I'd never read any Hemingway, but the theme is local to me (I'm from Spain, southerner tho) and I was mighty curious to see how places are depicted in there. I wasn't actually expecting to find a physical copy, but as those things go, a kinda battered 1993 English edition popped up unexpectedly on an "unclasified and new arrivals" shelf of the first secondhand bookshop I checked. They had no other Hemingway books in neither Spanish nor English in there, so it really was blind luck. So after that, I am in on this. Been reading through and I'm about halfway in. Had a bit of trouble telling the cast apart at first, they seem like they are becoming a bit more distinct as the story progresses. It has been reading like a very relaxed telling of things that (per disclaimer on first page) assuredly never happened to any real people at all.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2022 18:25 |
# ¿ Jan 15, 2025 20:24 |