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Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

I read Old Man and the Sea in high school so remember little about it other than the futility of humanity vs nature, but in the past few years I have climbed the mountain to see the Snows of Kilimanjaro, and said A Farewell to Arms. I count myself a big fan of Hemingway. Just started this last night and the prose has its own velocity, it just sweeps you along effortlessly.


Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

A nice tour of a part of Paris I've spent time in, which helps create a clear setting for me so far. I've never been to Spain so we'll see if that will make a difference.

Have had Pernod. Never with a hooker. Er, that I know of

Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

Book good

Over halfway done, just finished fishing, time to bring on the bulls!

Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

About three quarters through and I'm just like, no Brett don't do...goddamnit :(

Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

Done. What I was really fearing would happen did not, but still. What utterly loving awful people. And wonderfully written, unvarnished, pulls-no-punches story telling.



Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG

CancerCakes posted:

Just finished the sun also rises today, it was good

I was actually feeling really stressed about the bullfight, because if this was another author Brett and Cohn's shittiness definitely would have got the kid killed. Instead, Jake is forever unwelcome in Montoya's hotel for his friends' crimes against aficion.

Yeah that's the outcome that had me squirming and fortunately it didn't happen.

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