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Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug
Welcome to another year, and another re-up on 2020.


Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

CommieGIR posted:

Welcome to another year, and another re-up on 2020.

Family day today, but I'm a civilian now so I need to take leave or go to work.

Guess I'm watching Netflix all day at my desk because there is nobody here lol

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Stepped out to lunch to find four inches of snow atop my car in the two hours since I last cleared it.

Screw you, Maryland.

For all the GIs with brodozers around here, I'd think at least a handful would be able to drive in snow, but my commute to work this morning proved otherwise.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Arc Light posted:

Stepped out to lunch to find four inches of snow atop my car in the two hours since I last cleared it.

Screw you, Maryland.

For all the GIs with brodozers around here, I'd think at least a handful would be able to drive in snow, but my commute to work this morning proved otherwise.
I got a snow day for the first time ever! It's like free leave. I feel sorry for the people who still have to go to work

Woof Blitzer
Dec 29, 2012

Everyone is leaving for a mission to Asia and I will be here with only one contractor. Great success

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

all in the reflexes

Dinosaur Gum
I've had multiple snow days since I took this contract job with the army. Didn't even go in one week, it's been nice

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Can anyone imagine still being in?

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it

lite_sleepr posted:

Can anyone imagine still being in?

Lol I'm still waiting to get on the reserve scroll because I'm an idiot.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Important enough to be one of the first two or three assets sent to trouble spots, not important enough to fund or replace.

Feb 15, 2011

Some things can't be unseen

lite_sleepr posted:

Can anyone imagine still being in?

I'm in the process of reenlisting so I can do a tour as an interpreter at DTRA, so still being in is pretty nice for me.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Godholio posted:

Important enough to be one of the first two or three assets sent to trouble spots, not important enough to fund or replace.

Gotta love it. The Gulf Stream proof of concept got cancelled iirc?

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

CommieGIR posted:

Gotta love it. The Gulf Stream proof of concept got cancelled iirc?

Yeah, it went nowhere. ABMS will fix everything.

What ABMS will consist of remains TBD.

Nov 12, 2011

lite_sleepr posted:

Can anyone imagine still being in?

Sometimes, but then the VA check comes in...

May 28, 2004


I would be retiring in May, but I did a KAIP W/DEP here for 3 years so June '24 is my retirement window. At least I won't get deployed to Ukraine from Korea!

the yellow dart
Jul 19, 2004

King of rings, armlocks, hugs, and our hearts

Godholio posted:

Yeah, it went nowhere. ABMS will fix everything.

What ABMS will consist of remains TBD.

Nonononono there is a gmti portion aircraft part of ABMS we just cant tell you becaus

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
We'll just put every sensor on satellites and datalink it everywhere. That'll be fine, right?

Sep 14, 2007

King of Klatch
Coming up on 13 years, at least 7 to go in the guard. They wouldn’t deploy a bunch of fat guard engineers to fight Russia, right?


Apr 7, 2011
So imgr has radically changed since the last time I used it forever ago and adding photos is still an absolutely unintuitive cluster but if anyone still uses Facebook the Air Force amn/NCO/snco page has a wild post about someone getting a going away plaque from Incirlik that is a burning house in memory of their house burning down stateside shortly after they had arrived. It’s a lot more….something if you see it in person instead of my exasperated description.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I'm still in, it'd be 2020 season 3 as gently caress if I end up fighting in WW3

Woof Blitzer
Dec 29, 2012


pkells posted:

Coming up on 13 years, at least 7 to go in the guard. They wouldn’t deploy a bunch of fat guard engineers to fight Russia, right?



Mar 5, 2013

pkells posted:

Coming up on 13 years, at least 7 to go in the guard. They wouldn’t deploy a bunch of fat guard engineers to fight Russia, right?



Pot Smoke Phoenix
Aug 15, 2007

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em!
Dinosaur Gum

lite_sleepr posted:

Can anyone imagine still being in?

I got out after 10 years in '94, I would die of culture shock today.

Having said that ask me about the dreams I have constantly about waiting for TMO to show up and pack up all the poo poo I've accumulated since then, which my dream self acknowledges, so like every television set I've ever owned and piece of furniture is there, ready to go.

Meanwhile I'm sitting outside the Wing Commander's office trying to figure out how I'm going to get them to get me out of my orders since I'm 56 with a laundry list of disabilities, and whoops! I forgot this bag of weed in my pocket!

It would be so weird being in again...

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
drat almost a month between posts in the ol' Air Force thread. Did everyone roll up into the space force thread? Is there a space force thread?

My penultimate experience with TMO was having the movers no-show, then show up unannounced, pack the house only for me to notice the truck was pretty packed.

"Hey, were you guys going to send another truck to get the stuff I have in storage?"

"What stuff in storage?"

Queue me on the phone for 2 hours with JPSO and TMO on a Friday evening.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug
Having TMO show up and pack everything, including the engines in my garage was interesting.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

gently caress PCSing, especially to/from overseas. Some people think it's romantic/fun/a-life-experience/whatever, but really it's a loving nightmare, and half your poo poo always gets broke, including stuff that can't be replaced due to sentimental value. I'm dealing with this poo poo right now and I practically have to be wasted to deal with it all. I've been back in the US for 6 months & haven't received my HHG poo poo yet; and my ex just received a lot of her HHG poo poo broken, and guess who has to file the claim due to bureaucracy.

As for the slow speed of this thread, I think everyone just migrated to the USAF subreddit now, especially since Slippery went MIA. He seemed to be the glue that held the SA USAF thread together.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Jimmy Smuts posted:

gently caress PCSing, especially to/from overseas. Some people think it's romantic/fun/a-life-experience/whatever, but really it's a loving nightmare, and half your poo poo always gets broke, including stuff that can't be replaced due to sentimental value. I'm dealing with this poo poo right now and I practically have to be wasted to deal with it all. I've been back in the US for 6 months & haven't received my HHG poo poo yet; and my ex just received a lot of her HHG poo poo broken, and guess who has to file the claim due to bureaucracy.

As for the slow speed of this thread, I think everyone just migrated to the USAF subreddit now, especially since Slippery went MIA. He seemed to be the glue that held the SA USAF thread together.

Yes, but then I'd have to go to reddit, and I'm not doing that.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

all in the reflexes

Dinosaur Gum
I think most people got out. I was for a while still working on an air force base but now I can't even say that. As it would turn out, contracting for the army is no different from contracting for the air force

May 28, 2004


This June is my 20, but I have another year until I can retire since I KAIPed for 3 years. Starting TAP and poo poo as soon as possible, and making sure all my creaks and groans are documented with medical.

Oct 16, 2004

Even the USAF Reddit quality is down lately. Too many “What’s the craziest thing you’ve heard of” threads.

To add to discussion: That rapey Public Affairs E-9(s) getting a TSgt retirement is pretty horrible. Shoulda got das boot.

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it
Has it ever been good? Everytime I've seen it, it's always just posts complaining about PT tests or some a1c asking a stupid question that could easily be answered by any supervisor.

Jul 27, 2001


djfooboo posted:

Even the USAF Reddit quality is down lately. Too many “What’s the craziest thing you’ve heard of” threads.

To add to discussion: That rapey Public Affairs E-9(s) getting a TSgt retirement is pretty horrible. Shoulda got das boot.

Whoah, I hadn't heard of this one? Not too long after I left WPAFB the command chief of AFMC got in trouble for inappropriate sexytimes. (story is from 2011... I left in 2010)

C'mon chiefs.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

The USAF subreddit can be good, if you filter out all the goddamn memes which plague it. I come to it for answers way too much , but it works.

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

Jimmy Smuts posted:

gently caress PCSing, especially to/from overseas. Some people think it's romantic/fun/a-life-experience/whatever, but really it's a loving nightmare, and half your poo poo always gets broke, including stuff that can't be replaced due to sentimental value. I'm dealing with this poo poo right now and I practically have to be wasted to deal with it all. I've been back in the US for 6 months & haven't received my HHG poo poo yet; and my ex just received a lot of her HHG poo poo broken, and guess who has to file the claim due to bureaucracy.

As for the slow speed of this thread, I think everyone just migrated to the USAF subreddit now, especially since Slippery went MIA. He seemed to be the glue that held the SA USAF thread together.

lol I got banned from /r/airforce, but thankfully the /r/airforce discord is administered by different folks.

Imagine, two air force systems not talking to each other and showing the same info :lmao:

and slippery pulled chocks more than 10 years ago i'm sure.

Oct 16, 2004

Well that's a first. I just got sent home 1.5 hours early from a phase 2 exercise because a contractor had to go home so the building had to be locked up. :v:
Nothing can stop the US Air Force!

Mar 12, 2003


lite_sleepr posted:

and slippery pulled chocks more than 10 years ago i'm sure.

He is still AD, kicking rear end and taking names 😎

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
That poor bastard. He was a commander years ago, right? He's gotta be in staff hell.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I wonder if he's still as ultra-perky and always-happy as he used to be.
real edit: wtf am I saying, anyone in past 10-15 years is jaded as gently caress, i should know

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug


Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Not something I was expecting to read today. Can’t wait for the Evangelical freak out.

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