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Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

Godholio posted:

That poor bastard. He was a commander years ago, right? He's gotta be in staff hell.

A full bird no doubt



Jul 27, 2001


lite_sleepr posted:

A full bird no doubt


He was a Major back in the day right? Hell he might be a BGen at this point (!)

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Not as a non-pilot, sadly.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Godholio posted:

Not as a non-pilot, sadly.

If anyone was ever gonna get stars without being a rated officer, it’d be Slippery. Consummate professional, intelligent as hell, and very motivated.

Wait, no, this is the USAF and he was an mx Officer. He’ll do 8 years as a fullbird and then retire.

loving Air Force.

Jul 27, 2001

I mean, there are non-pilot GOs in the Air Force, just not that many of course. I figured there were probably a few MX GO billets out there, maybe at SAF or Air Staff and some Maintenance Center of Excellence somewhere. Back in the day comm had a few 1, 2 and even 3 star billets. There's probably more now that cyber is a thing.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
The Ogden logistics center is a GO position, plus there’s COCOM J4/5 billets, SAF A4/5 billets, and of course, JCS billets. There are MX GO’s but there’s not a ton of them. You’ll never see that MX badge on a 4 star, though. Maybe 3 star, definitely 2 and 1 star though.

Note: Former MX that go rated don’t count. I knew a one star when I was about 8 years into my career who was MX on the enlisted side and became an officer, and a pilot. He was a huge piece of poo poo, but I’ve seen the unicorns before.

Also: I never once met a prior enlisted officer that was worth a good goddamn in the USAF. The utter loving epitome of FYGM and pulling the ladder up behind themselves. I feel like enlisting should be a bar to commissioning based on my lived experience. But I’m old bitter and jaded.

In fact? Ignore me. And this post.

Mar 24, 2007

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

The Ogden logistics center is a GO position, plus there’s COCOM J4/5 billets, SAF A4/5 billets, and of course, JCS billets. There are MX GO’s but there’s not a ton of them. You’ll never see that MX badge on a 4 star, though. Maybe 3 star, definitely 2 and 1 star though.

Note: Former MX that go rated don’t count. I knew a one star when I was about 8 years into my career who was MX on the enlisted side and became an officer, and a pilot. He was a huge piece of poo poo, but I’ve seen the unicorns before.

Also: I never once met a prior enlisted officer that was worth a good goddamn in the USAF. The utter loving epitome of FYGM and pulling the ladder up behind themselves. I feel like enlisting should be a bar to commissioning based on my lived experience. But I’m old bitter and jaded.

In fact? Ignore me. And this post.

I feel that way about Texas A&M/ Citidel grads. Prior E / Academy can be hit or miss.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
There are definitely non-rated GOs. Exceedingly few of them. Someone mentioned OALC...yeah, there are a whopping three ALCs. I suspect those three commanders make up at least 1/3 of the total maintenance officer GOs. ABMs are rated, and there has been precisely ONE to get four stars. She was an O-6 for something like 6 or 8 years. O-6 is often a parking spot for several years of experience-broadening (staffs), even for people destined for stars. It's not like a 2-year pause in the upward climb.

Oct 16, 2004

Once you get that first star it’s 2yr promotion gaps for fast burners. It’s zany.

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it
My old CC was on track for a star. Well either that or burn out magnificently. Last I saw him was as an AOC/CC. But yeah he told me he lost control of his career long ago, basically at the whim of GOs above him to pave his career. Wonder where he landed now 🤔

Jul 27, 2001

Oh yeah, A4/J4 billets make sense for mx.

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Also: I never once met a prior enlisted officer that was worth a good goddamn in the USAF. The utter loving epitome of FYGM and pulling the ladder up behind themselves. I feel like enlisting should be a bar to commissioning based on my lived experience. But I’m old bitter and jaded.

In fact? Ignore me. And this post.

I choose not to! Take that.

All anecdotal of course but I attended OTS so knew plenty of prior enlisted folks from there, and met a few in my time in. I would call it an even mix, and I knew several who were top notch officers. YMMV.

I actually had a conversation with a retired Navy colleague of mine who was a Navy mustang; the difference in cultural handling of prior enlisted officers is interesting. (e.g. Navy Limited Duty Officers, vs basically nothing on the AF side)

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

AFStealth posted:

My old CC was on track for a star. Well either that or burn out magnificently. Last I saw him was as an AOC/CC. But yeah he told me he lost control of his career long ago, basically at the whim of GOs above him to pave his career. Wonder where he landed now 🤔

My boss at the CAOC is now the AFCENT commander. He and two other former bosses ended up climbing through wing commander after I left, and are all still on the move. It's crazy to see...mostly good, though.

Edit: My experience with prior-Es is the same. Some of the best and some of the worst.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Yeah, I'll throw in with the lived experience of a SNCO who's actually still in the USAF, and the prior enlisted Os have almost always been better than USAFA sociopaths and usually better than the ROTC/OTS cats.

I can count on one hand the number of USAFA grads who wouldn't let me die for a good OPR strat. The prior E officers at least gave a poo poo if we lived or died, and had some empathy because they'd already been in our shoes.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
I knew a couple of "here, let me just pull that ladder up out of your way" priors.

The best academy grad is the one who never lets on that he's an academy grad.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I'm a bit late to reply, but this is some wholesome news that came out of nowhere. I've always hated going to the states mentioned (FL/TX) for TDYs, or driving through them, or dealing with folks from there (with some exceptions). The people in or from them tend to love huffing their own propaganda farts about how great their state is. As an aside, I've noticed that the more proud a person is of the state they come from, the more likely that state is actually a shithole.
Good luck relying on EFMP to get you the gently caress out of a bad situation though if you really need it. That process is ssllooww. Going through the EFMP process ultimately screwed me out of $2K because it couldn't address a dependent emergency fast enough, so I have a bitter feeling about it.

Jimmy Smuts fucked around with this message at 04:11 on Apr 17, 2022

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

Sacrist65 posted:

I feel that way about Texas A&M/ Citidel grads. Prior E / Academy can be hit or miss.

Especially prior E. They're either the coolest officers or absolute douche nozzles. There is no in between.

Jan 26, 2006

~ shady midair gas hustler ~

~ good hair ~

~ colt 45 ~
The western states are pretty awesome until you cross the rockies and then it's just straight fuckin trash until you hit the eastern seaboard.

Florida has its moments but it gets overshadowed by the crazy poo poo.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Everything between Denver and the Mississippi is hot garbage.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Godholio posted:

Everything between Denver and the Mississippi is hot garbage.

How dare you besmirch the good name of states like Iowa, famous for, uhhh, for having the world's largest truck stop??

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Godholio posted:

Everything between Denver and the Mississippi is hot garbage.

Pretty much. My only memories of driving home from FE Warren AFB through Denver across the vast nothingness of Kansas and Missouri was how bleak it all was.

Jul 27, 2001

Speaking of bases, I’m out at Vandenberg this week and it seems pretty chill. I don’t know if that would be true of an assignment but, I’d have gone for it.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

hannibal posted:

Speaking of bases, I’m out at Vandenberg this week and it seems pretty chill. I don’t know if that would be true of an assignment but, I’d have gone for it.

I really enjoyed TDY'ing to Edwards AFB, wish I could've stayed. Its weird too because its out on the edge of Death Valley but its a pretty quick drive from there to LA.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I hear the BAH is too low for those areas, not sure how true that is.

Oct 16, 2004

Jimmy Smuts posted:

I hear the BAH is too low for those ALL areas, not sure how true that is.

Have you ever seen the formula for BAH? It's loving zany.

You don't get a single family home in the eyes of the all-knowing DoD until W-3 w/ dependents...

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
You don't get to live as well as others because of the rigid caste system.

How dare you try to live above your station?

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

The cheat code is to do married mil-to-mil, so you get double BAH. This apparently results in a hugeass house and plenty of $$$ left over, and folks doing this tend to like to flaunt it via USAF-approved parties hosted at their house, but I digress. Meanwhile, us divorced folks at the same rank are barely scraping by. Honestly, is it fair that mil-to-mil folks make so much more money than mil folks married to civilians?

Jimmy Smuts fucked around with this message at 05:04 on Apr 29, 2022

Oct 16, 2004

Jimmy Smuts posted:

Honestly, is it fair that mil-to-mil folks make so much more money than mil folks married to civilians?

If you have children yes, if you are dual income no kids, not as much.

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

djfooboo posted:

Have you ever seen the formula for BAH? It's loving zany.

You don't get a single family home in the eyes of the all-knowing DoD until W-3 w/ dependents...

i approve of the DOD's recognition that SFH zoning is unsustainable in much of modern america (and, hell, has been for decades now) :hmmyes:

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
2nd term and career airman BOP is gone.

Mar 24, 2007

lite_sleepr posted:

2nd term and career airman BOP is gone.

That program was like the open air prison in " The Dark Knight Rises". Nobody should have the false hope of a good assignment.

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Oh, we see you're open to an assignment!

How does Kunsan sound?

Great! You leave in 8 months.

Sep 12, 2007

ultima ratio regum

Godholio posted:

Everything between Denver and the Mississippi is hot garbage.

Omaha is legit okay.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

antimatt posted:

Omaha is legit okay.

It is, but thats further north. And once you leave it, its also pretty barren. Nebraska State Highways are some of the worst I've ever driven on.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

antimatt posted:

Omaha is legit okay.

I'll agree with that. They had a cool bar and a candy store that sells candy cigarettes.

Sep 12, 2007

ultima ratio regum

CommieGIR posted:

It is, but thats further north. And once you leave it, its also pretty barren. Nebraska State Highways are some of the worst I've ever driven on.

It's still between Denver and the Mississippi, but I get it. Your other points are wholly valid.

Godholio posted:

I'll agree with that. They had a cool bar and a candy store that sells candy cigarettes.

As long as that cool bar wasn't The Hive then I think we're okay. Harney Street Tavern was my spot. And I'm sure that anyone who has spent time in downtown Omaha knows exactly which candy store you're talking about.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

antimatt posted:

It's still between Denver and the Mississippi, but I get it. Your other points are wholly valid.

As long as that cool bar wasn't The Hive then I think we're okay. Harney Street Tavern was my spot. And I'm sure that anyone who has spent time in downtown Omaha knows exactly which candy store you're talking about.

I loved that Omaha has this near the highway

Sep 12, 2007

ultima ratio regum

CommieGIR posted:

I loved that Omaha has this near the highway

Union Pacific 4023, a Big Boy. Super cool to see and a very interesting piece of engineering and technology. I suggest anyone in the area go and check it out. One of the most powerful steam locomotives ever produced.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

antimatt posted:

Union Pacific 4023, a Big Boy. Super cool to see and a very interesting piece of engineering and technology. I suggest anyone in the area go and check it out. One of the most powerful steam locomotives ever produced.

Cheyenne also has 2(?) I believe, one in a park and one that Union Pacific restored and run on a route to Colorado every now and again.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

antimatt posted:

It's still between Denver and the Mississippi, but I get it. Your other points are wholly valid.

As long as that cool bar wasn't The Hive then I think we're okay. Harney Street Tavern was my spot. And I'm sure that anyone who has spent time in downtown Omaha knows exactly which candy store you're talking about.

Those names don't ring a bell. I bought a growler, but I'm a couple time zones away from being able to look.


Aug 8, 2010

lite_sleepr posted:

Oh, we see you're open to an assignment!

How does Kunsan sound?

Great! You leave in 8 months.

I would take Kunsan in a heartbeat over almost any CONUS base. Kunsan is my kind of bullshit.

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