InternetOfTwinks posted:
I started giggling... a mildly horrified giggle at that.
# ¿ May 18, 2022 21:19 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 18:12 |
Armitag3 posted:Why is product deciding implementations?? No, how.
# ¿ May 18, 2022 23:43 |
Is our culture the Red Queen's Race... or is the Red Queen's Race just our culture, barely disguised?
# ¿ May 19, 2022 22:07 |
I lost my ability to walk properly when I was barely a teenager. To my hypermobility, which was finally diagnosed in my thirties. I didn't really have a youth. Well, except in front of a computer I guess. Even then, barely. So I tried way too hard to fit in, and had some experiences I'd rather not. Not one single good memory though. Just pain and horror and cruelty. And being sick. A whole lot of being sick. So, y'know, you can appreciate the memories. Or you can know it could have been so much worse. Or just get headphones.
# ¿ May 21, 2022 08:36 |
KidDynamite posted:should have done better drugs imo Agreed. Sobriety is always the wrong choice. Haven't been sober in several years.
# ¿ May 21, 2022 17:17 |
That's all your life only when you seriously lack imagination. Most of getting there is clearing your mind of fake ideas like "respectable career" or "getting in trouble".
# ¿ May 23, 2022 04:40 |
fart simpson posted:hbag is taking a big step right now though. probably wont get rid of those fake ideas without going through it Yeah that was more at the rest of you wet blankets.
# ¿ May 23, 2022 04:44 |
The past few pages demonstrate the point of my meta-gimmick better than I ever could. I'm an emotional mess who can't stop being annoying, getting wildly caught up in doubling down on points everyone else finds irrelevant, being wrong a lot and loudly, being boring as hell more often than not, and melting down constantly. It took me a lot of work and self-reflection to be this way. Because I used to just suppress the misery and concentrate on working, waiting for a better day when I could do what I wanted to do. Except I'm now too disabled to work, and that better day is never coming. It's not that I can't shut up and be stoic. It's that it was turning my life into endless monotony filled with interchangeable days of vague misery where I couldn't allow myself to feel anything.
# ¿ May 23, 2022 20:47 |
Jonny 290 posted:i dont suppose there's any cogent answer to the question of what you want out of this subforum or 'gimmick', eh It is indeed a meta-gimmick - I act this way because it reflects a deeper truth, and I view it as a stepping stone between where I am and where I want to be. I want to be who I am because that's who I want to be, not because I think it will win the approval of others. And that requires practice. So yes, not a gimmick at all. Out of this subforum? Maybe I'll find people going through the same thing, ones who appreciate my company.
# ¿ May 23, 2022 21:39 |
ultravoices posted:this is some sex thing right? where brits just lose their collective minds with horny about a woman being harsh? Yes. That woman in particular has a lot of really loving bizarre ideas that make her really bad at her job, so the government puts her front and center because she's like a lightning rod for being told to gently caress off.
# ¿ May 24, 2022 19:27 |
So what's the countdown to the first cluster of monkeypox from a VR set at a con?
# ¿ May 25, 2022 19:56 |
I'm a secret chud. The ethnic group, that is.
# ¿ May 27, 2022 03:21 |
Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:why did you migrate to finland from your homeland of the new york city sewers If you also had family in Pennsylvania, you'd understand.
# ¿ May 27, 2022 03:36 |
Stringent posted:animeistrash, gone but not forgotten You sure about that?
# ¿ May 28, 2022 07:18 |
SmokaDustbowl posted:it's weird you guys cry so much. just listen to metal Like so? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6rBHaOmXMo
# ¿ May 30, 2022 05:44 |
For the stomach, look up TVA exercises, as well as planking. Yes, that's unironically what planking is good for.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 15:25 |
akadajet posted:I've been told all my life you can't spot reduce stomach fat. You just have to lower your body fat until it starts coming off your belly. You can't. But you can improve muscle tone and that makes your stomach look flatter. Then you can throw in dumbbell flys, lateral raises, squats, side leg lifts to make your stomach look flatter by comparison, and round it out with downward facing dog and bridge pose to have enough endurance to keep the pose.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 15:34 |
nudgenudgetilt posted:what if i instead sit on my rear end at a computer day and night eating cheeseburgers and tacos? You can't wear JoJo-rear end flashy outfits to out-nerd the ttrpg crowd.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 15:45 |
Achmed Jones posted:lifting weights does not burn an appreciable amount of calories The added muscle increases the amount you burn.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 16:16 |
mystes posted:it's extremely negligible though It is very significant if you keep maintaining the muscle mass. It adds up.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 16:20 |
mystes posted:If you spent all the time for weight lifting to build and maintain the muscle mass on intense cardio you would burn insanely more total calories. No, I'd gently caress up my body by overstraining it.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 16:24 |
mystes posted:I don't know This is incredibly clear. All of akadajet's statements on the subject today are correct.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 17:46 |
Now, most of the muscle benefit comes from the muscle helping to regulate your hormones and metabolism, which also has effects on your mood and appetite. (And when I got to rebuilding my muscle, the effect it had on making me eat healthier was dramatic. Way less sugar, way more plant-based protein. Of course I was expecting it to have an effect, and was prepared with suitable diet knowledge.) But it does burn calories, and you can lose weight faster by doing both cardio and lifting, because that effect from larger muscles is small but meaningful, and more importantly is still there when you aren't lifting at the moment. Got to remember the numbers from exercise look small, but the human body isn't a furnace burning (or absorbing) all calories equally, and it's a lot more about changing the balance, and it takes way less to do that than people think.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 18:00 |
mystes posted:It's true that you increase your BMR a tiny bit from additional muscle. It's also true that that's not a significant reason for lifting weights because you would burn much more from cardio and you even burn much more (even though it's not as much as cardio) from the actual weightlifting. Is what you're saying here "I don't know much, and neither does anyone else, and that's why I can make authoritative statements about how lifting doesn't really help burn calories"?
# ¿ May 30, 2022 18:07 |
mystes posted:An additional pound of muscle burns 6 calories per day. Unless you're insanely muscular, this isn't going to be significant. Do tell me how large you think the average calorie surplus is.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 18:13 |
Improbable Lobster posted:im lazy though Have you tried working out to get energy?
# ¿ May 31, 2022 01:22 |
bump_fn posted:nah i’m goin south baby That was obvious the moment you moved to the UK.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 09:49 |
bump_fn posted:always stretch after exercising. stretch more you’re always not stretching enough. Stretching after exercising does little to begin with, and muscle soreness after you pick up a new exercise is expected and a good thing. I have hypermobility so I don't have to stretch at all nyah nyah nyan.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 11:01 |
KidDynamite posted:both my cats are afraid of the cpap machine and anything associated with it. it works out well. Back when I had a cpap the cats kept attacking the hose when they wanted my attention.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 12:48 |
jony neuemonic posted:hey cjs. hope you've all been well. I most certainly haven't been.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 20:27 |
Got to admit, the expectation for every single day to be undignified, frustrating, and painful has really prepared me well for the 2020's.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 20:29 |
jony neuemonic posted:welp! Eh, nobody cares. I've got spinal cord damage causing pain and being unable to rely on my left side. Whatcha gonna do. Other than keep moving. For me, the 2020's have been better than average though. I can easily identify people I can't trust by their maskless faces.
# ¿ May 31, 2022 21:07 |
They're Oreo factoids.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2022 02:13 |
Youth these days, when I was their age I couldn't stop hallucinating and was told that my brain disease would slowly progress until it killed me. They don't know what it means to have no hope. (I'm still hallucinating, I've just grown used to it. It happens in predictable patterns and you learn to separate 'em.)
# ¿ Jun 2, 2022 18:18 |
Dada was built on the very idea there's no hope nor sense, and look at us, a century later and things are still getting shittier, yet we persist. You're hoping for the wrong thing, is all. You should hope to see stupid bullshit beyond your comprehension. Like crypto.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2022 18:19 |
I think my point is "it's all been doomed from the moment we figured out violence, but there's still things in life worth enjoying". Just, super angsty because I could pretend like that's not who I am and nobody would buy it.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2022 18:23 |
Thanks to reading philosophy, I know I'm part of a grand heritage of complaining about the youth these days not knowing what it means to have no hope for the future.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2022 18:34 |
fresh_cheese posted:apparently i have forgotten my password. muscle memory has failed me. i have nothing. i am nothing. Namaste.
# ¿ Jun 4, 2022 00:43 |
Roosevelt posted:me mum thinks im a slowly unfolding catastrophe at all times. when i was like 16 i got busted with weed and she thought i was doing ALL the drugs. i get asked all the time if i'm okay like i have a finger on some kind of terrible button. a few months ago she sent me a card that said something like "late bloomers are ok too" and signed it "thinking of you" My mom thinks I'm some cripple casanova with people constantly orbiting me only to discover they're a different kind of queer than they thought and going on to have implausible adventures.
# ¿ Jun 5, 2022 23:58 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 18:12 |
Jonny 290 posted:Yeah if people are happy with it wish them well but i am not cool with the multiple lover thing (i hate the word 'partner' btw its insanely clinical and capitalist) so i reckon this is about it for me. and im ok with that. just people stop texting me with OMG COME TO PORTLAND IMMA GET YOU LAIIIIID stuff. im done. we're in senescence mode. Partner is very useful when you want to disclose neither the gender nor exact details.
# ¿ Jun 6, 2022 00:35 |