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Jun 28, 2005

if you're going to 3d print a gun why would you make it look like a goddamn glock


Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

Beeftweeter posted:

if you're going to 3d print a gun why would you make it look like a goddamn glock

what would you do?

Feb 26, 2012

tng type 2 phaser

bang bang

Dec 24, 2007

Beeftweeter posted:

if you're going to 3d print a gun why would you make it look like a goddamn glock

it means the parts you can't 3d print will work with minimal fuss and you have a huge selection of them for a weapon with such giant aftermarket support.

Jun 28, 2005


Roosevelt posted:

what would you do?

if i wanted an actual gun design, berettas always looked way cooler to me. like, pick pretty much any model. glocks are ugly

but since you can make it look like whatever you want?

Sagebrush posted:

tng type 2 phaser

bang bang

hell yeah. or tos type 2, even

Jun 28, 2005


Midjack posted:

it means the parts you can't 3d print will work with minimal fuss and you have a huge selection of them for a weapon with such giant aftermarket support.

yeah i guess that's a good point too

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Beeftweeter posted:

if i wanted an actual gun design, berettas always looked way cooler to me. like, pick pretty much any model. glocks are ugly

but since you can make it look like whatever you want?

hell yeah. or tos type 2, even

The slide is part of a kit you can buy which is the most distinctive part of the pistol's design. In America only the receiver is the actual firearm, everything else can be ordered by mail, doesn't have serial numbers, etc etc.

A guy in the video though printed a glock receiver with testicles hanging off the trigger guard, so that's an option

Jun 28, 2005


ADINSX posted:

The slide is part of a kit you can buy which is the most distinctive part of the pistol's design. In America only the receiver is the actual firearm, everything else can be ordered by mail, doesn't have serial numbers, etc etc.

A guy in the video though printed a glock receiver with testicles hanging off the trigger guard, so that's an option

hm. seems very safe for all involved

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
yeah if you can make the interior match the standard parts why shouldn’t the outside look like anything imaginable

Pythagoras a trois
Feb 19, 2004

I have a lot of points to make and I will make them later.

Roosevelt posted:

what would you do?

make it look like a cat with the muzzle being under its tail

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

Sagebrush posted:

tng type 2 phaser

bang bang

that would have the worst imaginable ergonomics

Jul 16, 2010

#1 Loser at SpaceChem
the second bang is your wrist snapping

El Mero Mero
Oct 13, 2001

Roosevelt posted:

what would you do?

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

I look forward to gun jesus getting one of these on forgotten weapons so I can watch it on the sofa late on a Friday night

Dec 24, 2007

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

I look forward to gun jesus getting one of these on forgotten weapons so I can watch it on the sofa late on a Friday night

you might want to forget about forgotten weapons, ian has been going out of his way to cozy up to white supremacists and transphobes over the last several months to a degree that can't be dismissed solely as "he has to deal with these jerks because they're the ones with the cool gear".

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

Midjack posted:

you might want to forget about forgotten weapons, ian has been going out of his way to cozy up to white supremacists and transphobes over the last several months to a degree that can't be dismissed solely as "he has to deal with these jerks because they're the ones with the cool gear".

Its always the way I think; I watched a few FW videos and enjoyed them well enough for a non-gun-haver, I got a recommend today for another gun man on YT who seemed a bit more brash and sweary but OK I will watch your video about the rare 50cal that was in Robocop II... Hmm OK what other gun videos has this fellow done? Ah, a visit to the range with Kyle Rittenhouse. Good, good.

fucks sake man

Dec 24, 2007

there are some good gun video people (karl at inrange was buddies with ian for a long time until ian's recent heel turn) but yes, you will find more shitbags than not in that genre.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Midjack posted:

there are some good gun video people (karl at inrange was buddies with ian for a long time until ian's recent heel turn) but yes, you will find more shitbags than not in that genre.

Unfortunately getting into guns in general, you are going to find yourself surrounded by shitheads.

Ian can get hosed.

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Midjack posted:

you might want to forget about forgotten weapons, ian has been going out of his way to cozy up to white supremacists and transphobes over the last several months to a degree that can't be dismissed solely as "he has to deal with these jerks because they're the ones with the cool gear".

ah god damnit

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Midjack posted:

you might want to forget about forgotten weapons, ian has been going out of his way to cozy up to white supremacists and transphobes over the last several months to a degree that can't be dismissed solely as "he has to deal with these jerks because they're the ones with the cool gear".

Genuinely disappointing, but not surprising given that he was wearing a shirt in a range video that made reference to Selous Scouts at one point. It didn't directly call them out, but it was their logo and I thought "someone like Ian really should know what that means". Well, maybe he did

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

so i've never heard of the selous scouts, i googled them. read some of the wikipedia page, now i know, etc etc etc

what floored me was all the pages - all the results i saw from a google search other than wikipedia - praising how "hardcore" they were and poo poo. really did not expect to see pro-rhodesia poo poo in 2023 but here we are. i knew that shitbirds were using rhodesian camouflage as a dog whistle so i shouldn't be surprised, but

Feb 26, 2012

The milkshake duck tweet is evergreen

Jun 28, 2005


ADINSX posted:

Genuinely disappointing, but not surprising given that he was wearing a shirt in a range video that made reference to Selous Scouts at one point. It didn't directly call them out, but it was their logo and I thought "someone like Ian really should know what that means". Well, maybe he did


Jun 28, 2005

anyone that uses "rhodesia" in a non-historical context in 2023 can be pretty safely ignored i think

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Achmed Jones posted:

so i've never heard of the selous scouts, i googled them. read some of the wikipedia page, now i know, etc etc etc

what floored me was all the pages - all the results i saw from a google search other than wikipedia - praising how "hardcore" they were and poo poo. really did not expect to see pro-rhodesia poo poo in 2023 but here we are. i knew that shitbirds were using rhodesian camouflage as a dog whistle so i shouldn't be surprised, but

It was a real wake up call to me when I learned what the Cold War actually was: imperialists powers desperately beating down third world nations. All you have to say is a group is “Soviet backed” and it’s a green light for any atrocity you can imagine regardless of the actual goals of the group (like fighting for their freedom against oppressors)

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored


Dec 24, 2007

Jun 28, 2005


Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe


Alan Smithee
Jan 4, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Roosevelt posted:

what would you do?

mateba autorevolver, the coolest gun ever made

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
idk for me its just a given that any gun media person is gonna be lovely, its just a question of how lovely they are and how well they keep a lid on it.

Improbable Lobster
Jan 6, 2012

"From each according to his ability" said Ares. It sounded like a quotation.

rotor posted:

idk for me its just a given that any gun media person is gonna be lovely, its just a question of how lovely they are and how well they keep a lid on it.

they seem to frequently get radicalized over time

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

i'm 99% sure it's less people getting radicalized and more people getting comfortable letting their radicalization out over time. you generally don't start a "look at these sweet guns" video channel unless you're already super hot and heavy for the NRA and friends. when the NRA is the reasonable representative for a hobby, poo poo has already gone way off the rails. you'll find some fairly normal people in heavily hunting-focused groups (though even that isn't super common) but as soon as the firearm itself - and not the activities that involve firearms - becomes the focal point, you're in crazytown. _that_ step is where people get radicalized ime - from normal-rear end hunters to nutjobs

why yes i am a lifetime nra member, purchased before i hit puberty, ask me anything

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

and yes there exist left wing gun clubs and poo poo like that, they're generally nuts with delusions about defending their homes from whoever they're afraid of that day, too. it's "just" that they are much better people. much better insane paranoid people. i cannot imagine that someone in this camp would be comfortable exposing themselves to the standard gun nut as with a youtube channel, though, as standard gun nuts is the group the left-wing gun nut most fears

Improbable Lobster
Jan 6, 2012

"From each according to his ability" said Ares. It sounded like a quotation.
i can't imagine owning a gun tbh, i would have definitely blown out the back of my skull years ago if i did

i don't trust "left wing" gun people either

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i have guns but theyre largely symbolic and havent left the safe in years.

Truman Peyote
Oct 11, 2006

my buddy has a shotgun and i borrow it when i head to the ol clay pigeon range

i sent in my gun license application last May and still haven't heard back

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

Improbable Lobster posted:

i can't imagine owning a gun tbh, i would have definitely blown out the back of my skull years ago if i did

i bought a squirt pistol because i live with a bunch of bad animals, and sometimes i just want to blast them even when they're being good, because i bought this drat thing and i want to use it. i imagine owning a real gun is a lot worse, because you explicitly have to go somewhere to be able to play with your shiny toy.

it's not like you can just unload on the cat while she's scratching the hell out of the couch for the hundredth time


Jun 28, 2005

yeah i love shooting nerf darts at eggy. he's really good at catching them even if they're roughly the size of his head

the only time i've ever actually handled a real gun was on an indian res (like, shooting cans at my buddy's place). it was fun but i don't think i'm a gun guy tbh, i get the appeal though

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