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Car trip to Florida. The year? Youth.

I got to bring a friend and my sister got to bring a friend. We stopped at Taco Bell.

I got a kids meal which came with a toy. The toy was a cat named Nacho, from house mascots, “Nacho and Dog,” obviously inspired by Klasky Csupo styled animations on Nickelodeon.

When you squeezed this cat, its tongue would loll out and make a high-pitched farting sound.

I squeezed it all the time. and then I fell asleep in the car.

When I woke up the cat was hanging from one of the doorhandles by a makeshift noose, its tongue was stuffed with paper (fully erect like a frozen hotdog) so that the noise maker would no longer work. Severe passive aggression between siblings.



Taco Bell? More like...Taco Dell!

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I have wanted to try taco bell for a long, long time. I have waited patiently for the ring of the bell indicating that the tacos are ready, but . . . it has not come. tacos must take an insanely long time to prepare. this feels like some beckett-inspired nightmare scenario, yet somehow, still I wait. still I have hope. the tacos will come.

ty nesamdoom!


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

You gotta show up at the right time, are you sure the bell is working at that one? Are they even using it? If they get enough orders the day before they don't ring the bell as all the tacos have already been sold yesterday.

Some locations are just lazy and don't bother with it the tacos still sell out.

sig by owlhawk911


pixaal posted:

You gotta show up at the right time, are you sure the bell is working at that one? Are they even using it? If they get enough orders the day before they don't ring the bell as all the tacos have already been sold yesterday.

Some locations are just lazy and don't bother with it the tacos still sell out.

I suppose it's theoretically possible but . . . why even name your company "taco bell" if you're not going to use the bell? I feel like maybe leonard j. crabs should look into a class action lawsuit on this. perhaps they should be named "tacos when and if they're ready" or "tacos, maybe?"

ty nesamdoom!


Some of them donr use real bells any more and just play a bell recording on a giant speaker


Had anyone encountered a haunted taco bell before?

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All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

No but I have encountered a haunted butt that smelled like tacobell

sig by owlhawk911


The girl from The Exorcist wasn't possessed, she had just eaten some Taco Bell which caused the projectile vomiting. An underlying mental condition was exacerbated by the weed she was smoking beforehand and that explains the violence and speaking in tongues.

Randy Travesty


Machai posted:

The girl from The Exorcist wasn't possessed, she had just eaten some Taco Bell which caused the projectile vomiting. An underlying mental condition was exacerbated by the weed she was smoking beforehand and that explains the violence and speaking in tongues.

So you're talking about me on line again???


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Cardi BYOB posted:

So you're talking about me on line again???

This is a tacobell, it's on lime.

sig by owlhawk911

google THIS

Teacher says every time a Taco Bell rings, somewhere a butthole stings

Bacon Taco

Now with extra narwhal meat!
The place with the actual bell and the sign "if we've done well, ring the bell" is Long John Silver's. Makes you think.

Escape From Noise

Taco Bell
Only, I can't tell
Chalupa oil
Burrito fart smell

sb hermit

Seth Pecksniff posted:

I've actually never been to a Waffle House :eek:



Taco Bell is always messing around with Doritos flavors, NERDS Rope, Yankee Candle, Meguiar’s Whole Car AIR Re-Fresher ODOR ELIMINATOR Mist… when are they going to see the light and make a Waffle House crossover? Chalupa but with golden waffle. Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, but scattered, smothered & covered? Nachos Bell Grande with Bert’s Chili.

Twenty Four

Manifisto posted:

I suppose it's theoretically possible but . . . why even name your company "taco bell" if you're not going to use the bell? I feel like maybe leonard j. crabs should look into a class action lawsuit on this. perhaps they should be named "tacos when and if they're ready" or "tacos, maybe?"

Taco Bell executives deciding to "prune back their business model" and "streamline their mission objective" come up with the plan to get rid of the Taco part and focus on the Bell. No more food, just a shop where someone stands around and rings a bell now and again.


Does Texas have Waco Bell?


I put my thumb up my bum and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth.

Machai posted:

Does Texas have Waco Bell?

Not anymore they don't

Bacon Taco

Now with extra narwhal meat!


Not anymore they don't


sb hermit




Not anymore they don't



Thank you for using my smilie in my thread. It makes me happy to see people enjoying it.

Escape From Noise

Machai posted:

Thank you for using my smilie in my thread. It makes me happy to see people enjoying it.

It's a good one

Bacon Taco

Now with extra narwhal meat!

Machai posted:

Thank you for using my smilie in my thread. It makes me happy to see people enjoying it.

It's awesome and I thought it was appropriate!


far away across the fields
the tolling of the taco bell
brings the hungry to their knees
with thoughts of taco meats and taco smells

ty nesamdoom!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Manifisto posted:

far away across the fields
the tolling of the taco bell
brings the hungry to their knees
with thoughts of taco meats and taco smells

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

more falafel please

forums poster

i love taco bell. we started going there more regularly once my wife discovered the best kept vegetarian secret which is just: they'll let you sub black beans for meat on any menu item. black bean taco, black bean burriot, black bean crunchwrap, black bean cheesy gordita crunch

How Wonderful! posted:

In like 2007 I went to see Electric Six and halfway through the set Dick Valentine suddenly stopped to solemnly announce to the crowd that Larry King had died.

i've seen them, no joke, probably 20 times. i'm seeing them tomorrow actually. my friend is good buddies with Dick Valentine except his name is just Tyler. he's a nice guy but you can tell that the whole band thing has really transitioned from "hell yeah i'm in a cool band" to "my job is to make one album a year and then tour as much as possible while still being able to watch my kids grow up"

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!


How Wonderful! posted:

In like 2007 I went to see Electric Six and halfway through the set Dick Valentine suddenly stopped to solemnly announce to the crowd that Larry King had died.

This is really weird since Larry King died 14 years later in 2021


I only have canyoneyes for you
my wife won an xbox one from taco bell via text message literally the first time she tried. the xbox was a special edition that made the taco bell DONGGGGG sound when you turned it on.

taco bell has given me more than any other restaurant, and i respect that.

Escape From Noise

canyoneer posted:

my wife won an xbox one from taco bell via text message literally the first time she tried. the xbox was a special edition that made the taco bell DONGGGGG sound when you turned it on.

taco bell has given me more than any other restaurant, and i respect that.

Can't believe you'd forget Olive Garden's unlimited bread sticks like that! How could you do this to your family?

sb hermit

Escape From Noise posted:

Can't believe you'd forget Olive Garden's unlimited bread sticks like that! How could you do this to your family?

Apparently, Olive Garden and Red Lobster was once owned by the same company and they decided to bring about an unholy union. Yes. The combination Olive Garden and Red Lobster. I really wish I could have seen something like that in person.

Unfortunately, Red Lobster itself was sold to a different corporation and these restaurants were stripped of their cheddar bay goodness to revert back to being just Olive Gardens.

Also, I miss our good friend Olive! I hope they post again in byob soon.

sb hermit

I think I have not been to a Sizzler in at least 20, maybe 25 years.


canyoneer posted:

my wife won an xbox one from taco bell via text message literally the first time she tried. the xbox was a special edition that made the taco bell DONGGGGG sound when you turned it on.

taco bell has given me more than any other restaurant, and i respect that.

Taco Bell XBoned your wife.


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Taco Belle introduces new Tacos Bolognese

poverty goat

more falafel please posted:

i love taco bell. we started going there more regularly once my wife discovered the best kept vegetarian secret which is just: they'll let you sub black beans for meat on any menu item. black bean taco, black bean burriot, black bean crunchwrap, black bean cheesy gordita crunch

potato taco plus black beans is my go to lately and I'm not even vegetarian

Randy Travesty


poverty goat posted:

potato taco plus black beans is my go to lately and I'm not even vegetarian

This is the way. Also add jalapenos, we're trying to live mas here, not live no mas.


Powered by alcohol

Taco bell was my first job. The "cool" manager got ovarian cancer, stole all the money in the safe and was caught trying to cross the border into Mexico. I hope she got cancer treatment in prison. :capitalism:


Edward Fingerhands posted:

This is the way. Also add jalapenos, we're trying to live mas here, not live no mas.

Jalapenos are my poo poo. I recently tried to grow some but the seeds wouldn't sprout and now I'm so sad.


more falafel please

forums poster

Machai posted:

Jalapenos are my poo poo. I recently tried to grow some but the seeds wouldn't sprout and now I'm so sad.

i don't know where you live but if it's in the northern hemisphere it's probably just about time to start peppers, so try some seedlings! starting stuff from seed is harder and it's absolutely not cheating to buy seedlings

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!

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