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Papa Was A Video Toaster

I'm still mucking about with LSDJ. Trying to make a breakcore.


These 0hp low pass gates are the bees knees. And the forbidden planet filter is pulling clutch save the patch duty. Sketchy oscillator into the lp input and drum module into bandpass input, and a helpful volume knob. Learning I want more mults, and mixers, and I need longer patch cables now. Moving from vcv rack, it really becomes apparent how often I use stacking cables, how I should be using buffered mults in a lot of these cases, and how many cables I tend to use.
I find myself going "how am I out of stacking cables already? I've only got like a voice and a half patched."

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 00:41 on Jan 8, 2023



Some say you can never have too many vca's. But what if you can never have too many delays?
I recorded my messing around patching. Trying to see if I could cobble together just a bit of a beat. A used chronoblob2 arrived in the mail today, and I needed to test it out. Figured what else to include in its feedback send/return path, than a couple more delays? Then I fed all that into my strega, since that's the only thing I have to get the heat down to headphone levels. And would you look at that? more delay!
Warning about a huge jump in volume part way through. I don't know what caused that. Maybe I didn't have a cable fully seated until that point? just be careful, watch the graph, and be ready with the volume.
Bonus Charlie Parker

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 00:47 on Jan 12, 2023



Tried using my midi keyboard, but couldn't seem to get clock going from the nifty case. Just used the gates from the arp to start my clock divider going. It doesn't need a steady clock. Once it's running, you can disconnect, and it will keep time. I think this doot came out a little more cohesive. single drum voice, and single synth dooter voice. Sent the drum out to a joyo pocket metal, and the overall mix went through chronoblob, with a ring modulator and drive pedal in the feedback loop.

ETA: had to do another patch. Actually listenable this time! Noisy. But listenable.

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 08:18 on Jan 12, 2023



doot DOOT


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

it's crümchy

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER


haha, yeah. I've been doing a bunch of patching to learn this new gear. Just hitting record, and uploading after, then pulling all the cables, and having a look at what different thing I want to try out. I picked up a disting mk4, and have been slowly going through parts of the manual, and giving different algorithms a spin.
Dual quantizer, dual euclidean patterns, and the tuner have been seeing the most use so far. If I don't want anything in tune, the resonator mode works a passable kick drum.
Cap't Big O is quite a beefy module. It does your usual waveforms, plus linear and exponential FM, a wave folder, and overdrive with inputs for each!


Papa Was A Video Toaster

got that tracker bug. now i'm trying to learn Renoise


Neat rhythms. Do you need to know hexadecimal to use a tracker? That aspect seems like an extra layer of challenging.


Papa Was A Video Toaster

B33rChiller posted:

Neat rhythms. Do you need to know hexadecimal to use a tracker? That aspect seems like an extra layer of challenging.

sorta, but if you're motivated you'll learn it quickly. most data is just notes and that goes note-octave, no hex required. if we keep breaking down a typical message then that's typically followed by a instrument which is only two digits, but is hex so contains values up to FF (255 in decimal)

"C-4 00"
means you're triggering instrument 00 with the note C 4

effects are triggered in a column after the note data and can be evaluated every line, not just the line with the note on.

Finger Prince

I spent most of the day shopping for some budget monitors so I can hopefully make some better sounding mixes (my current method is making it sound ok on headphones then playing it back on my stereo and going holy hell what is this poo poo was it mixed in a bog or something?). On that topic, does anyone have any recommendations for tutorials on "how to use compressor, for idiot" and other such audio production tools, aimed at someone who uses Ableton in much the same way I play fighting games?


I would also like to learn this.
But, I'm also very ok with my mix being muddy or noisy.


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag
i am totally bamboozled by compressors and eq. "turn it down until you can't hear the difference" wha???

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

Finger Prince

Is side-chaining the same as blockchain? Because I don't know how to do either.


Finger Prince posted:

Is side-chaining the same as blockchain? Because I don't know how to do either.
nah, side-chaining is useful. Check this out


Papa Was A Video Toaster

I can almost comprehend sidechain in CV, as soon it gets more abstracted I am checked the gently caress out on understanding.
I haven't booted VCV Rack in a while, been too focused on chiptunes and trackers.
IDK who might be interested in this ITT but I joined a chiptune/video game music site
they do little challenges. I haven't entered anything yet, but there are good resources for a couple different programs in the Lyceum. they do VCV challenges so if I see one come up maybe I'll repost here


oh neat. I'll check that out.


Papa Was A Video Toaster

i did a one hour BotB. see if you can pick out my entry. it’s the one that sucks poo poo





I think this little case is all put together now. Drum section in 44hp
Bonus kitty video


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

B33rChiller posted:

I think this little case is all put together now. Drum section in 44hp
Bonus kitty video

aww yiss

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER


new drumjam



More fun with delays in the caves


Justa Dandelion

[sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks!

My wife just released her first doots. She did the vocal doots, I did the dootydoots.

An old doot I made with my rapband.

E: wrong kind of doots, lemme find my old buchla stuff from college.

E2: <- only place I know of that still has these recordings from many computers and hard drives ago. Two sided cassette format, side one was three buchla/eurorack doots with two prepared piano doots. The second side was a buddy and I improv dooting in a super verby stairwell with a bunch of Chinese instruments neither of us knew how to play.

Justa Dandelion fucked around with this message at 16:00 on Feb 5, 2023

Hoooooo boy.

Thank you deeply friend Saoshyant and friend w4ddl3d33 and friend Revenous Scoot for these lovely little doodles!


Justa Dandelion posted:

My wife just released her first doots. She did the vocal doots, I did the dootydoots.

An old doot I made with my rapband.

E: wrong kind of doots, lemme find my old buchla stuff from college.
:wrong: those aren't the wrong kind. How is there a wrong kind?
Those are welcome too!


Justa Dandelion

[sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks!

Lol I looked back and saw the number of vcvrack, and eurorack stuff and assumed.

Hoooooo boy.

Thank you deeply friend Saoshyant and friend w4ddl3d33 and friend Revenous Scoot for these lovely little doodles!

Justa Dandelion

[sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks!

B33rchiller, this stuff is great. Did you actually reamp "delays in caves" into a cave for the reverb cause if so that is double rad. Is this vcvrack or a hardware rack of some kind?

Hoooooo boy.

Thank you deeply friend Saoshyant and friend w4ddl3d33 and friend Revenous Scoot for these lovely little doodles!


I think this thread may have come to be, so as to give the enthusiastic newbie (waves hello) a place to share his pots and pans banging without spamming the chat thread so much. LOL Just a low pressure place to share whatever kinds of sounds you feel like making



Justa Dandelion posted:

B33rchiller, this stuff is great. Did you actually reamp "delays in caves" into a cave for the reverb cause if so that is double rad. Is this vcvrack or a hardware rack of some kind?
Thank you.
Nope. That was the an experiment with splitting the signal to run through 2 different delays in parallel, with each one having its own fx send/return. I sent each of these loops through one of the channels on another stereo delay pedal, then back together to go through a reverb pedal on the way to the recorder.

There may be a strega in there too, for some damp dark flavour.


Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae



Oh cool, VS made a video.
Oh darn, it's someone else's video.
Oh rad, Suzanne Ciani! Back in the awesome zone.
Try a tube shot
I love her little dances with her hands when describing what the sound is doing and how it's moving.

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 05:41 on Feb 9, 2023



Got all the rack stuff together, and ran low on patch cables. Totally out of mults and pigtails/stackables.


Justa Dandelion

[sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks!

Is there any way to use banana jacks on a eurorack?

Hoooooo boy.

Thank you deeply friend Saoshyant and friend w4ddl3d33 and friend Revenous Scoot for these lovely little doodles!


Justa Dandelion posted:

Is there any way to use banana jacks on a eurorack?
Probably not. Just guessing, but aren't banana plugs single conductor? My understanding is that systems using them would have ground connections behind the panel, while eurorack stuff uses eighth inch tip and sleeve connections. 2 conductors for signal and ground. You'd need a second jack for ground if you wanted to use banana cables.



Here's a patching idea I was playing around with tonight:
Gated reverb on drum sounds. I have a stereo multi reverb pedal.
What I did was send the signal froma snare into one channel and the high hat into the other, then on the return legs, I fed them through low pass gates before the mixer. I split the trigger signals so that the gate is opened at the same time the drum module is triggered. This way I could crank the decay on the drums, and on the reverb pedal, but still only get short bursts. But, since the decay was maxed, by the time a second snare hits, and the gate opens, you can hear the first hit still ringing the reverb. And the stereo pedal gets some cross talk, so I was getting hints of snare on the hats and hints of hats on snare. Give it a whirl some time. I guess reverb isn't just for end of signal path.


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs


Uh yeah, sorry I got rambling and not too clear I guess. Maybe I'll make a let's play patch video tomorrow. Bedtime now.


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

B33rChiller posted:

Uh yeah, sorry I got rambling and not too clear I guess. Maybe I'll make a let's play patch video tomorrow. Bedtime now.

there's a goodnight thread




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