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Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

bird food bathtub posted:

If nobody draws a dick on a wall I won't believe a thing.

Also, a private needs to lose their weapon/helmet.


Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Suntan Boy posted:

I guess that answers the "how do we not immediately hollow out the reserves/guard/specialty skills" question. That's one hell of a pendulum swing from when they first introduced the test, though.

Wasn't the original idea "take all or most of the events or GTFO"?

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

psydude posted:

Have we talked about this terrifyingly self-aware and unironic recruitment ad that the US Army's PsyOp branch put out?

That... That is not like a normal recruitment video.

I would be VERY curious to learn about how this was made. It feels like that they are targeting some very specific people, yet actively driving other types away. I wonder how much targeting/profile data was used to make this add. Also interested in how much/what was in house and what came from a really good ad agency.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

FAT BATMAN posted:

Hey y’all, long time lurker here, I asked this in the active resources thread but didn’t get a response, so wanted to try here:

I’m a civilian but I have a good friend who was in the army and, in their words, “fell for the trap while ETSing about joining the military reserve” and has been in the reserves for a while now.
They wanted me to ask y’all, “since I fulfilled my initial contract, what all does an IRR packet entail?”

To clarify their question: how does one go about putting together and submitting an IRR packet to get out of the army reserves?

Feel free to PM me for details, or if there’s a discord where I could ask around, that’d be cool too.

I had to use your search history to find out when you asked, November for those wondering.

You were answered, just not in the way you expected.

bird food bathtub posted:

I just totally deuce'd the gently caress out when I was done with active duty so I still had IRR time, meaning this is not first hand experience but foggy memories of paperwork from years ago. I'm preeeettttyy sure if you do reserve time after active duty that satisfies your IRR requirement. If they've done active duty, then reserve, and I'm not stupider than usual, they should be totally done.

Godholio posted:

You're on the hook to attend musters, IF any occur. In my three years of IRR, I sat through one. They were trying to entice aircraft maintainers (which I'm not) to come back as reservists. Just keep the address updated for that purpose, show up if necessary, roll eyes throughout the presentation, and leave.

In exchange for that, you get full base privileges...Class Six, commissary, PX, etc. Get that ID card.

Edit: In theory, the IRR could be mobilized, but since we've finally wrapped up Iraq/Afghanistan, I don't think that's particularly likely barring a major loving twist.

To elaborate on this, your friends unit will take care of this while they outprocess at the end of his contract. If your friend joined and then signed a contract with the reserves/guard, they are stuck for the entirety of that contract (barring getting kicked out for whatever reason, don't do this). If your friend did NOT sign a contract, the above quotes apply. Your friend can't drop some paperwork that amounts to a two week notice if that is what the idea is.

Without more, specific, information none of us can help you. Right now, you are essentially playing the "telephone" game trying to relay an equation to us without any of the mathematical symbols, just numbers.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

FAT BATMAN posted:

Ah, thanks for the context. I was confused why the responses seemed to be more about what IRR is vs what the process is; I get the issue now. I’ll cut it out with the telephone stuff, or get more info.

It all boils down to what is in his contract. It isn't hard to read/understand. He is either in the reserves (gets out when contact ends) or he is "out" and in the IRR (sham away unless WW3 happens).

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Icon Of Sin posted:

I’ve been out for 11 years as of last month :unsmith:

I'm at 8 years, 6 months of freedom.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Is it time to start making GBS threads up this thread before it gets sent to the Marines?


...I mean, do we have to paint the rocks or anything before the Marines paint them all pink or whatever they do to the crap they get?


Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Sadistic Hamster posted:

Thank you both for the responses. It's weird how all this information doesn't seem to reach the average person on the front lines. The firefights took place during fighting season, the one against the particularly skilled people was, he thinks, in the later part of the season, possibly even outside of the typical fighting season period. The guy I know said he wished he had asked for the serious incident reports about all this stuff. Adrenaline is like laser-etching for memory but who looks at their watch for time and date when under fire?

To be fair, it is entirely possible it was mentioned in a briefing before or after the convoy and the information was ignored/forgotten. Soldiers are really good at letting information go through one ear and out the other.

If we actually paid attention, the idiots thread wouldn't exist.

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