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Sep 12, 2007

ultima ratio regum

Godholio posted:

Those names don't ring a bell. I bought a growler, but I'm a couple time zones away from being able to look.

It's neither of those place then. If you get back to Omaha check out HST. Especially on a live music night. Or not if you're an introvert. You do you.

Also HoH SkillBridge program wants a resume I didn't want to write. I have lots of EPRs and no resume. Any good and quick suggestions?

antimatt fucked around with this message at 02:17 on May 13, 2022


Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Wasn't there a resume writing service advertised on this site for like 5 years?

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

all in the reflexes

Dinosaur Gum
Reumetointerviews is what it was, but I think the goon who ran it sold and now it's run by someone else. I've used it but it wasn't a super quick process

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
A lovely lady from the Texas workforce commission rewrote my resume and I got hired to a GS6 position.

I can try to find her info if you like :)

Or I can dig mine out and try to scrub it from DOXX material.

Lemme know!

lite_sleepr fucked around with this message at 22:14 on May 21, 2022

Sep 20, 2007

Did anyone else's civilian jobs just get gutted? They fired most of them community-wise for us with 30-days notice.

Oct 16, 2004

Considering the amount lost on our budget I’m not gonna be surprised if we lose contractors sometime. Really sad because we are drowning even with them.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Dominoes posted:

Did anyone else's civilian jobs just get gutted? They fired most of them community-wise for us with 30-days notice.


What community are we talking about here? I haven't heard anything like this until now, but I think my org is mostly contractor.

Sep 20, 2007

Strike eagle

Feb 15, 2011

Some things can't be unseen
Went to Beale on an interpretation exercise the other day. It was pretty cool to watch an airplane look like it broke the laws of physics when it took off, even if it was a trainer.

Aug 8, 2010

I'm TDY on Kunsan right now, 10~ years since last time I was here. Everyone has little electric scooters and mopeds and its kinda fun watching all the airmen scoot around

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it
Guess the Osan scooter gangs finally expanded.

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Student pilots at Columbus and Laughlin use onewheels, a modern palanquin befitting their higher station.

May 28, 2004


They outlawed the one wheels on Osan due to too many idiots falling over or not stopping in time and hitting cars. The electric scooters are eeeeeverywhere though.

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
Has anyone had any luck with myeval and completing an evaluation?

Dec 9, 2010

This post is terrible
Doctor Rope
I did the system generated initial feedback for my troop but the system never let him put in his answers so...sort of?

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!
lol it's gonna be a shitshow come tsgt EPR time lmao

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Mark my words, if/when the USAF switches to narrative EPRs, it will be 3 weeks before a closeout date, meaning the EPRs will have already been routed to the Flight Chief in bullet format.

...I say, as I put the finishing touches on my own bullet format EPR...


Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I'm halfassing my own epr because of the massive change in format that's coming. And just lol at how the USAF will handle these new EPRs

Mar 24, 2007

High retention across the force, coupled with glut of GWOT SNCOs holding on until they hit 20, makes the AF decide to keep more airmen at their current ranks. The argument for this is to rebalance the force.

The failure to recruit to the authorized numbers, slow/no promotions at the middle grade, and the aforementioned glut of GWOT SNCOs retiring makes me think there will be 2013 manning issues again next year.

Buy stock in Lockmart I guess?

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

all in the reflexes

Dinosaur Gum
Hope my buddy made it, he got hosed out of a special assignment to Colorado not too long ago so we'll see if the air force screws him again

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
Let the games begin.

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

I remember December 2013, that was fun. What was it, a day or two before Christmas the USAF announced they were giving 25,000 of us the boot. Merry Christmas

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
The 2011 version was about 3 weeks before Christmas.

Jan 15, 2006
Not a pound for air to ground.

Not a dollar for an E-6 father.

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

Jimmy Smuts posted:

I remember December 2013, that was fun. What was it, a day or two before Christmas the USAF announced they were giving 25,000 of us the boot. Merry Christmas

I lived through that. Felt like Paulie Walnuts (RIP) in the '70s

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Godholio posted:

The 2011 version was about 3 weeks before Christmas.
poo poo, I totally wasn't tracking that one as I was deployed at the time; just lol, I'm guessing Christmas is going to be ruined this year again with the personnel & promotion changes recently announced

Jimmy Smuts fucked around with this message at 02:20 on Jul 14, 2022

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Godholio posted:

The 2011 version was about 3 weeks before Christmas.

"Are there no prisons, no poor houses?" - US Air Force Chief of Staff.

Sep 12, 2007

ultima ratio regum
All this makes me so grateful I've got a rapidly approaching confirmed retirement date.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 11, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
That’s so loving cool.

Mar 24, 2007
:nws: :nws:

Can this go in the coffee table book reprint?

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Sacrist65 posted:

:nws: :nws:

Can this go in the coffee table book reprint?

:stare: This should be on a deployed Chapel ceiling somewhere.

Aug 3, 2007

So yeah...which one of you brave boys wants to be the air force's first Air Tractor pilot?

Jun 24, 2006

Shut up baby, I know it

Plastic_Gargoyle posted:

So yeah...which one of you brave boys wants to be the air force's first Air Tractor pilot?

Well this seems like 15 years too late

Hotel Kpro
Feb 23, 2011

all in the reflexes

Dinosaur Gum

Sacrist65 posted:

:nws: :nws:

Can this go in the coffee table book reprint?

It could I guess. There was some content posted in the forums a while back from some alternate account of someone who got banned, but I grabbed a lot of it and slapped together a third edition. I'm in no position to get another print going right now since I'm in the middle of moving. A few months down the road I could probably get one going

Mar 24, 2007

Hotel Kpro posted:

It could I guess. There was some content posted in the forums a while back from some alternate account of someone who got banned, but I grabbed a lot of it and slapped together a third edition. I'm in no position to get another print going right now since I'm in the middle of moving. A few months down the road I could probably get one going

Jimmy Smuts
Aug 8, 2000

Sacrist65 posted:

:nws: :nws:

Can this go in the coffee table book reprint?
Beautiful. I wonder how old this is, as those look kinda like '80s-era fatigues

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

AFStealth posted:

Well this seems like 15 years too late

There's still Syria, Yemen, potentially others like Iraq or places in Africa...Ukraine...

Jun 3, 2003

Un posting magnifique!

Only registered members can see post attachments!


Aug 22, 2006

The blue glow is a feature, not a bug

Finally getting those new engines I guess.

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