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Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

you on the toilet | me on the toilet


Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

nvrgrls posted:

Can someone post that really really gross pic of the close up of the guy with the terrible beard... you know the one I'm talking about, it makes my eyes water.

turn your monitor off

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

graph posted:

remember when photoshop didnt have layers

we'd never know barack hussein obama's birth certificate was fake

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

im clutche is

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

akadajet posted:

each step in the process is more horrifying than the last

what da gently caress

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

im hangerpilled

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

ChubbyChecker posted:

cyrillic cursive is where it's at

whoa, had no idea ive been writing in cyrillic all this time

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

PIZZA.BAT posted:

:rip: stock photo industry


Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

lol at drinkin through the mesh

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

casino royale is the best bond, most are p. bad

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

infernal machines posted:

i agree, the 1967 bond film casino royal, starring david niven, is the best bond film. unfortunately, it's not in that list

this is also true

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

deffo crystal uniformity, as my poasts are know for

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes


Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

lifetime supply of Pocky posted:

thinkin about that 'za

please make a separate thread for this garbage and then ban anyone who poasts in it

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Agile Vector posted:

take this luigi image to the games thread too

he is a hard working computer hater

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

my middle school had everyone take a career aptitude test and i got house painter and truck driver and my mom was severely depressed for an entire month

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Sweevo posted:

why do they always get so specific with the advice?

my school let us use a computer program that asked a bunch of questions and the answer was "something with computers" and a list of like 50 examples.

because then they have specifics they can point to and sell to more gullible school systems

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Jonny 290 posted:

I just got "you should do computers. everything is on computers now, you know" and they punted me out the door. 18 months later i was working the line in a restaurant. thanks, guidance counselors

it's odd, no one ever told me to get into computers nor did i ever think i should. just never came up like it seemed to for so many people our age

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

rotor posted:

no one ever told me to go into computers because at the time "computer programmer" was a lovely mid-level office job on par with "copy machine repair guy" and "accounts receivable guy"

yeah, "what'f thyne 'computer' m'lord" was probably a pretty common question back then

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

rotor posted:

hahahaha i m old

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Kenny Logins posted:

one of my favourite Simpsons jokes of all time

my wife showed it to me and i said send me that, kenny needs to see it so she sent it right over whilst rolling her eyes and mumbling about imaginary friends

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

chikypigs here

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes


Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

honestly believed this was a photo of my friends before i zoomed in

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

rotor posted:

i worked at an independant video rental place on wilshire in west LA and we got a good number of celebrites comin in to rent poo poo cause it was close to brentwood.

Holly Hunter (she is super short)
John Astin (he was super old)
Cameo (super nice)
probably some more i cant remember

mostly tho it was just gross dudes returning 5 pornos and renting 5 pornos

violent j would come to the blockbuster i managed :smug:

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

lol at the naruto headbands on the hats

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

one thing that drives me nuts going with the actual cashier is they'll put like a jar and an orange in one bag and then double bag it. no! load that poo poo up i want the handles stretched to the breaking point by the time i get it to the car

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

i live in michigan and any legislation to charge for bags would be met with incredible violence


Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

mediaphage posted:

probably not enough hets read the fagthread to appreciate this so

ya gotta give me the fangs

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Captain Foo posted:

excuse me what the gently caress

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

Hell yeah frisky dingo

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

garnering thousands of followers off of someone else's content, the true twitter experience

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

no skateboarding EVER! posted:

I want to share with the thread this wonderful tomato plant. The tomatoes are smaller than cherry tomatoes and delicious, you can grow them indoors year round provided you have enough light. Put it in this Ikea pot and it looks really nice by your kitchen window.

im the watch

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

true boxer behavior



Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

blat tube

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