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All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

The pizza is coming back! The Mexican Pizza! I mean it's a crime to call it a pizza, but it's super tasty.

sig by owlhawk911



All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

in the future all places shall be Taco Bell

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

watho posted:

fire in the disco!

Don't you wanna know how we keep startin' fires

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Dr. Honked posted:

taco, uhhhhh, smell

taco bell does have a specific odor... and it makes your farts smell like it too

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Twenty Four posted:

I love byob and all of you. Only here does someone get trashed and make a thread about Taco Bell, which inevitably causes a short discussion about Mexican food and the fast-food approximations of it, then turns back around and a few posts about the movie Demolition Man come up, then someone makes a butt joke, next an obscure reference to the fairly little-known band Electric Six comes up but half the thread somehow gets the reference, and no one even bats an eye and just rolls with it. Best place on the internet.

No one even said the linking line Fire at the Taco Bell, I guess Taco Hell was a combination of this line and gates of hell?

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

what if you could live in a waffle house

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

We should open a combination waffle house taco bell


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Taffle Hell


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

You gotta show up at the right time, are you sure the bell is working at that one? Are they even using it? If they get enough orders the day before they don't ring the bell as all the tacos have already been sold yesterday.

Some locations are just lazy and don't bother with it the tacos still sell out.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

No but I have encountered a haunted butt that smelled like tacobell

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Cardi BYOB posted:

So you're talking about me on line again???

This is a tacobell, it's on lime.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Nacho cheese probably goes good there, it's already pretty nacho looking.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Areola Grande posted:

more like Arby's curly boys, but straight instead. v greasy

greeeaaeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassy money

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs. now it can taste like tacobell at home too!

Don't actually buy from that amazon order, Walmart is like $0.70 I figure amazon is more likely to keep the link alive in 10 years when someone tries to get the joke.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Areola Grande posted:

stateside TB is lousy and laughably expensive, yet I find myself there 3 times a week at least smh :shrug:

Have you tried using the app to order? It's cheaper in app, and you get rewards points so every other time you get like a free taco. Like order in app go to drive-thru say I'm order 420 here for pickup.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Machai posted:

What if they adjust their prices to be more expensive the closer they are to a weed store?

I know a tacobell with the address 420 (it's had it for like 20 years) and is across from a dispensary. Their prices are the same.

sig by owlhawk911


All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Machai posted:

I tried a giant cheez-it crunchwrap and the giant cheez-it was turned to mush by the meat and sauce so it was indistinguishable from a normal crunchwrap.

Tostsda falls apart under the weight but does remain crispy. Use a fork!

sig by owlhawk911



All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

Can someone make a taco well? Like just a hole in the ground that you put a bucket in and out come tacos?

sig by owlhawk911

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