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beer pal

whats the title of the movie you watched lsat night?

for me it was 'x' directed by ti west. i thought it was ok but i didnt love it. 3 out of 5 stars


crimes of the future. it was really cool movie about Aragorn once all the war poo poo settles down and he can focus on his art with the chick from death stranding


interpreting "last night" generously, I just watched Marrowbone (2017), a tonal oddity that's more understandable if you've seen The Orphanage (2007) by the same director, J.A. Bayona. it's a bit fairy tale, a bit psychological drama or even horror story, a bit of a troubled romance in the vein of something like edward scissorhands, very lushly shot. the narrative skips around and introduces what seem to be important developments only to let them drop for much of the movie, with a lot left to be tied up/explained at the end . . . or not, as the case may be, but I don't think it's too much of spoiler to say that the film doesn't leave too many important things dangling. again, if you've seen The Orphanage you have a sense of the kind of movie this is. I liked it but found it, I guess the best word would be uneven; I felt a certain degree of whiplash as the movie careened from the conventions of one genre to another. but for that same reason I feel like it brings an unusual vividness to the (loosely defined) fairy tale genre, which often gets sanitized in certain ways especially when, as here, children/adolescents are the focus.

ty nesamdoom!

Percy Teatwillow

let us go out this evening for pleasure, for the night is still young

really great movie starring Nicolas Cage as a dude who lives out in the woods, making a living by foraging for truffles. arguably one of his more weighted roles, I came away from it with a lot of praise for the plot and character development. I can see why he recently stated in an AMA that this was his personal favorite to star in.

i’d give this one 5 bags of popcorn and three sodas

THANK U Heather Papps !!

Gluehead posted:

i met snow at a restaurant once and i was like 'man, informer is a really good song!' and he just looked up from the bowl of french onion soup he was eating, mouthed the words 'gently caress off' and then he gave me the finger twice with boths hands, then crossed the two fingers to make a cross and aimed it at me
Robot Made of Meat

The Celluloid Closet.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!

Doctor Dogballs

driving the fuck truck from hand land to pound town without stopping at suction station

womb raider

"The Bad Boy of Comics"


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Identity (2003). Great cast; decent setup for a story; eye-rolling sophomoric plot twists.

beer pal

Percy Teatwillow posted:


really great movie starring Nicolas Cage as a dude who lives out in the woods, making a living by foraging for truffles. arguably one of his more weighted roles, I came away from it with a lot of praise for the plot and character development. I can see why he recently stated in an AMA that this was his personal favorite to star in.

i’d give this one 5 bags of popcorn and three sodas

i really liked this one too

looking forward to seeing crimes of the future. all the press saying everyone is projectile vomiting in the movie theatres

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
Border (2018) [hulu]

a customs officer who can smell fear develops an unusual attraction to a strange traveller while aiding a police investigation which will call into question her entire existence

this is an unsettling film. it's not a horror film or even a thriller. it's a drama and it's unlike anything i've ever seen. i watch tons of dramas and this one rlly stuck with me. five bags of popcorn and five sodas. this one is a gem so long as u don't mind looking at ugly ppl

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
We simply watched The Eternals, just to prove we could

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!

google THIS

no, whats on second

Prof. Alligator

bill and Ted face the music. it was a thoroughly charming film, although I didn’t love it as much as other people did.

Non Krampus Mentis

Scrungus Bungus from the planet Grongous
adolescence of utena

sometimes you just need to watch a sword lesbian turn into a car

Gruß vom Krampus

:love: thank u deep dish peat moss for the sig :love:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Areola Grande posted:

Border (2018) [hulu]

a customs officer who can smell fear develops an unusual attraction to a strange traveller while aiding a police investigation which will call into question her entire existence

this is an unsettling film. it's not a horror film or even a thriller. it's a drama and it's unlike anything i've ever seen. i watch tons of dramas and this one rlly stuck with me. five bags of popcorn and five sodas. this one is a gem so long as u don't mind looking at ugly ppl

somebody needs 2 watch this :champ:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Manifisto posted:

interpreting "last night" generously, I just watched Marrowbone (2017), a tonal oddity that's more understandable if you've seen The Orphanage (2007) by the same director, J.A. Bayona. it's a bit fairy tale, a bit psychological drama or even horror story, a bit of a troubled romance in the vein of something like edward scissorhands, very lushly shot. the narrative skips around and introduces what seem to be important developments only to let them drop for much of the movie, with a lot left to be tied up/explained at the end . . . or not, as the case may be, but I don't think it's too much of spoiler to say that the film doesn't leave too many important things dangling. again, if you've seen The Orphanage you have a sense of the kind of movie this is. I liked it but found it, I guess the best word would be uneven; I felt a certain degree of whiplash as the movie careened from the conventions of one genre to another. but for that same reason I feel like it brings an unusual vividness to the (loosely defined) fairy tale genre, which often gets sanitized in certain ways especially when, as here, children/adolescents are the focus.

I'll watch the Orphanage. 2morroe. I'll get back 2 u ITT once the deed is done manifisto :hai:

mailorder bees

i watched sonic 2

it was fun

idris elba fantastic as always

thanks Manifisto!


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Mission Impossible 1
Mission Impossible 2
Mission Impossible 4

Either Netflix couldn't get the rights to 3, or it's playing a very clever joke on it's subscribers.

Prof. Alligator

Buttchocks posted:

Mission Impossible 1
Mission Impossible 2
Mission Impossible 4

Either Netflix couldn't get the rights to 3, or it's playing a very clever joke on it's subscribers.

this is a common problem because the 3rd movie is actually titled “3 Mission 3 Impossible”.

sephiRoth IRA

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."

-Carl Sagan
I watched the og Mary poppins with my kid this weekend

Great songs, not great racism

Movie gets 3.5 out 5 sour patch kids

Racism gets 5/5 piss-soaked theater seats

beer pal

last night i watched the new zealand abduction-thriller film 'coming home in the dark' not too bad 3.5 stars out of 5


Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I watched the columbo where the murderer poisoned someone with fugu

it's not how fugu works but it was a fun watch regardless. love that shabby detective man


Percy Teatwillow posted:


really great movie starring Nicolas Cage as a dude who lives out in the woods, making a living by foraging for truffles. arguably one of his more weighted roles, I came away from it with a lot of praise for the plot and character development. I can see why he recently stated in an AMA that this was his personal favorite to star in.

i’d give this one 5 bags of popcorn and three sodas

Happened to watch The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent yesterday. Nicolas Cage plays Nick Cage. It was pretty funny and pretty clever at times.
Also with Pedro Pascal. Also Paco León has really unhinged eyes.

I give it Jean-Claude Van Johnson out of JCVD. If you watch it go in blind.

teen witch
I saw city slickers for the first time and I wildly underestimated how oddly intense that movie gets. it’s good, the jokes are incredibly written but Jesus Christ some of the scenes


I didn't realize during the first few minutes of I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) that it was a Charlie Kaufman film, but this is the kind of movie that prompts you (well, me) every so often to pause and think or look something up so I figured it out pretty quick. and of course it is; ultimately it shares a lot thematically and stylistically with his earlier films, although notably missing is the manic playfulness he cultivates elsewhere. it's a long film, the sets are spare and much of the pacing is slow, and a lot of screen time is dedicated to scenes with dark wintry backdrops. the hints that the onscreen reality is not the full picture come subtly and fleetingly at first, yet they still manage to catch your attention and maybe prompt you to question whether you just saw what you think you just saw. and the characters are certainly arrestingly idiosyncratic, with solid performances, especially by the lead (Jessie Buckley).

I'm generally a fan of Kaufman's style, he is certainly distinctive, often unexpected, sometimes shocking in a way that can be piercing. still at the best of times his stories don't resolve to uncomplicated endings, and in this one in particular I feel like a darker mood prevails, at times generating a feeling of palpable dread as in a horror movie or psychological thriller. for me, the ending was not unexpected, but right up to the end the film kept open a number of possibilities that would have made interesting stories in their own right. if I wanted to spend more time with it, I do feel that certain questions, predominantly dark ones, are hinted at but not explicitly resolved (perhaps the book the movie is based on sheds more light on these matters),. I don't know how helpful this is, but ultimately I think what you make of the film depends to an unusual degree on what you bring to it. It's a good movie, but not the kind I want to watch all the time.

ty nesamdoom!


im hip now bois

I finally got around to watching Kingdom of Heaven, it was pretty cool

sephiRoth IRA

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."

-Carl Sagan
Watched the secrets of Dumbledore

I regret everything. 20 bucks to Rowling and I didn't even really enjoy it. I'm a bad person :negative:


im hip now bois

sephiRoth IRA posted:

Watched the secrets of Dumbledore

I regret everything. 20 bucks to Rowling and I didn't even really enjoy it. I'm a bad person :negative:

Oh me oh my I just hate muggles so much, except for when I drive around in muggle cars, wear muggle fashion, talk about them all the time, barely use magic for anything and spend most of my time in and around muggles in their cities - everyone in the wizarding world

wtf happened to robes and magic being an intrinsic part of society

sephiRoth IRA

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."

-Carl Sagan

Tebulot posted:

wtf happened to robes and magic being an intrinsic part of society

teen witch

Tebulot posted:

wtf happened to robes and magic being an intrinsic part of society

still is if you ain’t a wuss


im hip now bois

the events of those movies happening wherever they're happenig

me, a wizard at home unconcerned: I'm going to stack more frogs with magic today than anyone thought possible


im hip now bois

I'd be a delightful wizard, I'd put bubbles in every drink

beer pal

crimes of the future

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
skin of the wolf

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Prof. Alligator

Thor: Love and Thunder

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
Call of Booty: Black Cops

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
Plum Smugglers Part Deux

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

sb hermit

Technically the last movie I watched was National Treasure starring Nick Cage. But I see it once every two weeks because that's when I donate platelets. It's the only movie on dvd that I would watch on repeat. It's a great action mystery movie. There's also a sequel and part 3 is coming out soon.

But a better answer would be Dark Angel, a movie about an alien terrorizing a town during the christmas holidays. I mentioned it in the chat thread, when we were discussing Dolph Lundgren. It's the kind of mindless action horror movie that's kinda like The Rock (with Sean Connery). With that expectation in mind, it's not bad.

Finger Prince

Prof. Crocodile posted:

bill and Ted face the music. it was a thoroughly charming film, although I didn’t love it as much as other people did.

I agree with your assessment of this film.


Finger Prince

I watched the CGI Appleseed movie on Netflix. It was pretty decent. If I ever watched the anime it was so long ago I have no memory of it. The humans were videogame cutscene quality, but the scene lighting in parts was really gorgeous. The story moved along at a good pace that established the who, what, where and why and never really got bogged down in any of it. All in all I give it a solid definitely worth watching on an airplane, and a decent something to throw on that you don't really have to think about too much and looks cool.

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