enough to explain the plot in huge, rambling FAQ documents, so trying to do it in a handful of short sentences is not going to go well, even if the translation is good. Some of the more nonsensical conversations feel like they might have made more sense with a little more nuance and detail, but when it has to be condensed to "Squall... you idiot!" it just comes across as people being irrational assholes.

Also I wish they had hired someone to stand behind the writer/translator and hit them with a rolled-up newspaper every time they tried to use an ellipsis.


Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

TheGreatEvilKing posted:

I'm like one of five people who likes Squall as a kid in way over his head

I wouldn't go as far as saying I like him, but he gets a lot more sympathetic when you realize he's an emotionally damaged child soldier with literal brain damage, as are all of his peers. Cid should have been tried for loving war crimes.

Tiger Millionaire posted:

Golden suns class system of equipping various combinations of djinn to get your various jobs and spells and as said using a summon could deactivate a djinn, change your combination and change your job mid battle. Very weird and very cool.

I also loved the junction system, I like it when jrpgs did something really weird with their character progression systems

:agreed: I had never really thought about the two games that way, but you're absolutely right. That was a really neat system.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

KOGAHAZAN!! posted:

Longer if she never figures out how to game the junction system/take junctions off of out of party party members :laugh:

e: I think that might not get tutorialised until like Galbadia Garden

This gets really obnoxious in the sequences where you're constantly switching around between party members. Cool, I have to completely swap over all my junctions and magic to run through the three rooms with this other party just to ensure I don't get mulched by a random encounter. And then switch it all back. And back again. And back again, again... Every time resetting the active party to 500/4000+ HP.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless
Hitting the trigger on a normal attack is still pretty reliable (pull it right after the "whoosh" sound), but it definitely feels like there's something funky with the limit break triggers, like you have to hit them way earlier than it looks like given the slider.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless
Triple Triad is very easy to play. You put cards down in a way that you think will make you win, and then the game says "actually there's a new rule that says you lose everything" and the computer takes all your cards.

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