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distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

cybertag cyberme cyberplease


distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

the future is arriving faster and faster


The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input. This paves the way for low-cost, broadly accessible, and privacy-preserving algorithms for human sensing.

"privacy-preserving" only in the same way that having an alexa in your bedroom is more private than someone hiding a mic there

distortion park fucked around with this message at 10:23 on Jan 18, 2023

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

I'd like something that makes me look happier in zoom calls, my resting face is very grumpy and I can't really smile well, everyone thinks I hate them (it's true but that's not the point)

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

endlessmonotony posted:

We've got pretty good ideas of what thought is from inspecting brains with bits that are gone, and what chatgpt is doing is not thinking.

we don't have a good idea about how conscious thought arises from brains so it's kinda hard to exclude AIs from the group of things that can think (not that the current ones can, I think)

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

endlessmonotony posted:

They cannot analyze the impact of their actions on the world ahead of time, they're not thinking at all.

Is that the definition of thinking? I could imagine speaking to a person who for whatever reason couldn't do that and still, if asked, affirm that I believed they were thinking.

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

i think there's several different discussions here, can an ai write a good university essay, can it think, know something, be intelligent?

I don't think anyone here would say those things about chat gpt3.

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

the first we'll find out, the others are kind of empty questions divorced from specific examples of behaviour

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

endlessmonotony posted:

Can you do those things?

More importantly, can you prove you can do those things?

I think I can, and if you asked people around me they'd say I do those things, I'm pretty confident you would as well. you could ask me "where's the Nutella", and I'd point to the cupboard where you'd find it. if you started spouting nonsense you might see me trying to work out how to react. perhaps you could try and come up with a specific test for one of those things, and I think I'd have as good a chance of passing it as the average person, but I'm not sure they're that amenable to fixed evaluations.

i don't think I can do any better than that

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

infernal machines posted:

your inability to derive the meaning of the words i posted suggests that chatgpt is at least as capable of comprehension as you are, so point taken

im also confused about what you mean

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

infernal machines posted:

my point was made by freddie in the substack posted

but if it functionally doesn't matter because the results are generally the same either way, then like i said, it's fine and worrying about silly things like meaning is pointless

thank you. I agree with him and you about this being the case for chatgpt as it exists now and for the immediate future - I'm less certain that a) human intelligence is significantly different from a series of associations and b) a theory of the world couldn't "reside" in an artificial system in a similar way to that which it apparently does in a human brain, which is after all a physical object.

but yes the precise meaning of "intelligence" is much less important that the actual behaviours! who cares if a computer is "intelligent" if it's just stolen your job as a proofreader etc

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

infernal machines posted:

notably, this attitude towards understanding versus apparent results is why we have vehicles on the roads marketed with "self driving" capabilities that mistake a lot of solid objects for open roads

seems like the results were pretty bad in that case

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

Sagebrush posted:

no it isn't. people are broadly credulous and superstitious, and they have a natural tendency to anthropomorphize everything, and they can be fooled by incredibly dumb tricks.

tons of people think that teslas are intelligent. ELIZA can still convince some people that it's human. "people think this is an intelligence" is the worst possible metric

we don't have much else to go on than peoples' evaluations of what is or isn't intelligent

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

E: missed the agreement to move on. I think it's pretty obvious to any yosposter that rotor isn't unsalvageably stupid though!

distortion park fucked around with this message at 09:21 on Feb 25, 2023

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

is the use of the phrasing "We're doing/building/using X" to describe something that you want to do but are not actually doing yet a recent innovation? I feel like it's a very startup turn of phrase


distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

haveblue posted:

this is the thread for posting cool futuristic design poo poo right

an art book about the visual style of the Wipeout games

drat I remember that game, it was awesome

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