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Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Hey if any of y'all weren't mad this morning, read this letter:


US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


US Berder Patrol fucked around with this message at 17:28 on May 14, 2022

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
I should say this afternoon I don't give a gently caress that traitorous piece of poo poo continues to profiteer against the nation that is still paying him a loving pension. Flynn pisses me off so god damned much.

Apr 1, 2008

The Guardian reporting Mauripo is under heavy artillery fire.

Feb 16, 2011

Some things can't be unseen
Novaya Gazeta, one of the few remaining mostly-independent news sources in Russia, is presenting an overview of the conflict to visually represent the invasion's progress. It says this is based on official sources, but not which, though I would guess Ukrainian since the organization has had trouble with the Russian government in the past.

Red circle: Populated areas subjected to bombardment and gunfire
Red square: populated areas with active armed confrontation
Black square: areas where Ukraine acknowledges a loss of control.

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

ASAPI posted:

I was just going to post the same:

Someone educate me, I was under the assumption that the plant, while partially functional, shouldn't be seeing active "fighting" due to all the spicy air about. Other than being able to turn off the lights in some areas, what is the importance of this plant strategically?

Everything so far seems like Putin wants all of Ukraine, not just those two regions.

As mentioned, power infrastructure, plus there are two significant bridges at Pripyat and ChNPP (AFAIK the next ones downstream are in Kyiv proper), and the Russians apparently had a backup pontoon bridge set up on the Belarus side of the Exclusion Zone if the Ukrainians blew up the other two.

Botton line if you're traveling overland from Belarus to Kyiv then you're going to have to pass by the Chernobyl NPP.

Feb 23, 2007
Ooo! Look at me! NO DON'T LOOK AT ME!

US Berder Patrol posted:

You're right, this is a new thing. Straight up large scale invasion like this is a new chapter in the conflict. But what really changed? Ukraine was occupied by Russian troops two weeks ago. We had that. Regime change in Kyiv as the goal is definitely an evolution in the politics, but the region was already a patchwork of conflicted borders and puppet states. The bluff is the assurances from the US that we will stand by our friends and allies and enforce the borders the way we like them drawn. In the context of Ukraine not being a NATO member, that means that they're going to be on their own if Russia actually invades. Putin has called the western establishment's bluff, I suppose.

Are you saying you don't understand why attacking Kyiv is different from attacking Luhansk? Because it's the difference between attacking Anchorage and Washington D.C.

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost

US Berder Patrol posted:

The bluff is the assurances from the US that we will stand by our friends and allies and enforce the borders the way we like them drawn. In the context of Ukraine not being a NATO member, that means that they're going to be on their own if Russia actually invades. Putin has called the western establishment's bluff, I suppose.

What bluff are you referring to? NATO never claimed it was going to attack countries that attacked other countries that are outside of NATO. Unless I am missing some obscure thing, Ukraine is not an ally of the US or NATO. If the bluff is reference to 1994's trilateral agreements between Ukraine, Russia, and the US, okay, that makes more sense. Is that what you mean?

I do not agree that "the region was already a patchwork of conflicted borders and puppet states." Ukraine has quite a lot of history, even if someone were to only acknowledge post-USSR Ukraine. Kyiv, Kharkiv, etc, have not been parts of conflicting borders nor puppet state status. They've been heavily established as run by Ukraine and inside Ukrainian recognized borders.

Jan 1, 2009

High Tech
Low Life

Well this press conference is taking a while to start.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Sentinel posted:

Well this press conference is taking a while to start.

It's two minutes late so far, which is understandable given that the president is about to come talk about a war that was just started and is very much still ongoing.

Jan 10, 2019

A safety-conscious little mouse!
Is there any podcast/internet radio that's decent for this?

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

gently caress Schroeder

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Terrifying Effigies posted:

As mentioned, power infrastructure, plus there are two significant bridges at Pripyat and ChNPP (AFAIK the next ones downstream are in Kyiv proper), and the Russians apparently had a backup pontoon bridge set up on the Belarus side of the Exclusion Zone if the Ukrainians blew up the other two.

Botton line if you're traveling overland from Belarus to Kyiv then you're going to have to pass by the Chernobyl NPP.

Ah, bridges! Thank you for for the insight.

My Ukraine/Russia geography is very rusty, I need to look at some more maps.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
The ASL interpreter from the WH loving owns.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!
She's certainly very animated!

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


US Berder Patrol fucked around with this message at 17:37 on Mar 7, 2022

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Effective immediately, the United States has banned the importation of Russian cars, computers, and pineapples.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Naked Bear posted:

She's certainly very animated!

She's gotta convey the tone, and I think she's doing it well.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!
That's a good point. I can't say that I really pay much attention to ASL interpreters.

Oct 28, 2008

Is anyone watching Biden's speech right now, and if so, is it just me in thinking that he doesn't sound great right now? Seemed like he's mushing/slurring some words together at points.

Edit: I'm not referring to/making fun of his longtime issues with stuttering.

pantslesswithwolves fucked around with this message at 20:01 on Feb 24, 2022

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


US Berder Patrol fucked around with this message at 17:37 on Mar 7, 2022

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Is anyone watching Biden's speech right now, and if so, is it just me in thinking that he doesn't sound great right now? Seemed like he's mushing/slurring some words together at points.

I listened to it on SiriusXM and the dude is almost 80 and sounds more Presidential than Trump could ever hope to.

E- He's also laughing in the face of Peter Doocy's dumb questions.

CBJSprague24 fucked around with this message at 20:02 on Feb 24, 2022

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

80 year old dude that probably didn’t get much sleep last night is probably a little tired.

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Is anyone watching Biden's speech right now, and if so, is it just me in thinking that he doesn't sound great right now? Seemed like he's mushing/slurring some words together at points.

Edit: I'm not referring to/making fun of his longtime issues with stuttering.

I suspect he probably has gotten little to no sleep recently, so that’s is as likely a reason as anything else.

Nov 1, 2008

Mr. Nice! posted:

She's gotta convey the tone, and I think she's doing it well.

Jan 1, 2009

High Tech
Low Life

"Thank you all very much" = "Its been real but ive got poo poo to do."

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Is anyone watching Biden's speech right now, and if so, is it just me in thinking that he doesn't sound great right now? Seemed like he's mushing/slurring some words together at points.

Edit: I'm not referring to/making fun of his longtime issues with stuttering.

Agreeing with others that I think he was just tired.

The speech itself sounded odd to me. Some phrasing sounded strange to me, but that might have been done intentionally to prevent saying specific things.

Is anyone else curious about his (lack of) comment concerning China?

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe
He's probably gonna try to talk to Xi and somehow convince him to join the west in sanctions.

I'm betting they're negotiating. I bet China says "okay, if we do that, you stop defending Taiwan.

Idk I'm just tired as gently caress

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I'm 38 and tired I'm not holding that one against the 80 year old man who sleeps way less than me ever.

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost
The President seemed a bit quicker than usual to keep himself on message and away from any tone that could come across as mocking or condescending.

US Berder Patrol posted:

What's Moldova? What's Belarus? Everybody is cool with where the lines are on the map of the Balkans? Abkhazia? I think you're just trying to sharpshoot me a little with this point

I am trying to talk in specifics about Ukraine and you’re using unspecific and imprecise generalities about nations that are not Ukraine. That makes it difficult to figure out what point of view you are conveying or argument you are making. I don’t have beef with you specifically, just trying to figure out what you are getting at.

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe

maffew buildings posted:

I'm 38 and tired I'm not holding that one against the 80 year old man who sleeps way less than me ever.
Yeah same.

As much as I hate him for the poo poo he does or didn't do (promises he didnt keep), I think it was a good speech and I think he's trying his damndist to get the EU on board with getting them to cut off Russia from SWIFT. It seems like he wants it, but the EU arent ready for it yet.

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

Bored As gently caress posted:

Yeah same.

As much as I hate him for the poo poo he does or didn't do (promises he didnt keep), I think it was a good speech.

If absolutely nothing else, I'm sitting here thinking of what :smugdon:'s speech in the same situation would've been and it would've been some combination of a) jerking himself off with one hand and Putin with the other while b) calling out the "fake news" and c) casting doubt in the integrity of the media outlets he doesn't like because they were big mean doodoo heads to him, which is exactly what Putin would do.

Jun 7, 2009

Look at how much it wore on obama and he wasnt already ancient. High stress, no sleep, and president responsibilities. Plus hes probably trying to keep everything straight of what he knows vs what we're allowed to know. In all fairness to him he shouldnt be there. Someone 30 years younger than him is still a bit older than a LOT of this thread

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Stravag posted:

Look at how much it wore on obama and he wasnt already ancient. High stress, no sleep, and president responsibilities. Plus hes probably trying to keep everything straight of what he knows vs what we're allowed to know. In all fairness to him he shouldnt be there. Someone 30 years younger than him is still a bit older than a LOT of this thread

Oh yeah I think they’ve done comparisons of first year last year pictures of most of the recent present and you can see a tremendous amount of aging. Clinton, Bush, and Obama…well you know the actual two term presidents vs the last one term dork.

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


US Berder Patrol fucked around with this message at 17:37 on Mar 7, 2022

Apr 1, 2008

loving Germany. First with the nuclear reactors and now opposing barring Russia from SWIFT.

No matter. There will be rioting in the streets when the price of flour skyrockets. The one things Germans don't gently caress around with is brot.

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost

US Berder Patrol posted:

Well you're arguing that conflicted borders aren't a thing in Ukraine when Ukraine itself has conflicted borders due to all the Russian troops occupying parts of Ukraine and saying they are Russia,

Please don't just make poo poo up and grossly misrepresent what I have written in this thread over the past hour or two. We can just scroll up and see that. I am trying to figure out in good faith what your argument was. If you were just spit-balling some thoughts, fine, I do not need to respond to it.

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

psydude posted:

loving Germany. First with the nuclear reactors and now opposing barring Russia from SWIFT.

No matter. There will be rioting in the streets when the price of flour skyrockets. The one things Germans don't gently caress around with is brot.

Let’s not forget Schroeder eating tons of Putin‘s rear end today.

Diarrhea Elemental
Apr 2, 2012

Am I correct in my assumption, you fish-faced enemy of the people?
That poo poo has to age you like dog years. I can't imagine the stress, lack of sleep, trying to not verbally bitchslap Doocy, and keeping the public vs need to know lines straight. Especially when you've got a natural stutter that you've had to deal with for a half century plus of politics, 'cause God knows how punch-drunk you have to be after last night. You don't even need to actually see the tweets and Fox banners to know how the "sundowning grampa Joe" poo poo will write itself.


Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.
Lviv goes dark at 11pm local per CNN.

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