![]() The Story so Far: "Eight years have passed since Andross was finally overthrown by the daring Star Fox team. Following the celebrations, Fox McCloud and friends returned to the only life they knew - an endless patrol of the Lylat system, guarding against ongoing threats to their territory. Boredom soon struck, causing Fox's close friend Falco Lombardi to simply disappear, leaving only rumor to suggest that his lone-wolf nature had finally led him to pursue a more free and profitable life. Then Slippy Toad traded his pilot's wings for a place in Weapons R&D, demonstrating a natural flair for invention, while Fox's old friend and mentor Peppy Hare retired from active flight duty to concentrate on a role as navigator and general advisor. The Great Fox itself had also seen better days. Keeping a ship of that size in prime condition cost serious money and well-paid jobs for fighter pilots and mercenaries were increasingly difficult to come by. So it was that fox and co. found themselves drifting through the galaxy, waiting and hoping for General Pepper's hologram to pop up with just the kind of high-stakes, high-reward mission that they needed..." About the Game: The 3rd game in the Star Fox series goes a different direction from the usual rail shooting and All-Range Mode action, taking Fox McCloud "Out of the cockpit... and into epic adventure!" for the first time. Indeed 90% of the game is spent on foot as Fox, solving puzzles, running errands, and completing one-off gameplay challenges with Rail Shooting sections few and far between. The game gets compared to Zelda quite a lot with this review from IGN even calling it "a rip off of Shigeru Miyamoto's Zelda offerings in just about every way possible". While you can definitely feel the 3D Zelda inspiration, Star Fox Adventures still does it's own thing a lot of the time for better or worse (mostly worse). About the Let's Play: Unlike our previous Let's Plays that are all post-commentary, this one will be done live! Which is definitely supposed to be a parallel to Star Fox Adventures being different from the previous games and not because we tried post-commentary with this game first and I didn't like it so I scraped the idea. Joining me on this Star Fox Adventure will be Lynxwinters who has never seen the game and Mico, starting video 6, who has only played a bit of the beginning. While I plan on spending most of my time goofing on this game, I do genuinely enjoy it even when it's being a butt! ![]() Part 1 - Krystal Part 2 - A Tricky Rescue Part 3 - Grubtubs Part 4 - Gate Keeper Rescue Part 5 - The Darkice Mines Part 6 - Volcano Force Point Temple Part 7 - Moon Mountain Pass Part 8 - Krazoa Palace Part 9 - CloudRunner Fortress pt1 Part 10 - CloudRunner Fortress pt2 Part 11 - Ocean Force Point Temple Part 12 - The Lightfoot Village Part 13 - The Walled City Part 14 - Hole Part 15 - The Krazoa Test of Patience Part 16 - Dragon Rock Part 17 - Back to the Beach Part 18 - Krazoz Test of Knowledge Part 19 - Star Faux Adventures Part 20 - Extras ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq2ueBJICwo The full playlist can be found here. Dino Alphabet: How to Write Dino Language The manual of this game comes with a whole spread for the Dino Language. Here's a scan of the pages below, so feel free to write all your funniest comments in Dino Language. Or don't. I'm not your mom. ![]() You can also just use this handy Saurian Translator. A xefo oei odzeo Let's Play Star Fox Adventures! Fenns fucked around with this message at 17:38 on Apr 25, 2023 |
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 22:30 |
Hello I am returning briefly from my LP Subforum Hiatus to say burn down the sandcastle and I'm in some of these
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Fenns has been asking me to LP this with her for years, and I gotta tell you: I wasn't ready for so much of this game.
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A ucnuoj cabot xen Fox sud'k ijo xaj rcujkoh, rik kxo vahjk kxadw xo wokj nxod xo cudtj aj vidskaeducco atodkasuc ke xaj rcujkoh.
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Kinu Nishimura posted:A ucnuoj cabot xen Fox sud'k ijo xaj rcujkoh, rik kxo vahjk kxadw xo wokj nxod xo cudtj aj vidskaeducco atodkasuc ke xaj rcujkoh. Nocc xo veidt ak ed kxo fcudok je A wiojj ak'j vado. It's still a powerful alien weapon but he doesn't know that.
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Why is General Scale's name in English?! WHY?! Also BAFMODADS
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I've heard a lot about this game being infamous, I'll gladly check it out. Who knows, maybe that guy who's been working on that a Fox in Space cartoon will finally release the second episode before this LP finishes. Edit: So, they refer to Dinosaur Planet in English, but have an actual name for dinosaurs in their moon-speak? This is a great start. Samovar fucked around with this message at 13:33 on Jul 12, 2022 |
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I will note, in this game it's been about 8 years since Star Fox 64. This means they've been without major jobs for that long. So uhh, by this point they're kinda pinching their pennies. IIRC, the reason the Arwings seem to have lost features and generally be worse all-around in-universe is that they've had to strip various parts to sell off to get by. The past few years in general have been... unkind to the team. Also, this is the youngest his voice has sounded in *any* game. Characterization in this game is just a little bit... off, in general. As for the missing Falco, there is an explanation for his absence, but I'll hold off in case the LPers wish to discuss this for themselves, or they give the blessing to go ahead and talk about it.
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BlazetheInferno posted:I will note, in this game it's been about 8 years since Star Fox 64. This means they've been without major jobs for that long. So uhh, by this point they're kinda pinching their pennies. IIRC, the reason the Arwings seem to have lost features and generally be worse all-around in-universe is that they've had to strip various parts to sell off to get by. The past few years in general have been... unkind to the team. That reminds me that I should add a story section to the OP. Get that post looking nice. Feel free to discuss it but if it's a spoiler for the game then please use the spoiler tags.
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Aw drat i cant believe you missed Toog
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Is it just me/the game or are the videos really dark? Some of those cave segments were almost pitch black to me. Also the LP is great, but there is a criminal lack of talking to random NPCs. ![]()
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The game is just really dark in some places. We did a little bit of a test recording before we did the videos Fenns posted, and I said the same thing. You and me, we're squinting at the screen in solidarity.
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Mathwyn posted:Also the LP is great, but there is a criminal lack of talking to random NPCs. We recorded a bunch of videos in advance, but I can absolutely start chatting with the NPCs next time.
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So, it's not something that's covered in the LP, but there's a comic that covers Falco's departure from Team Star Fox. The comic is literally titled "Farewell Beloved Falco". The plot involves a return to Titania (from 64, where Slippy got smacked to that one time), a new antagonist (who is dealt with by the end of the comic), and some of Falco's old streetgang friends, the Hot Rodders. At one point, Falco gets into a dogfight with Fox, and loses. Between that and later seeing Katt with the Hot Rodders in a potential new relationship spurs Falco to leave, declaring he needs some time on his own. The end of the comic directly leads into Dinosaur Planet, although the circumstances differ a bit. It also makes it a bit more explicit that, after nearly a decade of peace, the Star Fox team is going broke.
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We saved Tricky from the SharpClaw and now it's time to take him all the way back to Thorntail Hollow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCS_wHiysSY
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Oh boy the voice acting in this game is something else. ![]() I may come to regret my request for more npc dialogue. ![]()
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You made a good point - what was the first game with 'hoover' pick up? I mean, I remember (possibly falsely) that it was RE4 which pioneered QTEs... What was the much better equivalent for the 'game automatically picks things up for you' mechanic?
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Kinu Nishimura posted:I'M STUFFED I giggle to myself everytime I hear Tricky exclaim: "AW COME ON FOX! LET'S PLAY!" Maybe that should have been the thread title...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHBrVBXkigQ We need to fly to the Darkice Mines so Fox can actually start saving the planet, but even though we have a spaceship we can't get there unless the Gate is opened! Looks like we need to head back to the Snowhorn Wastes and locate the Gatekeeper there.
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Wait - the original place you are in is called ThornTail valley... Why the hell are there no stegosaurine dinosaurs at this place?! No-one with a thagomizer?
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I have played this game before and didn't even know you could haggle with the shopkeeper. What a neat feature for a bad game.
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TwoPair posted:I have played this game before and didn't even know you could haggle with the shopkeeper. What a neat feature for a bad game. "No no , that's toooo lowww" You haven't lived if you didn't haggle for your bafmodad
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Question. Are you planning to show off what happens if you hit Tricky with your staff too often? And how this can be taken advantage of?
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Samovar posted:Wait - the original place you are in is called ThornTail valley... Why the hell are there no stegosaurine dinosaurs at this place?! No-one with a thagomizer? The dinos that live there are called Thorntails only because they have spikes on their tails. This game names all it's dinosaurs like it's a Land Before Time film.
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BlazetheInferno posted:Question. Are you planning to show off what happens if you hit Tricky with your staff too often? I don't want to beat up my best friend Prince Tricky! Though I will say that if you use the "Stay" command, you can smack him forever and he'll never retaliate.
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Fenns posted:I don't want to beat up my best friend Prince Tricky! Coward! Explanation in spoilers that will be removed if asked: Smack Tricky too often, and he'll try to use his Flame command on you. With careful positioning, you can use this to get said flame retaliation to hit stuff that needs the Flame Command without needing to feed him.
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Heard about this LP from Lynxwinters, looking forward to checking it out
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Fenns posted:The dinos that live there are called Thorntails only because they have spikes on their tails. This game names all it's dinosaurs like it's a Land Before Time film. But... They are Trikes and Ankylosaurus-esque dinos! Why not call it... Shellback Valley? Horncrest valley? What? What?!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpcG9EQ3RfE Time to head into the Darkice Mines, the first dungeon of the game, and get the first Spellstone.
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This game is interesting in the fact that it's simultaneously too large and really barren. The sequence of events you need to do is rarely more than one or two steps and the linear path is usually really short, but it both occasionally being arcane and a bunch of areas just being larger than they need to bANYBODY THERE?!
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How long do we have to wait until you encounter Crystal again, and how godawful is it?
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Samovar posted:How long do we have to wait until you encounter Crystal again, and how godawful is it? Not long, and yes!
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Fun fact about Krystal, by the way. Remember the opening blurb that mentions Krystal searching for the secret of her parents' death? The manual calls her the sole survivor of the doomed planet of Cerinia. That bit in the opening blurb is the only mention of her backstory in-game at all. And I'm not even talking about just this game. After that opening blurb, Krystal's backstory was never mentioned again in-game, for the rest of the series. Just to give you an idea of how well the series handled the character.
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i havent quite catched up yet, but i like how you could tell lynx was done with this game basically at the end of the second video. i absolutely forgot how dumb this game gets in parts
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BlazetheInferno posted:Fun fact about Krystal, by the way. Geez, I totally forgot about that. I just thought that somehow for some reason on this planet of dinosaurs there was a tribe of fox-people too.
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Oops I'm late updating the thread because I got distracted by Evo! We beat the first boss, Galdon, and got the first Spellstone. Now we need to head straight to the Volcano Force Point Temple to put it back so the planet doesn't explode. We'll do that right after we hit some Fire Weed, learn lore about the Sharpclaw, and learn how to chill out. Mico finally joins us starting this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT_BG9t1630
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Oh who's your new guest they sound pretty cool
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 22:30 |
The universe itself tried its best to destroy Dinosaur Planet and save us from this game. Truly the Krazoa are the villains here for ensuring the planet survived this long.
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