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Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
Keep them coming please.


Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
My father was deployed to Vietnam as an National Serviceman - essentially a number was picked out of ~30 others and it was the same number as the day he was born on a particular month. The Australian government then gave him (essentially) a choice: join the army and probably go to Vietnam or go to jail.
I get the feeling he willingly joined the army because That Was The Thing To Do.
I know that he was in combat and shot at people, and was shot in return.

He will not say much about his time there, and while your time in Iraq is leagues away from being in a rifle battalion in Vietnam, your writing gives me a glimpse into what has happened to him in a way that the sterile printed word on any book about war does not.

Thank you.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
The passage where you're advancing up to the (possibly abandoned, possibly not) APC really brought it home for me.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
There was a kickstarter for a iraq war memoir about a guy who was in a stryker battalion that I got, and the thing that struck me was the amount of sleep that he didn't get - as in, they'd go out on patrols and they would be non-stop for 24 or more hours.
* In that sort of situation are the soldiers awake all that time, or are the moments when everyone can get 5 or 10 or 20 minute naps?
* What does being awake for those long periods do to sleep patterns, both while still in theatre and when you back from deployment?

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
The physical writing and the stories really bring home what an utter hellhole it must of been for everyone, both yourself, the american army and the iraqi populace.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
What others have said.

It can a physical book, or an ebook, or a downloadable pdf, or a somethingawful.txt, but I and others find interesting the experiences you're writing about. There's something raw and unfiltered that your written ~words~ impart that reach out to me, giving me a different perspective from everything else I've read.

In the end, you need to do what works for you. If it's just posts here, do that. If it's putting the images into a pdf hosted somewhere, do that. If you keep writing and find it might work for you to look at putting out a book, do that.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
Partners in Stupidity really does roll off the tongue well.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
Did you write this in a different way/place than the others? It's so much clearer to read.

Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
Disney Princess with a Kaloashnikov is an emotive image.


Dec 3, 2006

Looking for WMDs, PM if you have A+ grade stuff
Fun Shoe
It's your thread and your journey.

Do what best works for you - whether it's a post every second monday or every 5 months. I'm serious here - do what works for you.

SerthVarnee posted:

We are here to read the stories as you feel like sharing them. We are not here expecting a Monday and Friday scheduled update like you were just making them in the factory.

You do you and we'll still be here to appreciate you.

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