My Second Re-Reg posted:Honest to god I have read the intro post to countless mafia/werewolf/etc. threads on these forums over the years and I still don't get it. I've played Werewolf irl before and understand the game itself, but every time someone tries to explain how it's been translated over to a forums-based experience nothing makes any sense at all. It's pretty smooth actually, we have a bot called votefinder that takes care of the vote counting and (usually) alerting when majority of votes are reached, that's basically all that has to be done in the thread is argue about who is scummy and vote using the proper format. Any night actions happen in Discord.
# ¿ Jun 17, 2022 18:11 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 05:23 |
I've never played the real life versions, forums Mafia is all I've ever known. That's why I'm so smart and good at the game and have certainly never been wrong countless times (and yet I can't stop playing, I would play in this one if I didn't know the setup).
# ¿ Jun 21, 2022 18:21 |
Shell will update the OP but just 7 more needed!
# ¿ Jun 23, 2022 09:18 |
I want to draw attention to an important piece of information from the OP as a few of you may get lurker warnings and we don't want anyone to be like "Whaaaaa??" See below:Shellception posted:Please, do not lurk. The game does need posters to play it and contribute, otherwise nobody can read you out and it becomes a slow, dragging affair. The lurker threshold will be 10 posts per game day, about 48h in real life time, with the requisite being halved for hammers that happen at 12h to deadline or earlier, and eliminated if 24h to deadline or earlier. First time, you will be told to please not miss posting requierements; second time, you will be eliminated from the game. If you want to see your own post counts you can view it here: https://forums.somethingawful.com/misc.php?action=whoposted&threadid=4004626 This isn't shared to encourage anyone to check up on their peers, we stay on top of it, it's just if you want to see if you need to post a bit more or not. You all are doing great for D1 by the way, keep it up! 😊 Maerlyn fucked around with this message at 14:48 on Jun 30, 2022 |
# ¿ Jun 30, 2022 14:40 |
Green Wing posted:I don't think votefinder has recognised that as an alias? (how do you set votefinder aliases anyway? I see this happening in mafia games down below) It will show up as an unresolved vote in votefinder, then the person who voted should correct it (there have been issues in the past with people being funny, voting a player under someone else's name and it's a pain in the rear end to fix so it's mostly frowned upon). General rule is don't touch it unless you made the vote. I did add it by the way.
# ¿ Jun 30, 2022 18:39 |
The assorted characters gathered around the note in the grass, collectively musing about how they could find who had taken the sacred Pong paddle. Voices in the crowd say "Well we have to accuse SOMEONE, otherwise how will we get the information we need to solve this crime?" and "If we randomly pick someone and they are a villain that's good right?" Colorful pixels resembling heads bobbed in agreement. Attention turned to My Second Re-Reg, a crazy haired samurai in the back mentioning "chaos" for some reason...People thought this was just too absurd and surely he must have had something to do with the disappearing paddle. After he was run out of town (into the sunset like a good samurai does) they only found a half empty sake jug...he was just some kind of street performer, definitely not a bad guy. My Second Re-Reg, TOWN-Aligned Mason was chased out of town D1! quote:You are Haohmaru! A lone Samurai wanderer, serving no ronin, you travel the world seeking for opportunities to improve yourself. You're known to have said you've never lost a duel - and the truth of that statement is a secret only known to yourself... Maerlyn fucked around with this message at 21:05 on Jul 1, 2022 |
# ¿ Jun 30, 2022 19:51 |
The thread will be closed, night actions are due in 24 hours, so roughly 3 PM EST!
# ¿ Jun 30, 2022 19:55 |
Yep, name on the left is who has been voted for, names on the right are current or former voters. Clicking the name hyperlink is a great way to go back and look at votes from previous days as well (you can view only votefinder's posts to make it easier).
# ¿ Jul 3, 2022 08:07 |
Votecount for eliminating LupusAter (2): Green Wing Hyper Crab Tank Neverhelm Bucnasti Maerlyn fucked around with this message at 01:09 on Jul 7, 2022 |
# ¿ Jul 7, 2022 00:57 |
LupusAter votecount Green Wing Hyper Crab Tank Neverhelm Bucnasti Hyper Crab Tank Green Wing Caffeinated Jerkoff Hyper Crab Tank Jadecore Not Voting (4): Cloacamazing!, cuntman.net, LupusAter, PlasticAutomaton I believe this reaches majority and LupusAter is voted out. Will post flip in a moment, want to confirm nothing was missed.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2022 01:00 |
With the Blue Ghost's disappearance, suspicion turned to LupusAter. As to why no one could really say...maybe it was the fact that he was a very tall half-man half-wolf who occasionally flew into rages? People suspected he had some kind of anger problem, but he was really just biding his time in this strange little town until it was time for him to fulfill his true purpose...to fight for Ranni's fate, sword and fang. At least that's what he kept saying, something about Mistress Ranni, most people just nodded and smiled until one day everyone insisted that maybe it was time that he go check on Mistress Ranni and escorted him (nicely) to the closest exit. When it was discovered what Blaidd had been up to in their quiet little town, folks wished they had escorted him out earlier. LupusAter, MAFIA-Aligned Roleblocker has been eliminated from the game! quote:You are Blaidd the Half-Wolf! Your very existence is tied to that of Princess Ranni, and you will do anything in your power to protect her and ensure her destiny plays out as written... whether you want or not. There are few foes you cannot stop dead on their tracks. Maerlyn fucked around with this message at 08:03 on Jul 8, 2022 |
# ¿ Jul 8, 2022 02:03 |
The day continues. Votecount for Day 3 PlasticAutomaton (2): NeverHelm, Bucnasti Bucnasti (1): Green Wing Not Voting (6): Caffeinated Jerkoff, Cloacamazing!, cuntman.net, Hyper Crab Tank, Jadecore, PlasticAutomaton With 9 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is July 08th, 2022 at 5 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 19 hours, 57 minutes. Please note the change in majority needed for hammer.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2022 02:04 |
After one villain had been driven from town it felt like things were looking up finally, but there was still something odd about PlasticAutomaton... He was a quiet fellow who always seemed to vanish at the strangest times. When pressed he scoffed and explained that he was a doctor, but the sword hanging by his side seemed to say he was not being honest. When it was discovered he was doing the opposite of doctoring the townfolk he was savagely beaten until all that remained was....a book? Well alright then. PlasticAutomaton, MAFIA-aligned Watcher has been shelved! quote:You are Roland! You are a survivor. You excel at making the best with the hand that's been dealt to you, no matter how bad. You're calm and observant, and can come off as cold - but you do know a lot of things, and what you don't know, you are good at finding out...
# ¿ Jul 8, 2022 20:41 |
24 hours for night actions! Maerlyn fucked around with this message at 22:08 on Jul 8, 2022 |
# ¿ Jul 8, 2022 20:46 |
Bucnasti posted:Yeah not voting yet. There's way too much information that I really want to go back and analyze but my head hurts and I just can't do it right now. If you stumble upon a votefinder post you can click the ? box in the lower left corner, clicking on the names will take you to the vote to give further context. I drew an arrow in this pic and there's a votefinder post here. Another option although a little more convoluted is go to the OP, look at only Shell's posts and jump to one of the end of day/flip posts, vote tallies are before or after her result posts usually.
# ¿ Jul 11, 2022 01:59 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 05:23 |
Mod doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ru9x_6TPkWuGE7klSOZVMu9ptDrxYSFrnMK_8cylUDA/edit?usp=sharing Thank you all so much for playing, I hope you enjoyed the game as much as we did observing/helping. I hope to see a lot of you in future Mafia games, if you are interested in playing again keep an eye on our Mafia Discussion/New Game thread or join our Mafia discord HERE. Great job everyone and congrats town on the win!
# ¿ Jul 11, 2022 20:35 |