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Pretty patterns in the spectrum analyzer








got a squawk squeek thingy goin on



The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

B33rChiller posted:

got a squawk squeek thingy goin on

gonna tell my kids this is what a 303 sounds like
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


watho posted:

gonna tell my kids this is what a 303 sounds like

The 303's reverb was legendary!
here's some more but different


Finger Prince

Hello I was away from this thread for a while. I missed some really cool stuff! I finally took the time to sit down and start fuckin around with keyboards and stuff.

I think it maaaaybe needs some quantizing? lmao 😅. Anyway it's only 3 instruments and no effects or anything yet.

Finger Prince fucked around with this message at 02:01 on Mar 8, 2024

Finger Prince

I hate soundcloud. Couldn't you used to embed soundcloud links?


My overly prolific method of record and save to the cloud every jam has resulted in 2 full free soundclouds. I have zero ambition to reach a broad audience, I just want some hosting so I can go "here's what I just did. Neat, huh?"
That's why I've just been using vocaroo.
I have a Google drive for storage, but it has my real name attached, and I don't want to share anything from there with the wider world. Close real world relations only.



Custom, bespoke audio packrat. No edit, only record and save.



BTW, if anything I ever post is something that strikes one as useful, please feel free to sample, rip, riff, crib, copy, adapt, and derive other works.


Finger Prince

B33rChiller posted:

My overly prolific method of record and save to the cloud every jam has resulted in 2 full free soundclouds. I have zero ambition to reach a broad audience, I just want some hosting so I can go "here's what I just did. Neat, huh?"
That's why I've just been using vocaroo.
I have a Google drive for storage, but it has my real name attached, and I don't want to share anything from there with the wider world. Close real world relations only.

I had a vocaroo account, but I thought it deletes after a while or something, I don't remember but I had some issue with it. I should try it again.

Finger Prince

B33rChiller posted:

BTW, if anything I ever post is something that strikes one as useful, please feel free to sample, rip, riff, crib, copy, adapt, and derive other works.

Cool! There was a some really cool beats generated in one of your tracks on the last page that I thought would be neat to cut out and loop and do something with. Might give it a go.


Finger Prince posted:

Cool! There was a some really cool beats generated in one of your tracks on the last page that I thought would be neat to cut out and loop and do something with. Might give it a go.

Yeah, vocaroo autodeletes inactive uploads after a while. It's not the only place I store stuff, just a good way to post audio to share, I figure.

Dang, the make noise strega is great for noisy, metallic, haunting sounds. You can do all the nasty sound tricks on it: FM, RM, feedback to the point it has several normalled internal feedback paths, touch points to patch feedback with your body, and patch points for cables. You can drive everything at audio rates.
In this patch, I had a couple other oscillators mixed together, one of them following in sync mode, all tuned to unison with the strega. I took the triangle out of the strega, put it through a folder, and vca with a snappy envelope to FM the sync'd oscillator, and fed the external oscillators through a mixer and filter/vca combo with a longer envelope into the audio input of the strega, and a copy to the vca of the strega to ring modulate.

eta: another strega sequence. More for the noise texture than anything. I was going for subtle changes in the noise

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 02:17 on Mar 9, 2024



Nother doot


Finger Prince

I bought a wee little orange and black box that goes untz untz bweeeoooo. It is fun and you can take it anywhere and make doots. I haven't tried plugging it in to my phone to record the doots yet, I only just got it yesterday.


Finger Prince posted:

I bought a wee little orange and black box that goes untz untz bweeeoooo. It is fun and you can take it anywhere and make doots. I haven't tried plugging it in to my phone to record the doots yet, I only just got it yesterday.

That's no volca! Neat deal. Let us hear what yah end up dooting.


Finger Prince

B33rChiller posted:

That's no volca! Neat deal. Let us hear what yah end up dooting.

I dooted up this last night. Was playing around with the sidechain settings. Triggered the sidechain for the bass off the clap track, gated it to the max, set the time ratio to 2x which kind of doubles the notes. Then faded in and out the clap track while tweaking the bass knobs.
If that sounds like I know what I'm doing, I assure you, I do not.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Finger Prince posted:

I dooted up this last night. Was playing around with the sidechain settings. Triggered the sidechain for the bass off the clap track, gated it to the max, set the time ratio to 2x which kind of doubles the notes. Then faded in and out the clap track while tweaking the bass knobs.
If that sounds like I know what I'm doing, I assure you, I do not.

this is disorienting in a way i love
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

felt the urge again to do some deus ex/unreal tournament tracker poo poo so i stacked some disparate pads and drones, threw some simple melodic sequences on top of that and then predictably because i cannot help myself some jungle drums and bass. it's unbalanced and the arrangement is mostly just me muting and unmuting tracks, occasionally running with mistakes but i like the vibes enough to share
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


doot doot with 4 pony vco, getting pitch info from a Turing machine to Harmonaig for chord info, and then each one going through its own vca, triggered by individual Euclidean sequencers, each with a different pattern length and density.
The drums are running on straight clock dividers. 16th note clock with a bit of swing, divided by 4, 3, and 1. The Euclideans are running on a 16th note clock swung in the inverse direction.
Bit of delay and reverb.
Was more interested in getting strange rhythms on the melodies, rather than drums this time around.



Finger Prince posted:

I dooted up this last night. Was playing around with the sidechain settings. Triggered the sidechain for the bass off the clap track, gated it to the max, set the time ratio to 2x which kind of doubles the notes. Then faded in and out the clap track while tweaking the bass knobs.
If that sounds like I know what I'm doing, I assure you, I do not.

From the sounds of it, I can guess what you're doing: Having fun making cool strange sounds! Does that one little device do all this together? drums and bass, little jam box?
Big if true!

watho posted:

felt the urge again to do some deus ex/unreal tournament tracker poo poo so i stacked some disparate pads and drones, threw some simple melodic sequences on top of that and then predictably because i cannot help myself some jungle drums and bass. it's unbalanced and the arrangement is mostly just me muting and unmuting tracks, occasionally running with mistakes but i like the vibes enough to share
Thanks for sharing. I dig it.


Finger Prince

B33rChiller posted:

From the sounds of it, I can guess what you're doing: Having fun making cool strange sounds! Does that one little device do all this together? drums and bass, little jam box?
Big if true!

Thanks for sharing. I dig it.

Yup, six voice drum machine and a TB-303 emulation bass sequencer, all in one!
It's not the most fully featured little box, but that's part of what drew me to it. I realized I need less features, not more, if I want to stand any chance of learning how to use a drum machine. Otherwise I get bogged down in options and settings.


I was thinking "hmmm, kickall can be used as a bass voice. I wonder if it can FM?"

Yeah, it can! It can also do higher registers.



Getting the fizz and fuzz out



The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

B33rChiller posted:

Getting the fizz and fuzz out

listening to this felt like doing a bank robbery in eraserhead
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


watho posted:

listening to this felt like doing a bank robbery in eraserhead

Cool. I'm unfamiliar with eraserhead, but let's get heisting!


Finger Prince

I was able to work out the bass and drum tracks from on my T-8, which is pretty cool! I was going to try to layer an approximation of the steel guitar over it, but I'm not finding anything that really works, and honestly the guitar is kind of key to the whole song. But still, I'm happy with what I managed to figure out.


That squelchy bass is not what I expected to hear come in after the steel. Pretty cool. Unusual arrangement that works!



First stab at using clouds. Ended up like a confused walking simulator soundtrack. Fun times!


baka fwocka fwame

e: actually nvm

baka fwocka fwame fucked around with this message at 23:17 on Apr 30, 2024

RIP dork order...
sig by ??? <3 u




This is just a test of a couple new modules. a dual FX, envelope/vca combo and a mixer. I have no idea what the FX algos are, thus the handful of runaway feedback screams



In today's episode of making music in an unfamiliar genre, based solely on the name alone, I present drum and bass



The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

B33rChiller posted:

In today's episode of making music in an unfamiliar genre, based solely on the name alone, I present drum and bass

yeah yeah it's alright mate yeah sounds a bit like goldie
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


watho posted:

yeah yeah it's alright mate yeah sounds a bit like goldie
Right on. I picked up a couple used modules. One is a mono to stereo mixer with 2 send / return loops. I was trying out one of these as a send effect. Just mangling the hell out of all the sounds. I also took the sub output and sent that back into the mixer on another channel.



I thought I might have broken my clouds module, but a round of rtfm sorted me out. Using it as a send effect, and ending with the kick drum envelope all the way open, so it just DRONEs hard, only giving a little pitch tweak to tell where the beat is. Nice jangled noisy stuff.



Yap Yap sampling


treasure bear

when you make music you are making feeling that you can hear, that is important



treasure bear posted:

when you make music you are making feeling that you can hear, that is important


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