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Escape From Noise

I make a thread about Taco Bell going all in on stoner culture, I'm a pariah. Machai does it, everyone loves it! Geeze BYOB, you sure are fickle.


Escape From Noise

There's a Taco Bell in Osaka but it closes at 10 so every time I'm drunk/desperate enough in Umeda it's closed and I'm better off just grabbing whatever garbage at the grocery store near my place, or failing that, a convenience store.

Escape From Noise

How Wonderful! posted:

No, but I thought it was when I posted it.

Ask not for whom the Taco Bell tolls...

Escape From Noise

Edit: I was being a dick. It was embarrassing.

Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 07:19 on May 2, 2024

Escape From Noise

More like...

Taco Hell!

Escape From Noise

watho posted:

when i die i wanna go taco hell

You don't have to wait until then!

Escape From Noise

Taco Bell
Only, I can't tell
Chalupa oil
Burrito fart smell

Escape From Noise

Machai posted:

Thank you for using my smilie in my thread. It makes me happy to see people enjoying it.

It's a good one

Escape From Noise

canyoneer posted:

my wife won an xbox one from taco bell via text message literally the first time she tried. the xbox was a special edition that made the taco bell DONGGGGG sound when you turned it on.

taco bell has given me more than any other restaurant, and i respect that.

Can't believe you'd forget Olive Garden's unlimited bread sticks like that! How could you do this to your family?

Escape From Noise

I am absolutely drunk enough to consider Taco Bell but it's closed here.

Escape From Noise

Escape From Noise posted:

I am absolutely drunk enough to consider Taco Bell but it's closed here.

Trip report: I ate at the taco bell here a few years ago. I was able to get beer but the portions were tiny and everything was like 20 bucks. It was some real bullshit. 1/5. Barely.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

I honestly don't understand paying for a quesadilla when making one is so easy and cheap. $11, especially at The Bell where it doesn't come with any sides or whatever, is highway robbery. Their's aren't even nice and crispy!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

Flaco Bell

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

To Ween's Hippie Smell:
Taco Bell, only I can't tell
Potato bites hot sauce Hell

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

THAC0 Bell

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

Taco teh Wonder Bell!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Escape From Noise

Pahilla the Hun posted:

at taco bell right now, anyone want anything?

My youth back.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

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