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Oct 21, 2010
I don't write much beyond shitposts, and I didn't read the prompt before writing this, but I was daydreaming in the kitchen, thought this was a neat idea for a story, hashed it out over two hours, then someone told me to post it here. Here's my story, edited the title because I read the formatting rules
"Tonight I Will Kill The Moon" 508 words
week 555

It was a warm midsummer night, a tinge of wetness in the air giving a sweet smell, as toads sang their song in the pond, under the light of the full moon. Jerome squinted at the squiggly reflection of green light in the water, the odd light shimmering in the ripples. He pinched the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath, looked at the face of it, and let out a heavy sigh.

"I told you Gilly" he stated, a waxy smile on his face.

"Look at it. The moon has a healthbar."

His companion continued her long, wide eyed stare, mouth agape at the offending green line that had taken it's spot among the celestial bodies. She looked at him, and back, finger trained on the sight like it might disapear in a moment of collective sanity.

She closed her mouth, and glared at Jerome, wriggling her nose and mouth in a little expression that meant she had tried him in a mental court of law, weighed the facts, and was ready to declare the verdict.

The guilty party looked at her, his toothy smile beginning to wane.

"I didn't do anything, I swear" he said, unconvincingly.

"It was like this when I got here" Jerome pleaded.

Gilliam set her hand over her mouth, and spoke between her fingers, delaying final judgement.

"So is this some kind of trick, it's not very funny, is there like a flashlight or..."

Jerome ran his hands threw his hair, then pointed at the accomplice satelite
"Do I look like I can change the moon just to mess with you? I didn't do anything, it was just..."

He stopped, eyes wide, as his finger pointed at the moon. Three grey lights and a tag had joined the increasingly crowded spot. Three grey, pointed arrows circled slowly around the shiny night orb, and he gaped up in disbelief.

Mooon it read, letters shiny and neat.
[11:07 PM]
He lowered his hand, and the arrows and letters disappeared, turning back into the starry blackness of the night sky. He looked at his hand, studying it for a moment. His fingers were turned inward, his index extended, his thump cocked back, forming the favored weapon of middle managers everywhere.

Jerome raised his weapon back towards the moon, eyes wide in disbelief. The arrows returned, making sure he was centered on the million mile wide object, shining in the sky. Gilly raised her eyebrow at him.

"I mean, it seems like a lot of work for a dumb prank" she said

Jerome closed his eyes and centered himself, opening one eye for targetting. He steadied his arm, blocking out the world around as his girlfriends eyes rolled deep into her skull.

"pow" he whispered, jerking back to protect himself from the kickback of his imaginary cannon.

For a second, nothing happened, then there was darkness. No movement, no sound, just the quietus of a sudden blackout.

"It's really not a funny joke" Gilly added to the darkness.

Onehandclapping fucked around with this message at 05:57 on Mar 22, 2023


Oct 21, 2010

Yoruichi posted:

"It's" is short for "it is."

Also you should read the OP.

Its what its :colbert:

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