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Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

infernal machines posted:

not if you still haven't gone to bed from the day before

that’s so Corey


Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

he seems to have a very large blurry area :forkbomb:

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Ellie Trashcakes posted:

I mean I don't remember much about it other than it being the first time I was horny for batman 🤷🏻‍♀️

he have a great bat jawline

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

i havent watched a bunch of bond movies unlike u fuckin weirdos so idk much past that. tried thunderball the other night. turned it off halfway in.

i'm mostly familiar with them from summer holiday marathons on spike(?)

i don't think they actually censored much because in spite of the horrible content it was tv friendly :negative:

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

spookykid posted:

my only contribution to this dead gay forum is :chloe:

chloe gets a lot of use so :golfclap:

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

cant believe they 86'd ellie like that, v rude imo

when a customer can't even yell at she own rear end a little bit

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

did you ever watch midnight gospel (netflix)?

the part about the clear light of mesoamerican/buddhist thought is amazing

the interconnectedness (ref: TooL) of everything and that death is a joining was really helpful in dealing with the death of others and my own inevitable one

no shame in your post m8, it resonated and i felt as if one

very different from a dxm trip though, where i feel entirely contained within my body and aware of its foibles, if my bp is too high or i'm fat from too much drank, good check-in but bad for healthy

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

exception that proves the rule imo

go to sleep old man

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Beeftweeter posted:

i'm playing around with some macro tubes and my thumby

started off fine,

size reference:

after i switched to a lens with an electronic shutter though poo poo started gettin weird


sure it's on the level of Big or The Book of Henry but

i'll take the cake, the original wario and uh, not someone who married jim carrey for $1000, dream ghost alex

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Beeftweeter posted:

answer: red and blue make do on this piece of poo

aaaand we’re back to Jim Carrey

somebody stop

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Agile Vector posted:

a durable finish for the dash would be amazing. i feel like windshield angles have made dash glare worse and worse

that and dash creep

a drat picnic table up there on a honda civic

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

velociraptor ate your roast beef sandy huh?

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

it's funny because he was on his way to the cocaine and steroids factory when his heart exploded and he crashed into a tree

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

[doffs hat] i liked him in joe vs the volcano

i started watching that based on your(?) mention

seems like the writer/director must have based the first bit on brazil (film not country) because it is a real downer about the workplace

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

infernal machines posted:

not really, no. it's a good book though

there is a guns blazing showdown at the end, but that picture isn't molly millions, and mona herself mostly spends her time trying not to die

Sally shears doesn't make an imposing figure with her steppin razors about 3mm or w/e

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

SmokaDustbowl posted:

molly millions owns


i just suck at the metric system

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

KoRMaK posted:

their rates are bad aren't they? not quite loan shar, but not much better, right? and if you are going to them it means you've already or are currently about to be squeezed by some other part of the system

yeah it feels like getting a deal off of payday loans or something

looking at all the handguns and thinking about the broken dreams and what could have been

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Achmed Jones posted:

he got tired and went inside. now he's creepin from ms jones's office where here and little jones are doin a puzzle


Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

haveblue posted:

anime con carne

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica


Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

no plastic bags are fine, but gettin charged for paper bags at safeway fuckin sucks rear end

i know i'm being a scab but i just punch "0" for bags in the self-check

regular checkout i don't pay attention/care

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

no, its automating away what used to be a good union job.

i actually have a new favorite store (not a safeway) close to my gf's that has no self-checks and it's dark and cool and breezy towards the checkouts and the checkers seem chill and beardy/granola relaxed

if i go in a place where i don't feel like i could do the job under the flourescents 40hrs/wk i shouldn't shop there

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

grocery pickup is the worst of both worlds. you spend a bunch of money to make somebody pick out avocados for you (they will pick the worst ones) but you still gotta use gas and time and drive to the store

i will do grocery delivery until the day i die i think

is it in your worldview that a person doing a poo poo job like this will pass poo poo down?

just curious

when i've done it i respected the customer but not the company, ymmv

BaldDwarfOnPCP fucked around with this message at 22:21 on Jul 21, 2022

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

i dont understand what "pass poo poo down" means here

just a general sense of i hate my job conditions so i *do passive/aggressive thing* to an anonymous person

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

No i don't think it's malice, i think they're so overworked and underpaid and cannot afford to pick out the nice avocados that are ripe and ready. i just buy them 3-5 days before im gonna eat em.

oh for sure and you can't and shouldn't expect people to do that for you

it's one thing to grab a tube of toothpaste and another to pick a fruit

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Buck Turgidson posted:

Yeah sometimes really small items don't register and you need a staff member to help.

small item big oof

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

one day i will be this cool

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

psiox posted:

i got my tv when someone dumped it on the corner

it's not smart and that's the way it should be, but it's very pretty and 1080p so i guess that just wasn't good enough for the [other] yuppies

i don't know how i feel about 1k tv but 4k upscaled like my gf's is soap opera bad

2-4k is good without interpolation

dumb hdmi or some roku as a treat

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

rotor posted:

new rotorwife just dropped

i see a face but can't tell if she's coming or going

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica
do vampires at least favor the missionary position?

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

did this duck just give me a virus

people have been demoing this exploit for a bit now

it's harmless afaict, aflac

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

haveblue posted:

so you're saying I should get promoted to Jarl the Carl

all jarls are carls, but very few carls are jarls

e: according to skyrim not all jarls have to be carls, they can be women or lizards or cats i guess

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

we may not be chile but they're getting the brush off here as well

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Improbable Lobster posted:

i heard deer love landmines

dodi fayed's driver swerved to miss one :tinfoil:

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

EricBauman posted:

Russian tanks are also being disabled remotely, without even the need for wifi

*rough chuckle*

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

i like this one


Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Nuts and Gum posted:

there was one gpu I remember that required a daughter card or whatever (voodoo banshee I want to say?) but all other voodoo 2+ dropped that insane architecture.

it had such bad faps (typo love it leaving it) that they offered a trade-in for the daughter card and a monster 3dfx 4mb

took it and kept the 2mb 2d card

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