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Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

Some general watched The Lawnmower Man over the weekend, that’s what. Then he watched the sequel and the good ideas™ really started flowing.


Knives Amilli
Sep 26, 2014

hannibal posted:

You’ll all just get transferred to the new Cyber Force anyway.

i personally dont think we will ever see one. i think the various branches/agencies wont budge on it due to the additional manning that having Cyber assets brings.

Jul 27, 2001


Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

will they wear tron guy suits as uniforms

also wtf is this

what does this have to do with configuring firewalls and trawling through SIEM logs to try and figure out if you've been popped by the PLA or not

There are people working on virtual ship bridge sims and this appears to be one of them. The screen thing is weird though. Given that's an OG Oculus Rift that picture is pretty old. Of course, not a cyber thing at all (unless your source claims it to be, which would be weird).

Knives Amilli posted:

i personally dont think we will ever see one. i think the various branches/agencies wont budge on it due to the additional manning that having Cyber assets brings.

There's more support than you think, I am seeing a lot of lobbying for it. Originally just from places like MCPA (who of course would support it) but I've seen more articles coming out about it and now SASC is talking about a study.

This all came up back when Cyber Command was originally created - the Services were able to prevent it back then (although the Air Force made their play for "ALL of cyber" and lost, of course). Now I'm not so sure if they'll keep it from happening, much like Space Force. Personally I'm not entirely convinced of the utility - maybe if they just split off CNMF and the CPTs, but splitting off all cyber personnel seems shortsighted.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
If I were a combatant commander I'd be fighting that with every fiber of my being.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

The Cyber Force would be so autistic that it would make Intel folks from the other services look like total jocks in comparison.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

17.4% promotion rate for 23E5, looks like.

I guess we'll have a brief promotion release party this year. Very efficient.

May 28, 2004


2022: 21.1%
2021: 35.06%
2020: 41.58%
2019: 48.79%
2018: 51.12%
2017: 44.31%
2016: 42.25%
2015: 33.8%
2014: 25.59%
2013: 32.9%
2012: 40.68%
2011: 42.7%
2010: 47.41%
2009: 49.79%
2008: 43.45%
2007: 41.33%
2006: 35.86%
2005: 40.14%
2004: 40.91%
2003: 49.75%
2002: 62.98%
2001: 64.63%
2000: 50.72%
1999: 36.39%
1998: 22.65%
1997: 18.66%

Jaysus christ

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

At least the thread title still checks out

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

At this rate they might as well bring back Buck Sergeant. Gonna be a lot of SrAs with ALS supervising folks.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Rumor was 20%, so yikes.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
lol if you're still in? Pretty sure I've been out long enough that anyone I knew either promoted to E5 already or got out

Mar 24, 2007
Pilots getting scrouge McDuck bonuses while 5 out of 6 SrA not getting promoted probably makes sense on paper but it just seems, wrong.

Dec 10, 2010

This post is terrible
Doctor Rope
My sister made it, so that's cool.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Shalhavet posted:

My sister made it, so that's cool.


I'm phoneposting, so I can't check the portal - has the list been released publicly, or is it still at the CC level for individual notifications?

May 28, 2004


Well reddit didn't have it this time.

When Master results came out I didn't even have to load the list since my name was in the drat preview image.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

The list officially comes out tomorrow. I kinda feel bad for making MSgt without trying because the promotion rates were stupid high a few years ago, and we have all these SrA just trying and failing to make a rank that the other services give out practically for free in my job field.

Edit: I've been F5ing the poo poo out of the USAF reddit at work the past few days hoping for a leaked list, probably even more so than my flight's SrAs

Jimmy Smuts fucked around with this message at 01:10 on Aug 10, 2023

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Is the list out tomorrow for everyone, or for commanders?

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it
A lot of salty E4s on my feed. lol if you're still in

Jun 6, 2011

by Modern Video Games

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Are Thule assignments still 365 days?

It's Pittufik now

Wild T
Dec 15, 2008

The point I'm trying to make is that the only way to come out on top is to kick the Air Force in the nuts, beart it savagely with a weight and take a dump on it's face.
Just popping in to say I'm fat, retired, stoned every day and going to school on the MGIB to be a professional gigolo. I showed the dick book at a party the other day.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Wild T posted:

going to school on the MGIB to be a professional gigolo.
Show us your ways

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Just retire lol it's great

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Two years until I yell "FFFRRREEDDOOOMMMMM!!!!!" at my retirement ceremony, followed by me chugging an entire bottle of fine champagne in front of my CC team.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
So a B-1 crashed at an Airshow in Michigan? I just saw a video of the crew punching out.

I’ll be honest, I was personally surprised to find out bombers have ejection seats decades ago. I guess since none of our other big rear end planes have ejection seats I just made a mental correlation that big rear end plane = Go With God.

Anyone got any rumint on what went down?

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
B-1, B-2, B-52 all have ejection systems, among others. It's mostly the civilian based Cargo/Refueling/Combat Control(JSTARS/RC/AWACS/etc.) planes that dont.

Guess we'll find out if they ground the Fleet again

Oct 31, 2011

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

So a B-1 crashed at an Airshow in Michigan? I just saw a video of the crew punching out.

I’ll be honest, I was personally surprised to find out bombers have ejection seats decades ago. I guess since none of our other big rear end planes have ejection seats I just made a mental correlation that big rear end plane = Go With God.

Anyone got any rumint on what went down?

B-1? I'd heard it was a MiG-23.

Jan 15, 2006

dublish posted:

B-1? I'd heard it was a MiG-23.

It was.

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

So a B-1 crashed at an Airshow in Michigan? I just saw a video of the crew punching out.

I’ll be honest, I was personally surprised to find out bombers have ejection seats decades ago. I guess since none of our other big rear end planes have ejection seats I just made a mental correlation that big rear end plane = Go With God.

Anyone got any rumint on what went down?

Where did you hear this? The last loss I found of a B-1 was back in 2013, and the last major incident was an engine blowout on the tarmac in 2022 at Dyess AFB.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

A.o.D. posted:

It was.

Where did you hear this? The last loss I found of a B-1 was back in 2013, and the last major incident was an engine blowout on the tarmac in 2022 at Dyess AFB.

It was a (god forgive me) a Tik Tok video which explains why I can’t find anything about it as I guess it was a fake.


Jan 15, 2006

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

It was a (god forgive me) a Tik Tok video which explains why I can’t find anything about it as I guess it was a fake.


Where's Senator Vreenak when you need him?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
You’d be amazed all the things you can know even when the list of things you don’t know includes some basic poo poo.

It’s the entire premise of the intelligence community.

For example, when I graduated Intel School I didn’t know bombers had ejection seats. That came later. But like, the school had taught me the basic concepts of bomber mission planning, and how to do a notional bomber mission pre-brief for the aircrew. It did not teach me that those guys got ejection seats, and it literally never came up for me again until years later when there was a bomber punch out.

LtCol J. Krusinski fucked around with this message at 15:23 on Aug 16, 2023

Dec 10, 2010

This post is terrible
Doctor Rope
hell yeah separation approved.

it's me I'm the idiot I'm palace fronting to active duty

Sep 14, 2007

King of Klatch
Wait, going from guard/reserve to active duty?

Dec 10, 2010

This post is terrible
Doctor Rope
Nah, RegAF active to AGR.

Sep 14, 2007

King of Klatch
Gotcha. I’m doing a temp AGR thing now, backfilling for my commander while he and a good chunk of the squadron are deployed. It’s a fun gig that I might consider if I didn’t live 2 hours from my guard base.

Knives Amilli
Sep 26, 2014
I left private sector for AGR last March and its one of the better decisions ive made. we work four tens (more like four 8s) and have shifted to 0-2-4 drill schedule so only working 8 weekends a year instead of 12. Other than the thrash of prepping the squadron and creating training for Drill, its been a very chill job.

Shalhavet, you once gave me advice on 1B4 and I appreciate it. Good to see youre still around. Im a Cyber O now and its been working out pretty well.

Dec 10, 2010

This post is terrible
Doctor Rope
Glad to hear things are working out for you! That's my goal eventually when they bring CDCP to the guard. Buddy of mine made the jump to AGR last year and he's been super happy with it too.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Hey AF goons, I'm a DAF civilian now and going to be at Maxwell AFB for training at the end of the month. Any good food recommendations or places to see while in Birmingham?

I never thought I would live in Delaware or have to goto Alabama for training but life finds a way to be interesting

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

I went TDY to Maxwell once.

I'm so sorry.

The only nice things I can say about Maxwell are (1) their air park is legit pretty great, with a bunch of cool airframes, and (2) they named one of their roads 'OODA Loop' which is :discourse:"

Jul 27, 2001

I spent 4 months combined at Maxwell. (3 for OTS, 1 for ASBC). I’m also sorry. It’s been nearly 20 years so I can’t help on the visit front, except to say you’ll be in Montgomery, not Birmingham. Maybe drive down to Mobile? Or visit the naval air museum at Pensacola? I think there is some sort of museum over at Gunter Annex too.

The air park is nice. I think the street is OODA Loop because the AF’s doctrine center is on it.


Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
If you have the time, drive to the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, its about 2 hours away.

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