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cage-free egghead
Mar 8, 2004
This sub has been relatively stable the last dozen years or whatever, but I am curious if its users have any ideas or thoughts on what could change, any improvements you'd like to see, rules changes, etc. I feel that I haven't been too involved outside of the iPhone and Android threads, but I'd like to still reach out and be active among y'all to keep this a good place to come for gadget nerds like myself.

With that, let me know your thoughts!



Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie
It's running fine.

People are generally helpful and respectful. Everyone here is too old and/or tired for any OS or OEM zealotry. I guess as a comedy answer a thread where we are allowed to flame people based on their phone purchasing choices would be funny for a couple days.

Mister Facetious
Apr 21, 2007

I think I died and woke up in L.A.,
I don't know how I wound up in this place...

Yeah, if we need to talk poo poo about hardware, yospos and the imp forums already exist.

If anything needs a change, it's that most of the megathread OPs need updating. :effort:

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 19 days!
Free forum upgrade / avatar to those who update megathreads.

Feb 15, 2001

Or just make new ones? Even if the op was updated there’s not a lot of value to thousands of pages about what the best tv was in 2015

Mister Facetious
Apr 21, 2007

I think I died and woke up in L.A.,
I don't know how I wound up in this place...


qirex posted:

Or just make new ones? Even if the op was updated there’s not a lot of value to thousands of pages about what the best tv was in 2015

Hey, i updated the tv thread... in 2019! :haw:

Seriously though, yeah; maybe put out an request for some fresh new megathreads.


cage-free egghead
Mar 8, 2004

mom and dad fight a lot posted:

Free forum upgrade / avatar to those who update megathreads.

qirex posted:

Or just make new ones? Even if the op was updated there’s not a lot of value to thousands of pages about what the best tv was in 2015

Yeah, a new start to threads with an updated OP would be a good idea, plus the extra incentive would be a nice thing too for those that do it. Let me run it past admins to make sure that's kosher.

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