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baka fwocka fwame

its all good ddpm your av is dope

i know im always postin bout being miserable--kept disappearing into my own head--but on a better med dose now. thread remains here for ppl to post in or forget about doesnt matter :)


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sig by ??? <3 u


deep dish peat moss

I do the that (get lost in my head) all the time but it's getting better, and I at least got a job I start Monday which is like half of the mental health struggle I've had for the past few years. Good med dose pals :hf:

deep dish peat moss fucked around with this message at 22:31 on Oct 18, 2023

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Well the past few months of mania has finally turned. I took a lot of photos and learned a lot about my art. But I lost my job and quit school completely. Turn turn turn 😫


baka fwocka fwame

this year has been a struggle, the struggle of each year only surpassed by the next

best fortunes fellow mental

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sig by ??? <3 u


Dislike me? Don't spend $10 on a title. Donate to the Palestinian Red Crescent or Doctors Without Borders
For myself, I have actually been getting better these past few years. When I graduate, my hope is to get a job and support myself independently. I might even come out ahead. I need a job that is in town and doesn't require driving, allows me to sit down while working for the most part, and has a regular schedule, leaving aside temporary and infrequent crunch periods. I am hoping an accounting degree can enable that, provided I am picky with the employer.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

baka fwocka fwame

i hope that goes well :) i think its a good idea to be picky and not just do anything cuz life is too short yknow

i would like to do something relevant to what i graduated for too

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sig by ??? <3 u

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
if anything things are on a path of slowly backsliding but also I've developed more of an ability to not give a gently caress so the crush is usually temporary

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
A lot of bad emotions right now.

Stoner Sloth

Viginti Septem posted:

A lot of bad emotions right now.

sorry you're going through a rough time friend, be safe and hope that things get better for you soon

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
I'm about to make an appointment just to stick up my doctor for his notepad and fix this poo poo myself.
it's impossible to find a doctor or plumber or electrician or mechanic or whatever else worth half a poo poo. impossible to find anyone who puts forth the smallest modicum of give-a-gently caress into their job.
and everything takes so looooong

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

deep dish peat moss

I made an appointment with a psychiatric RN instead of a doctor like 7 months ago and the experience has been great after never ever finding a good doctor. I don't know if it's because they're an RN or if I was just lucky though.

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
woof, I was kinda freakin out for a while. that's good advice, I'll check it out, thanks.

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Good luck SC.

I've had experience with two APRNs. One was no longer working alongside a Psych, so they couldn't prescribe me meds for the ADHD Inattentive she diagnosed me as. The other APRN WAS working with a psych, and disagreed that I was ADHD, but got me some anti depressants that did nothing.

They definitely seem like the better way to see a pshrink about healthcare, tho.


deep dish peat moss

I haven't smoked weed in 7 days and it feels good :toot: I went from smoking 1-2 ounces/month to only smoking 1.5 ounces in the last 4 months and finally decided it's just not enjoyable for me anymore and I don't need to self medicate anymore.

deep dish peat moss fucked around with this message at 01:39 on Nov 19, 2023

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

deep dish peat moss posted:

I haven't smoked weed in 7 days and it feels good :toot: I went from smoking 1-2 ounces/month to only smoking 1.5 ounces in the last 4 months and finally decided it's just not enjoyable for me anymore and I don't need to self medicate anymore.

that's good to hear! and also good job sticking with it. it's very difficult to reduce smoking.

weed is my poo poo. I could easily smoke an oz or more per week if not for the cost. as it is I still spend too much on it. I'm trying to reduce but there are also fewer and fewer things that keep me from imploding. beer makes me feel lovely but it's cheaper, so I've been in a cycle of that but my stomach is unhappy and I don't like the way it feels the next day, only in the moment. apparently not enough to keep me from getting it, though.

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
I'm really depressed, yob. I'm going to the behavioral health clinic tomorrow.



Viginti Septem posted:

I'm really depressed, yob. I'm going to the behavioral health clinic tomorrow.

wishing you the best goon. I'm rooting for you :sympathy:

baka fwocka fwame

Viginti Septem posted:

I'm really depressed, yob. I'm going to the behavioral health clinic tomorrow.

hey orb pulling for you.

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sig by ??? <3 u

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
some weird stuff has happened, I realize this is weird.

at work, a week ago we got a call from a lady who was asking about her father who had been missing for about 4 days. They live near where I work, and so she was asking if we had seen someone who fit that description in our cemetery.

couple days later we got a call, a new funeral incoming for this exact man.

Afterward, I found a newspaper article about how he had been found in a body of water not far from where I work.

I met with the family yesterday and arranged the site and burial information and stuff. Helped them pick a grave. it's weird to meet with the daughter of someone like that. someone you're informed about like that. that's just bullshit.
they set up speakers and card tables at the funeral and partied a little in celebration of this dude. it was kinda cool.

Also, yesterday I met with the parents of this infant who we're burying today. all of that is depressing enough. The parents were very, very young.
Today, we got a call from the parents, at the scheduled burial time. they asked my coworker where the hearse was. they were at the site and the funeral home didn't show up on time. for their fuckin kid.

Just a while ago tonight I was drinking and walked down to the little pier I fish from sometimes. I felt the water, to experience a fraction of what that man may have felt.
fuuuuuck that.
poo poo is too depressing. none of these things should have happened. I know it happens worldwide day in day out but man that poo poo just isn't cool, and gently caress that.

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Sorry about all that, SC. Sounds like you're an empath, which is really tough at times.



Soothing saying that I've been using to get through some tough times - I didn't build the ship, I just fly it.

baka fwocka fwame

hi just editing this post that sucked cuz im an edit maxhine atm


Dental Wealth

baka fwocka fwame fucked around with this message at 16:42 on Dec 26, 2023

baka fwocka fwame

my mental health rn is jabbed with 4 needles of poo poo at once which i was assured was a good idea

i think they shot me up with a months lorazepam lol whixh is kinda genius

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sig by ??? <3 u


Good luck with it, duder. You're putting in the work, that's the best you can do, so if it doesn't work out or takes longer than you'd like, you get to say gently caress it, I'm doing my best.

baka fwocka fwame

hi my mental health is ok

prns on lock: seroquel xr, lorazepam, melatonin (lol)

just updating

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baka fwocka fwame

btw i call Mental Health Menthol Hell

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sig by ??? <3 u

Ask me about fixed-gear bikes (aka "fixies")
Today was my bday and it almost always makes me a Sad Boi because life is going well but it's not the life I wanted for myself

Today no one outside of y'all and my partner wished me a happy birthday, and I made dinner, and I overall just got treated like it was just a normal day when my days are always about others. It sucks.

I've been riding the lows for a few weeks now and I really hoped to feel some iota of special today but I didn't get a drat thing from anyone and I would kind of like to cry about it, but if I do then my partner would stay up late to comfort me when she didn't even do anything wrong, it just wasn't a nice day and she deserves better than to stay up on a day when she has to get up at 3am.

it sucks

baka fwocka fwame

SeaGoatSupreme posted:

Today was my bday and it almost always makes me a Sad Boi because life is going well but it's not the life I wanted for myself

Today no one outside of y'all and my partner wished me a happy birthday, and I made dinner, and I overall just got treated like it was just a normal day when my days are always about others. It sucks.

I've been riding the lows for a few weeks now and I really hoped to feel some iota of special today but I didn't get a drat thing from anyone and I would kind of like to cry about it, but if I do then my partner would stay up late to comfort me when she didn't even do anything wrong, it just wasn't a nice day and she deserves better than to stay up on a day when she has to get up at 3am.

it sucks


so this poo poo hurts really bad

if you gotta partner im gonna be trad af & whatever and say


cuz whats the point otherwise it's what they signed up for. in this case hallucinating they might be annoyed is a bad idea. DUde if im with someone and they need me to stay up till 3 am and go to work im getting out the tripple coffee shots, ritalin. whatever i need to get it done. thats how relationships are supposed to work

the idea that you shouldnt expect too much of a partner is bs dude/orb. its their fuckin job and if they dont like it there's the door as meah pace says

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sig by ??? <3 u

Ask me about fixed-gear bikes (aka "fixies")
It's not about perceived annoyance, like I know she'd rather me wake her up and just go without sleep than have me sit here sad as gently caress

It's about choosing to put her through my poo poo intentionally, specifically on work nights. It just makes me feel worse about it all. There isn't really a solution to the problem outside of "pick up a book and fall asleep" and I'm not tired enough to do that just yet

Compounding issue is that there was a very nice lady that I was really vibing with that I was talking to for a couple weeks, and this weekend she dropped my rear end because she's monogamous. Like ma'am. We're poly. That doesn't mean we rail our friends, or that we date people together. I was talking to you as a friend, why you do this???

It's just been a rough time all together and it all fell on me today I think

baka fwocka fwame

sorry i didnt realize you were poly :psyduck:

not to judge but maybe thats not appropriate for the mental health thread which is about mh ultimately not relationships. sorry ive decided to do better by this thread so i understand posting like that but it's not like.... in the exact right arena for this

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sig by ??? <3 u

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Each yobber has their own version of personal events that affect their mental health. We're all in this together. :)


baka fwocka fwame

Viginti Septem posted:

Each yobber has their own version of personal events that affect their mental health. We're all in this together. :)

i understand this but a poly relationship seems to me like a purely voluntary factor to add to your mental health strain, & i think its valid to stress that this (a thread i posted) is more about mh than relationships

it would be very possible to make a relationship or poly thread but this one is not it, in byob

e: we all need connections but unless theres research suggesting we all need to be boning 5 people at once for our mazlow pyramid of happiness id recommend focusing on yrself first in this case

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sig by ??? <3 u

baka fwocka fwame

also get this one: Metal Health

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sig by ??? <3 u

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae

baka fwocka fwame posted:

i understand this but a poly relationship seems to me like a purely voluntary factor to add to your mental health strain, & i think its valid to stress that this (a thread i posted) is more about mh than relationships

it would be very possible to make a relationship or poly thread but this one is not it, in byob

e: we all need connections but unless theres research suggesting we all need to be boning 5 people at once for our mazlow pyramid of happiness id recommend focusing on yrself first in this case

It's your thread, you make the rules. From now on, relationships don't count towards mental health.


baka fwocka fwame

Viginti Septem posted:

It's your thread, you make the rules.

there is really no need to tldr that plus rn im trying to push hearing about more mental health situations because uh be the safe space you wanna see

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baka fwocka fwame

Viginti Septem posted:

From now on, relationships don't count towards mental health.

go on with this i guess which is exactly what i said. geeze mareeze. keep fyad stuff out of here this is a byob space or at least is trying to be

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baka fwocka fwame

thesis: a healthy relationship is good for mental health. chasing extra on the side is more neurologically damaging. lets discuss health strats please not ways to drive ourselves crazy

imho i guess. its been a long week

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Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Yea, I don't know what fyad stuff is, or means, but I feel it's gross to gatekeep what qualifies as mental health concerns for other members.

I felt this was a thread for members to openly and safely discuss the things going on in their life that are.affecting their mental state, and I feel it's disgusting to single out a member who has things going on in their life that you don't understand and tell them that it doesn't qualify for the mental health thread because it doesn't meet your bar for "mental health." Further to degrade their life experience by mocking their relationship views.


baka fwocka fwame

trust me i am surrounded by screaming people at the psych ward listening to belle & sebastian to calm down wondering if theres been any examples posted here of polyoramy leading to negative thought spirals or being affective in any way

sometimes in the mh thread i will recommend taking a valium or something but its all good

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sig by ??? <3 u


baka fwocka fwame

Viginti Septem posted:

Yea, I don't know what fyad stuff is, or means, but I feel it's gross to gatekeep what qualifies as mental health concerns for other members.

I felt this was a thread for members to openly and safely discuss the things going on in their life that are.affecting their mental state, and I feel it's disgusting to single out a member who has things going on in their life that you don't understand and tell them that it doesn't qualify for the mental health thread because it doesn't meet your bar for "mental health." Further to degrade their life experience by mocking their relationship views.

at least youre expressing something real which is the point of this thread

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sig by ??? <3 u

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