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Mar 1, 2013

sure why not he/they

Mar 1, 2013

hang on a second i thought pong had a left paddle and a right paddle. something doesnt add up here
Mar 1, 2013

Jadecore posted:

Wake up gamers, cuz you’re watching the big crime dimension!

Seriously though, are people looking after Lower Paddle? They need someone with them in these trying times.

wait thats it. lower paddle is the only one with motivation for the crime. now that upper paddle is out of the way theyll win every game forever. case closed guys lower paddle is the culprit
Mar 1, 2013

Jadecore posted:

I'm more inclined to not 'flip' anyone Day 1 just by the nature of absolutely zero information to work off of and not wanting to be horribly unfair, but if the person with actual experience says it's a better idea to do so, I suppose my choices would be either Lower Paddle (that argument WAS pretty compelling), or wologar for being the first one to rather rudely propose flipping someone with, as mentioned, zero information. :v:

Still lean more towards no elimination.

i like this idea and not only because we seem to be on the same page about lower paddle. it seems only fair that wologar would have the privilege of bravely taking one for the team
Mar 1, 2013

someone please volunteer to be executed so we can get some more information. preferrably if youre scum
Mar 1, 2013

we could vote for either green wing or jadecore because both have vaguely indicated being reluctant to vote at some point. but thats a lousy reason especially because both of those posts were before it was established that voting someone out only benefits the town

alternatively we could go with wologars reasoning and vote out plastic automaton. and also because getting voted out on day one probably won't feel as bad for a veteran compared to a newbie
Mar 1, 2013

Green Wing posted:

Nah I said that in *in person* werewolf that's often my move but that I didn't see an advantage here. Just mulling, but indicated the opposite.

what makes it different in person? sounds like youve killed before and youll kill again

seriously though im genuinely curious as to how that works
Mar 1, 2013

thinking of voting for msrr just so i dont get hit by a stray bullet
Mar 1, 2013

My Second Re-Reg posted:

It's Day #1 - there is no information yet, outside of those trying to pipe up and lead the thread, thus making the act of trying to influence the decisions of others suspicious in and of itself.

##vote NeverHelm

i guess its true that the mafia would be more able to steer things than town. why neverhelm though? theyre not the only one trying to direct the conversation and i dont think they were aiming at anyone specific until very recently
Mar 1, 2013

My Second Re-Reg posted:

Alrighty, then I double down on my previous statement - I'm now headhunting people who obviously know wtf they're talking about and are trying to steer the rest of us down their own path.

NeverHelm, you're my first vote.

asking again, why neverhelm? their only posts before this point were about general game stuff, rather than steering towards anyone in particular. their main point was just that we should vote on day one and they werent the only one saying that

i just want to ask this before voting either way
Mar 1, 2013

My Second Re-Reg posted:

This remains my main sticking point - NeverHelm and Green Wing appeared aligned early on. My suspicions lie heavier on someone bandwagoning an idea than the person who made it in the first place, though I think both are ultimately circumspect.

Also: the lot of you will never take me alive.

what were they aligned on? was it because they both didnt want to vote for plastic?
Mar 1, 2013

wologar posted:

I know I agreed that Re-Reg's posting was anti-town (although they got better), but I think the pile-up on votes is bandwagony. There's bound to be scum in the last few votes, either jumping at the chance to execute town or just leaving a teammate to the wolves.

I'll vote if necessary near deadline, but we still have some hours left.

this is a really good way to discourage people from voting imo. the only reason i dont think this looks like scum behavior is because msrr is likely going to get voted out anyway, so if you were scum you'd be making yourself look suspicious for no benefit

Green Wing posted:

One specific thing I want to put out there in case the day ends suddenly is that there are a couple people who have posted *precisely* as much as they need to, to avoid the lurker warning, while not getting involved in the discussion all that much. That's Jadecore (OK WELL I HIT PREVIEW AND SHE POSTED with a lot of reasoning and input too so uhhhh never mind I guess!), cuntman (who has posted precisely 10 times, posing questions to MSRR but not voting, or even stating a personal position, just asking questions. Very strong belief that both should be kept an eye on.

i dont think this is good reasoning. its not that close to the deadline and a lot of people had exactly 10 posts at some point in time. i was asking questions because i wanted more reasons to vote one way or another. at this point my position is that i dont think theres anything particularly pointing to msrr as scum, but their stance against voting out someone one day 1 and going chaos voting is anti town. since we should vote someone on day 1 anyway, it might as well be them

also i should probably respond to this now:

Green Wing posted:

Initially supported a no-vote, then switched to supporting a vote and voting for those who supported a no-vote (Green Wing and Jadecore). (minor inconsistency, but can also be explained because it's D1 and, like, people are allowed to change their minds)
Proposed alternative to vote out Plastic Automaton on the basis of veterancy (‘innocent’ reasoning possibly shields scum move).
theres some ambiguity in my first post but i never supported not voting. when i said i agreed with the post i was responding to, i meant i agreed with voting for wologar
i dont see why suggesting voting for plastic automaton is suspicious either. lots of people made arbitrary suggestions for who to vote for including someone who suggested literally the exact same thing for the exact same reason
Mar 1, 2013

it looks like everyone has either voted or is planning to vote for msrr. i think hyper crab tank might not be committed but im not sure. is there any reason not to end the day here? do we want to give people a chance to meet the 10 post requirement first?
Mar 1, 2013

wologar posted:

Oh boy.

Funny thing is, before these news I was thinking who I'd execute If I was scum and I landed on AFancyQuestionMark or Bucnasti because they were the only ones that didn't confront anyone directly and didn't arise explicit suspicion on themselves. Better to leave town to self-destruct, I guess.

On the bright side, no one is actually dead by flavour. I bet that at the end of this ordeal, the Paddle will appear with everyone who banished and yell surprise and we'll all laugh and have a great time!

i agree with this. it makes sense for the scum to make their choices to deny us as much information as possible

on that note, i have no idea either way if green wing is scum or not, but i wouldnt want to vote for her right now just because shes the one whos been posting the most so if shes scum, shes more likely to give herself away eventually

ive also been thinking about who the other mason(s) might be. it makes sense that it would be one of the people who were reluctant to vote for msrr, so maybe bucnasti, cloacamazing, or wologar. im thinking wologar since there was a post where it seemed like they were discouraging people from voting, which doesnt make sense if theyre town or scum, but makes a lot more sense if theyre a mason

Bucnasti posted:

Like I said, I didn't think MSRR was scum because nobody even made a token effort to defend or deflect for him. You on the other hand were quick to help NeverHelm without any prompting.

This is my suspicion, You and NeverHelm are scum, you're trying to deflect from each other and MSRR presented an easy target.

And just like you said, If I was scum I wouldn't be making the first vote today.

If somebody can provide me with better info, I'll listen, but until then I'm pointing my finger directly at Green Wing.

if this is what you think, why not vote for neverhelm instead? theyre have more experience and dont post as much
Mar 1, 2013

Green Wing posted:

Well shoot I guess I'm just wrong. I got overexcited and thought that was a straight-up "throw the book at 'em, boys" scumslip. :colbert:

I will ##unvote.

well i thought it was a good catch
Mar 1, 2013

well i'll say that im pretty sure green wing is town now because i dont think a scum would have made that mistake
Mar 1, 2013

Green Wing posted:

So I think you made the same mistake as me by assuming that masons were confirmed town, unless I'm missing something here? Just trying to get my head around your point.

i did, but i think my reasoning still stands. i think a mason would want to defend their fellows either way. i guess it doesnt really matter now since it looks like bucnasti is the other mason

actually, were there only 2 masons to start? asking bucnasti here. although if you dont want to answer thats fine
Mar 1, 2013

wait msrr was the 5th person to join what the heck
Mar 1, 2013

Bucnasti posted:

There were only 2 of us, originally it was just me, but MSRR joined to fill in for a no-show.

he joined before you did!!!!
Mar 1, 2013

PlasticAutomaton posted:

I will not stand for this masonry erasure. (It's probably one of my favorite roles, having someone to bounce thoughts off of does wonders for keeping your mind in the game and keeping thoughts straight.)

Anyways. Hi everyone. Posting while watching SGDQ so pardon if I miss anything or am incoherent that's why. May as well clear the air. I was called in to be a last minute replacement to make sure this fired, and I was assured my role was as completely random as everyone else's. Didn't even bother reading it till night phase actually. It's a healthy paranoia though! If necessary, I'll claim later.

And yes, I did promise to post more D1 but I was lazy as gently caress.

take this seriously. upper paddles life could be at stake
Mar 1, 2013

PlasticAutomaton posted:

I will not stand for this masonry erasure. (It's probably one of my favorite roles, having someone to bounce thoughts off of does wonders for keeping your mind in the game and keeping thoughts straight.)

Anyways. Hi everyone. Posting while watching SGDQ so pardon if I miss anything or am incoherent that's why. May as well clear the air. I was called in to be a last minute replacement to make sure this fired, and I was assured my role was as completely random as everyone else's. Didn't even bother reading it till night phase actually. It's a healthy paranoia though! If necessary, I'll claim later.

And yes, I did promise to post more D1 but I was lazy as gently caress.

i was joking about this before but this post is bugging me. its a justification for not posting much before and i get a sense that theres an intent here to not post much in the future

PlasticAutomaton posted:

So to start off, this is really bothering me. It's a massive leap that seems to be trying to immediately discredit Buscreti's theory without directly calling them scum.

in his next post he seems to be supporting the idea that green wing is scum. some people have said that the scum want us to vote out green wing today, so if thats the case, wouldnt this be suspicious behavior?

i'll say that i dont really agree with the theory that scum want us to vote for green wing, but these posts still seem weird to me
Mar 1, 2013

Bucnasti posted:

How is Green Wing voting for me, Cloacamazing and nobody at the same time?

thats the power of unemployment
Mar 1, 2013

wologar posted:

Yep, it's not a convincing case, but it's the best option I see at the moment. It would be nice to hear more from cuntman, Caffeinated Jerkoff and Cloacamazing.

ive posted my thoughts on plastic automaton before, tldr is that the only reason im suspicious is the post that seemed to be a justification for not posting much. im leaning towards voting for him but he offered to post a claim and i'd like to see that before i vote
Mar 1, 2013

Green Wing posted:

Because it suggests an outsized amount of thought has been put into that decision compared to those of us who are town. Scum have an extra 24 hours of discussion and thought to draw on and, while they will be trying not to refer to those thoughts in their posts, I think that it's possible those will leak in - in having spent time thinking about the choice, the reaction to that choice, and the different views amongst the scum from whatever discussion they had, it would occupy an outsized space in their thoughts, as it appears to have done with you.

Also I literally just wrote a post in which I set out by reads on everybody, my reasons for those, and the two people who at the moment I get a scum read from so uh. "Simultaneously not offering any other solutions" is a bit...peculiar.

i dont agree with this. "if i were scum, what would i do here?" is the probably the single question that everyone is asking themselves the most and i dont see why it wouldnt apply to the night phase as well

i agree that there probably isnt much benefit from putting a ton of thought into who the scum didnt kill because i dont think it leads us anywhere, but im in the "useless but not suspicious" camp
Mar 1, 2013

Caffeinated Jerkoff posted:

I apologize for the rough phrasing there, bad combo of being excited that day 2 was starting and rushed phoneposting. I wanted to get the idea that mafia intentionally avoided targeting Green Wing or NeverHelm posted ASAP, and didn't think too hard about whether I sounded accusatory or not.

I don't think the scenario I proposed is a massive leap, though. I think it's completely plausible that the mafia intentionally avoided targeting Green Wing or NeverHelm as their night elimination. Green Wing and NeverHelm were guaranteed to be under town scrutiny immediately after D2 started, and it would be easier for the mafia to convince town to vote either of them out than it would be to convince town to vote out a more innocuous poster.

so something about this has seemed weird for a while and i didnt realize why until now. at the time, the only other person who voted for green wing or was even suspicious of green wing at all was bucnasti. so if you follow this theory to the conclusion then it can only point to bucnasti. but none of your posts named bucnasti at all until you dropped the theory

basically what im saying is that i dont understand why you wouldnt follow your theory to its logical conclusion. im not sure if thats scum behavior though. another possibility is that you might have a role that protects someone from being night killed and youre trying to direct the mafia to night kill green wing so theyll waste their kill. or maybe theres some other role im not aware of
Mar 1, 2013

it does seem like theres something up with wologar but is doubling and tripling down like this really something scum would do? if they were scum and really wanted plastic automaton gone so badly they could just go for a nightkill. im sure itd raise suspicion towards them but not any more than is happening right now

maybe theres some wacky role stuff going on here. what if theyre a cop? they initially wanted to vote out plastic because he could be a threat as mafia, and if they were a cop, itd follow that line of reasoning to investigate plastic first
Mar 1, 2013

i think now that ive put out that theory i should at least see if wologar is going to claim before voting. i'll vote for wologar if it looks like the day is going to end without anyone getting voted out
Mar 1, 2013

i'll vote at 4pm edt if wologar doesnt say anything unless someone beats me to it
Mar 1, 2013

ok well even if wologars a cop we'll find out after this anyway also acab ##vote wologar
Mar 1, 2013

so some people have been making lists and i figured i'd do that too both to get my thoughts in order and because it might be helpful to have this information out there. so from least posts to most posts:

lupusater: hard to get a read because they havent really been posting much, and havent been putting much opinions into their posts. hard to tell either way, but i think that means theyd lean towards scum. feel free to call me out on my hypocrisy

cloacamazing: their vote for wologar really reads like a bus to me. its not much more than a gut feeling and their thoughts behind it seem reasonable, but if i had to vote for someone right this second, i'd probably vote for them. i posted some more reasoning for this under the list

plasticautomaton: i was suspicious of them at first because they werent posting much but then they posted and contributed more than all my posts put together so now i have no idea what to think

caffeinated jerkoff: on one hand, they come across as suspicious to me for the same reason as cloacamazing but probably less so because they called out cloacamazing out for it. i still think their theory that scum wanted us to vote for green wing is strange, but now that we know theres some kind of blocker role, this might be an explanation for that

jadecore: not really sure what to think here. also voted for wologar but this reads more to me as because wologar was about to get voted out anyway so someone had to do the paperwork

bucnasti: pretty sure theyre mason if nothing else. have no idea if theyre scum or not, but i still dont understand why theyre still gunning for green wing after all this time. im especially wondering why they think green wing is suspicious in the first place. revenge for your fellow mason is a noble goal but i dont see how it helps us find the scum

neverhelm: im inclined to think town because theyve been posting a lot of detailed reasoning. i do think its a bit weird how suddenly they shifted their vote towards wologar, but im not as suspicious of them as cloacamazing or caffeinated jerkoff

hyper crab tank: seems like town to me for the same reason as neverhelm

green wing: not even going to bother looking through their post history but theyre the one im most certain is town because of the mixup with the masons

so heres something thats been on my mind: earlier in the day, people were more interested in voting out plastic automaton before the momentum shifted towards wologar. cloacamazing was the one who cast the vote to put wologar ahead and caffeinated jerkoff voted right after that. theres probably plenty of good reasons for that, it was nearing the end of the day and we had to vote for someone, and people were already waffling on plastic automaton, but it still feels off to me. i think at least one of them is scum for that reason. obviously jadecore and i are suspicious for the same reasons but i voted because i didnt want the day to end without a vote and i get the feeling thats also what jadecore did

i could be completely wrong here but i still think we should pay attention to when the momentum turned against wologar

as for who was targeted during the night, i think plastic automaton is one of the least likely options. they already had some heat on them, if the mafia wanted to get rid of them, it would make more sense to try to get them voted out
Mar 1, 2013

oh, as for whether to eliminate lupusater, i want to give them a chance to defend themself first, but i'd also want some time to think about the information from a flip, so i'll probably wait until around the 24 hour mark before voting
Mar 1, 2013

thats a good point. itd be impressive to be scum and not let anything slip after pretty much being the threads main character for a day

im sorry for coming back to this over and over but when did you first get suspicious of green wing?
Mar 1, 2013

Caffeinated Jerkoff posted:

2 hours passed between Cloacamazing's vote and mine. 30 minutes passed between Jadecore's vote and yours

I do think Cloacamazing is probably scum, but whatever you're doing with this part of your post is either bad deduction or straight-up trying to give people a misleading impression

well the time periods before those were 7 hours and 30 hours but sure okay (sincere)

maybe that part doesnt hold up, and i did say earlier that the day ending is plenty of reason for votes to come in quicker. but im sticking to my point that the momentum shifted away from plastic automaton towards wologar really suddenly and im interested in why that happened
Mar 1, 2013

im going to sleep on my theory a bit, it sounded better in my head. i still think cloacamazing is scum but at this point i dont think both cloacamazing and caffeinated jerkoff are scum because drat he'd be really viciously throwing her under the bus if so

also happy late birthday to bucnasti
Mar 1, 2013

i was actually thinking about not voting for lupusater now that they were posting more, oh well v:v:v

im still most suspicious of cloacamazing at this point but i think plastic automaton flipping would give us the most information. if hes town, then im going to be suspicious of neverhelm and if hes scum then im going to be (more) suspicious of cloacamazing
Mar 1, 2013

it figures that the werewolf was scum
Mar 1, 2013

it should have been obvious just from his name. i feel so dumb
Mar 1, 2013

i still want to vote plastic automaton but he said he was going to post some thoughts this morning, maybe including a role claim and i'd like to see those first. if hes scum we can just ignore all of that and if hes town then we'll feel real dumb if we miss out on that
Mar 1, 2013

PlasticAutomaton posted:


..So before anything else, I'm just going to do this, because I realized something. We're on day 3 and Cuntman has not put a single vote down for anyone at all this game. Before even digging into his posts and pointing out what's been bothering me, I think that is the single most direct evidence against him right now and it is a massive red flag.

##vote: Cuntman

thats not true though. i voted for wologar. ive also said why im not voting for you yet and a few other people have the same idea

also you said you said you were going to claim if it became necessary. some people including me are holding back their votes until you post so this seems like it would be a good time for that

Mar 1, 2013

so im going to try to explain my train of thought for for day 3

i thought it was strange how suddenly the momentum shifted towards wologar. but ive been thinking about it some more and i dont think this necessarily means anything unless it turns out that plastic is scum, because the scum would jump on directing the vote away from one of their own
im most confident about cloacamazing being scum because her vote on wologar reads like a bandwagon to me (not a bus, i actually went and looked up the terms this time). that, i want to vote out plastic automaton instead because i think we would get more information from him flipping. if he turns out to be scum, that would all but confirm for me that cloacamazing is also scum. if hes town then im less sure what to think but i would at least be suspicious of neverhelm, probably. either way, i think theres more of a path forward with this option

so if we assume that plastic actually is the town doctor, would the scum actually night kill him? i dont know if they want to risk missing out on a night kill again, but they could try to go for someone else and say that plastic not being night killed would make him suspicious. im not sure how much information we would get out of this

im still thinking of voting for plastic

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