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Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through
move to cape breton and sell coffee and weed


Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

rotor posted:

more specifically i would probably move up north and be one of those weird old hippy dudes who built their house out of mud and old tires

you can build it on our inevitable back 40 in exchange for helping garden

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through
what kinna crash we talkin

like is it only programmers out of work really or is it a fundamental economic disaster

if it's the latter i expect people will eventually take smoking back up and i used to help harvest and cure tobacco on my uncles farm. i can bring evil back into whatever new society we build

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

Pollyanna posted:

programming is now about as useful in getting and keeping a job as a stint flipping burgers at wendys. you’ll see walmart greeters who used to work at google. tech no longer has money.

and i think to my
what a wonderful

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

InternetOfTwinks posted:

Probably some sort of delivery gig, that was the most zen job I've done. Probably why I got so into Death Stranding.

delivery is fun as hell when you don't have to do it for draconian overlords. and if you get to do it with a buddy it's easy to do while stoned if you don't have to drive

rotor posted:

i am just barely old enough to remember when the idea of buying strawberries in winter was a modern luxury

and get this poo poo, apparently canada is a hotbed of greenhouse technology development because of all the tomatoes they grow here (all the heinz and frenchs ketchup for canada is grown with canadian tomatoes, for example), you can see them from 'satellite' maps if you zoom around leamington

anyway short story long now we can get fresh grown local strawberries in like loving february for an elevated but reasonable for a winter treat price

they're not incredible but they're a damned sight better than the flavourless mushpiles the us ships up here any time of year

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

echinopsis posted:

I think the income is secondary to the reality that it’s not that people are afraid of earning so little as much as they are having to work so much doing something poo poo

i’m scared of that

nope it's the salary most people are worried about

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

echinopsis posted:

deprived of luxuries vs deprived of time to enjoy anything at all

like work sucks but if everyone somehow made the salary to enable equal lifestyles of a six figgie boi what you did would be less of a buzzkill in many ways

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

why you putting my ranch on blast

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

post hole digger posted:

ummm where do you think the party's central anime appraisal archives will be stored

your butt

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

echinopsis posted:

self appointed shaman

that wizard dude who spews up a rainbow

ok but are you going to do shaman poo poo or just grow shrooms


Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

echinopsis posted:

nah the whole hog appeals

ok you do whole hog shaman

ill just do whole hogs and host the weekly pig roasts

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