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a squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous, got me?

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut



Escape From Noise posted:

Fast and bulbous, but tapered. Like a tin teardrop!

bulbous also tapered? (that's right)

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Gumshoes can take one in the head, same to anyone who's ever seen a cop and didn't bludgeon them to death, same to anyone who's ever had a job and didn't hang their loving boss off the roof at the post office.


tonight when I dream it will be that the junkies spent all the drug money on community gardens and collective housing


I took two tabs of acid yesterday afternoon
And I woke up this morning with a torn pair of shoes
And found I'd ruined my life and everyone else's too
I guess this is what my teachers warned me drugs would do

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


no disrespect to 2Pac or to Biggie, but all of my heroes got shot in the 60s

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


for fucks sake posted:

Spider's bad-rear end fat old abdomen stuck in the buggy seat

now my teeth are worn and useless
my eyes too sunk to see
my tongue swole up to twice it's size
and all I wanna do is eat


well now living's a struggle
except when it isn't yeah
I woke up this morning and -
I wasn't in prison
but I can't promise that I'm far from it
I'd still kill a man for a cigarette
but with friends like you, who needs homicide?
so this song goes out for all our homies locked down
come on back now, we need you around


frump truck posted:

my weight is three hundred pounds
my favorite is BEEF JERKY
i'm a vagabond, i'm a vagabond
my mom says you are kinky

I made plans to build the next Graceland
Get F A T and expand my waistband
Save the weight loss, great for Kate Moss
More potatoes and please pass the steak sauce


Sarah Cenia posted:

what's up, b?
I'm searching the city for sci fi wasabi

lmao I was just listening to this cd in my car earlier this week.

I don't remember much, but I remember you


We burned the calendars for warmth, and the alarm clocks just for fun
We closed the blinds and made goddamn sure that we could never see the sun
You could set a watch by the bottle returns and the ashtrays overflowing on the floor
Nothing's free but time when you're so drat poor


have we met
do you hate me yet


No one needs to tell me
How to get-get-get down
But won't somebody show me
How to get back up?


Sherbert Hoover posted:

All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences

Tony scored ten kilos from a pair of shiny black shoes
With an eagle in his haircut and an earphone on his tongue
After he got busted he couldn't make no bail
They're making money off the stash, and money off the jail

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Escape From Noise posted:

I actually think about these lyrics a lot

yeah I feel that line too. what song is that from?

I don't want to sing about anger and hate
I don't want to sing about fear and defeat
I don't want to sing about the things I always sing about
I wish I could sing about love


How Wonderful! posted:

Skinny mini or a beefcake

For Pete's sake, get a meat shake


Well I wrote you a letter
You must've read it wrong
I stood in your doorway
Ah, but you were gone
I took a lot of time
And let your telephone ring
It's the same old blues
It's the same old blues again


barnold posted:

But who can blame them?
They walk through asphalt cemeteries
These zombie fashions
They must have been born that way!

poo poo I love Aquabats.


Y'all pay V for flowing to the beat
Not for what he know that got hoes hoeing in the streets
That's for him to know and for they to never find out
About the kidnap, blind fold, and the blind mouse
The coroner report say he simply signed out
Oh, and I know, y'all wanna see a wino? Bring the wine out
Cat with a dead mouse is how he catch a phrase, and pause
Plays with it, kill it, and eat off it for days, get it
Whoever ain't get it ain't supposed to
For standing still close to, bandits will ghost you
No shoot, Sherlock, I don't know how they do on your block
Out here we rock on to the sure shot
poo poo still ain't stop, keep it on 'til your peeps is gone
V be on the creep, no matter what you keep it on


I miss you, MF DOOM


You want quantity. I want quality
How can I get up to go through this tragedy
There's no remedy in my satchel
Only some memory, I feel empty


I hope that this voice of mine, it just leaves
because lately I don't know what to believe
you know I don't want to sing a song to you, unless I know it's the truth
but the truth is that these days, I just don't know what to do


I'll love you forever, cuz you know me better
for the record, at one time, would have married you in a second
but kill the rekindling dreams, and navigate the friendship
or else by the time the stress airs out we'll both be dead and friendless


A dog stares into a gramophone trumpet, waits for its call to action
Mute and obedient, standing to attention

Look a little closer, the dog is a woman
She's working under a system that she can't understand
Trapped inside a world of labor and heat
So that she and her children will be able to eat

The trumpet is patriarchy, it's old and fixed
Where poor men are lured by desire to be rich
Where the limited power is still given to men
Where development aid is so wastefully spent

Where western education enforces this crap
Where women work in the open, yet live in a trap
There's one solution, and this is it
The dog leaps on the gramophone and has a poo poo


do you have to


do you have to


do you have to let it linger?


Met a man the first time in rehab
an organizer in prison
he lived in Chicago when the cops shot Fred Hampton
but he as just a kid back then
justice doesn't flow from police guns
I'm reminded of that all the time
as long as there is a law peace will be a crime


Doors open, rolling down West Grant
Yes ma'am
Curve 'em like a question
Mark I got a deadpan
Demeanor at the moment meaning try me
Son your rear end so hard it make your mama high five me


Uh Primordial audio from sitting at the Casio
And cracking open an empty pistachio
Pardon odors but I’m always on my job
I don’t throw no boxers out until they’re completely dissolved


Yeah, I'm always in between haircuts
But FDR said it ain't poo poo to be scared of
Huh? He must've never smoked herb
Been beaten by his dad or had bad spoken word


Well I am an artist if that means that there's a cigarette in my mouth
Well I'm a punk rocker if that means that I
Smell pretty bad right now
But mostly I'm just kinda crazy
In a world full of madness and pain
We waited there in the yard but the train never came


It be feelin' like the life that I'm living, man, I don't control
'Cause every day I'm in a fight for my soul
All hands below, high seas in a rickety boat
Smoke O's, so the kid might cope
You want cash or hope, no clash, matter fact get both
Go without get turnt to ghosts
You know that's the law, deal done by the shake of claws
It ain't a game if the poo poo don't pause

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


there were years when I was ready to die
but it's only been recently that I've been willing to live


too many rules and regulations say "you're not allowed"

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


there ain't nothing like singing your heart out to nobody
you know I've never felt quite as free
or quite as alone

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


People say that every cloud has a silver lining
But they have never wrecked a car and killed two of their friends
And they have never seen someone do too much heroin
So, those people don't know a goddamn thing


I don't like people
but I like to pretend
would you like to add me as a friend?

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut





Last week I was working in my kitchen when oddly I discovered cold
So I wrote down the process on the back of my hand.
Next time when the recipe repeated I still thought that something else
Was needed
Cause texture and flavor were still quite bland.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

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