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Oct 21, 2010

Jimmy Smuts posted:

Just lol if the SU-57's first death really does end up being from being parked and getting whacked by a drone.

It would be funnier if a patriot just plucks one out of the sky at max range.

Stealth? What’s stealth?


Nov 21, 2009

one strong toad

Subjunctive posted:

so…he’s not going to say if it can be restored, just that they’ve figured it out? takes some of the fun out of it

I think that's a bad translation, should be "The Su-57 was damaged by shrapnel; it is now being determined whether it can be restored or not." per

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

well that does make more sense

Nov 20, 2007

That warm and fuzzy feeling.

Jimmy Smuts posted:

Just lol if the SU-57's first death really does end up being from being parked and getting whacked by a drone.

Whether it be person, vehicle, or building that does seem to be the zeitgeist of this war. I mean, aside from the evaporating meat waves.

Mar 25, 2018

Alchenar posted:

BRICS refers to the weapons they use to fight each other

wwiv preenactment

Jul 17, 2007

"Hey, where did Steve go?"
Design by Kamoc
Very silly. Are they just bored? What's the point?

Mar 25, 2018

Cannon_Fodder posted:

Very silly. Are they just bored? What's the point?

dickwaving about territorial claims and they don't use proper weapons because neither side wants a war

The Door Frame
Dec 5, 2011

I don't know man everytime I go to the gym here there are like two huge dudes with raging high and tights snorting Nitro-tech off of each other's rock hard abs.
It would be interesting to see what kind of stick the DoD could develop if the US started to do this on the Canadian border

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

The Door Frame posted:

It would be interesting to see what kind of stick the DoD could develop if the US started to do this on the Canadian border

We’d be deploying poo-sticks right away.

Oct 30, 2003

Macho Business
Donkey Wrestler

The Door Frame posted:

It would be interesting to see what kind of stick the DoD could develop if the US started to do this on the Canadian border

Tungsten ones. Deployed from orbit.

Apr 3, 2009

The Door Frame posted:

It would be interesting to see what kind of stick the DoD could develop if the US started to do this on the Canadian border

US-Canada could be resolved with help of hockey sticks. Don't even need to do anything else if they want to throw some punches.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

US would use sticks, Canadians would have hockey sticks. Not that they’d need to use them, deploying their geese would be more than enough.

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

Unleash the War Geese!

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
Live by the war geese, die by the war geese. Having to sit through a safety brief about the war geese:

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

Untitled goose campaign

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

This place knows what's up. Guard dogs for your prison? They're upgrading to guard geese. Cheaper, louder, and probably more vicious too.

Nov 28, 2007

Who would win in a war, the geese or emus?

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
mediazona's and BBC russia's data teams have put together a timelapse of dirt gained/lost alongside wagner casualties in the battle of bakhmut

also some english logistics commentary on pochta rossiya's (in)ability to send used blankets to the frontsome unfortunate lieutenant:

ed: mediazona put out their own english translation, subbed that in for the original russian

Qtotonibudinibudet fucked around with this message at 18:43 on Jun 10, 2024

Dec 24, 2007

bird food bathtub posted:

This place knows what's up. Guard dogs for your prison? They're upgrading to guard geese. Cheaper, louder, and probably more vicious too.

Pretty sure the Romans used them too.

Sep 3, 2003


Icon Of Sin posted:

US would use sticks, Canadians would have hockey sticks. Not that they’d need to use them, deploying their geese would be more than enough.

God help us all if Canada-US relations deteriorate to the point where that becomes a viable option...

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?


Partisan movement ATESH reports that Russian Armed Forces air defense servicemen in Crimea have been instructed to evacuate their families to military camps in the Southern Military District. This directive coincides with the relocation of air defense systems to the Bilhorod region, raising security concerns in occupied Crimea due to reduced coverage.

Additionally, the Russian military is forming new mobile air defense teams using ZU-23-2s to counter UAVs, indicating a strategic shift towards this area, with a reduced focus on occupied Crimea.

Sep 13, 2017

Cannon_Fodder posted:

Very silly. Are they just bored? What's the point?

They both claim the land. For insane national pride reasons, they cannot agree to not fight over it. For sane self-preservation reasons, they agree that going to actual war over it would be dumb and potentially suicidal. So instead, both sides just continuously feed young men into the meat grinder where they maim each other and hack each other to death with pseudo-medieval weapons.

Mar 13, 2011

It has been two zero days since last incident.
Big Super Slapstick Hunk
The terrain is also loving miserable for a battlefield. Altitude issues mean that you can't get more than a pittance of forces up there at a time, logistics sit somewhere between lol and lmao.

Polyakov did a good writeup about the last time they gave it a go using all the non-nuclear firepower they could muster.

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

mediazona's and BBC russia's data teams have put together a timelapse of dirt gained/lost alongside wagner casualties in the battle of bakhmut



Even individuals with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis were enlisted for war, albeit they were allocated to a distinct unit called the “Umbrella” detachment, named after the corporation in the Resident Evil franchise known for producing biological weapons

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy


Aug 23, 2007

And the angel said unto him
"Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself."
But lo he could not. For the angel was hitting him with his own hands

Alchenar posted:

BRICS refers to the weapons they use to fight each other

Actually looking at the video, it seems like the trigger point for the fight actually starting was someone from I assume the Indian side going forward trying to calm things down (while someone is shouting "Rocks! Rocks!" in Chinese - not sure if he means "They're armed with rocks!" or "We need to pick up rocks!" or both), and then for whatever reason the Chinese guy takes the Indian dude's outstretched hand and straight-up pulls him into the Chinese ranks which naturally kicks off the Indians attacking which leads to a general clash.

I can't help but wonder what exactly was happening but behaving aggressively towards a guy obviously trying to cool down tensions is not a good look (though obviously not at all out of character).

Dec 24, 2007

An open hand can deliver a slap as well as a handshake, I suppose.

Oct 21, 2010

Midjack posted:

An open hand can deliver a slap as well as a handshake, I suppose.

Turns out that you don’t, in fact, have to hand it to them.

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

honestly it doesn’t get better from there

also: the library they use for the mapping stuff is an amazing piece of software created by a Ukrainian developer whose hometown has been bombed to poo poo


Oct 21, 2010
Seems like maybe another Russian ship is up in flames?


On 10 June 2024, Admiral Levchenko was reported by Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk[i] to be on fire in The Barents Sea.[8][9] An explanation was given that, owing to sanctions on Russia, the ship's engines produced in Ukrainian Mykolaiv could no longer be serviced, leading to the fire.[8]

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots

Murgos posted:

Seems like maybe another Russian ship is up in flames?

Udaloy, more like BOOdaloy. Ha ha got 'em

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Murgos posted:

Seems like maybe another Russian ship is up in flames?

For the record I am in New Zealand

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
at least thats what you want us to think

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?


In #Ukraine, the first joint workshop of Ukroboronprom and the German company #Rheinmetall has started operating. The facility will focus on repairing foreign armored vehicles and producing new ones, as reported by Oleksandr Kamyshin, Ukraine’s Minister of Strategic Industries.

There was a lot of talk of opening foreign defense industry shops in Ukraine(franchises?) about a year or so back, it's nice to see that it wasn't just talk and some of it's started materializing. It'll contribute to making Ukraine less reliant on variable foreign assistance and logistics issues.

Jan 10, 2019

A safety-conscious little mouse!

PurpleXVI posted:

There was a lot of talk of opening foreign defense industry shops in Ukraine(franchises?) about a year or so back, it's nice to see that it wasn't just talk and some of it's started materializing. It'll contribute to making Ukraine less reliant on variable foreign assistance and logistics issues.

Well they had a bunch of tank plants that got bombed, so it's not like it's without issue to have them in Ukraine either.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe

A tiny bit more information on the Russian A50 shootdown in January of this year.

Also some photos of the kills for two air defense units - lots of cruise missiles and drones, with helicopters and fighters/bombers mixed in.

Oscar Wilde Bunch
Jun 12, 2012

Grimey Drawer

Pikehead posted:

A tiny bit more information on the Russian A50 shootdown in January of this year.

Also some photos of the kills for two air defense units - lots of cruise missiles and drones, with helicopters and fighters/bombers mixed in.

Also, lol on Russia, and mad props or whatever to the guys manning the literal late 60's era S-200 that swatted the second A-50 and Backfire down.

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?


Trouble in paradise. After yesterday's introduction of a new package of sanctions against Russia, lines are forming at exchange offices. Brokers have reportedly started blocking Russians from withdrawing currency.


Moscow Exchange shares collapsed by almost 16% after the imposition of US sanctions.

Russia must be winning.


US expands Russia sanctions, targets chips sent via China

"Today's actions strike at their remaining avenues for international materials and equipment, including their reliance on critical supplies from third countries," Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement.
The Treasury also said it was imposing sanctions on key parts of Russia's financial infrastructure, including the Moscow Exchange (MOEX), which operates Russia's largest public markets for equity, fixed income, foreign exchange and other products.


US expands Russia sanctions, targeting entities in China, UAE and Turkey

Washington’s latest sanctions announcement comes as US President Joe Biden attends the G7 summit in Italy.

The United States has rolled out new sanctions against more than 300 individuals and firms accused of aiding Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, including entities in China, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Wednesday the measures target Moscow’s remaining avenues for obtaining materials and equipment needed to sustain the war

I hadn't even heard about this package of sanctions being incoming, but it sounds like it's having some amount of effect already. At some point the house of cards has to fall over.

Alan Smithee
Jan 4, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...
surprised russia hasn't gotten in on the superdollar counterfeit racket North Korea did


Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?

I realize that you often get some sort of bounceback after precipitous falls like this, often enough to erase most of the actual fall, but this still seems pretty bad. No wonder they closed withdrawals to try and staunch the bleeding.

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